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Fave QT Movie Lines>

"Are ya gonna bark all day, little doggie, or are ya gonna bite?"
Mr. Blonde, Reservoir Dogs

"Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, I don't give a fuck how crazy they are."
Seth Gecko, From Dusk Till Dawn

"Oh I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?"
Jules Winfield, Pulp Fiction

"I don't give a good f*ck what you know, I'm gonna torture you anyway."
Mr. Blonde, Reservoir Dogs
(submitted by Kate)

"Damn, I bet when you come here friday night you gotta have a nigga repelent to keep them off yer ass!"
Ordell Robbie, Jackie Brown
(submitted by Long Beach Mike)

"Step aside, Butch."
Marcellus Wallace, Pulp Fiction
"My name is Pitt & your ass ain't talking your way outta this."
"Ain't no f*ckin' ballpark either..."
Jules Winfield, Pulp Fiction
(submitted by Gerald Jordan)

"Everybody starts out as strangers, Ted. It's where we end up that counts."
Angela, The Man From Hollywood, Four Rooms
(submitted by James)

"I'm gonna get medieval on your ass!" Marcellus Wallace, Pulp Fiction
"Who's Zed ?" Fabienne, Pulp Fiction "Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead." Butch, Pulp Fiction
"It's about thirty minutes away. I'll be there in ten." Winston Wolf, Pulp Fiction
(Submitted by Oliver C.)

"I'm the foot-fuckin-master"
Jules Winfield, Pulp Fiction

"Why do I have to be Mr Pink?" "Because yo're a faggot OK"
-Reservoir Dogs
(submitted by Thomas C.)

Submit your fave movie lines! Send me an e-mail of your fave line or lines & I will include them here. Put "Favorite Lines" as the subject of your mail & don't forgt to include your name and/or email address.
