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"One of the things I do when I am starting a movie, win I'm writing a movie or when I have an idea for a film; is, I go through my record collection and just start playing songs, trying to find the personality of the movie, find the spirit of the movie. Then 'boom' eventually I'll hit one, two or three songs- or one in particular, oh this will be a great opening credit song."
"Because to me the opening credits are very important because that's the only mood time that most movies give themselves. A cool credit sequence and the music that plays in front of it, or note played, or any music-whatever you decide to do-that sets the tone for the movie that's important for you."
"So I'm always trying to find what the right opening or closing credit should be early on when I'm just even thinking about the story. Once I find it that really kind of triggers me in to what the personality of the piece should be-what the rhythm of this piece should be."
"You don't have to use music it could just be silence, all right. But that's important, that, in some ways is like the rhythm and more or less the personality that you're trying to project in this film."
"Having 'Miserlou' as your opening credits is just so intense it just says 'you are watching an epic, you are watching this big old movie-just sit back'. It's so loud and blearing at you, a gauntlet is thrown down that the movie has to live up to: it's like saying- 'We're big!'."
"That's one of the things about using music in movies that's so cool, is the fact that if you do it right, if you use the right song in the right scene; really when you take songs and put them in sequence in a movie right, it's about as cinematic a thing as you can do. You are really doing what movies do better than any other art form; it really works in this visceral, emotional,cinematic way that's just really special. And when you do it right then the effect is you can never really hear this song again without thinking about that image from the movie. I don't know if Gerry Rafferty necessarily appreciated the connotations that I brought to "Stuck In The Middle With You".. there is a good chance he didn't..."
--from "The Tarantino Connection" CD
