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The Mothman Prophecies 


Director(s): Mark Pellington

Writer(s): John A. Keel (novel), Richard Hatem (screenplay)

Cast: Richard Gere, Laura Linney, Will Patton, Debra Messing, Lucinda Jenny, Alan Bates, David Eigenberg, Bob Tracey, Ron Emanuel, Tom Stoviak, Yvonne Erickson


Synopsis: This story is based on real events that took place in 1967 in Point Pleasant. John is a Washington Post Journalist. His wife Mary, and him find the house of their dreams, but driving home, they are in an accident. In the hospital Mary tells John about seeing something that she hit. Soon John finds pictures which his wife drew, pictures of a dark winged creature. Two years later, John finds himself in the town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, with no recollection of how he got there.  Once there, he discovers that people in the town have also seen this dark winged creature. 


My Review: (This review contains major spoilers about the film, do not read further if you do not want to ruin the movie) Was anyone else totally confused throughout the entire film? Even at the end? That's how I felt. This is how I saw the film.


John and his wife are in the accident, she hits the mothman, and later dies. John discovers the pictures of the mothman that she drew. Two years later, he is supposed to be interviewing someone (which we don't find out until much later into the film), and thats how he arrives near in Point Pleasant. His car seems to break down, and he knocks on a door, the man who answers, Gordon, drags him into the house at gunpoint, it seems that John has been to this mans house every night for the past few nights, banging on the door, asking to use the phone. Connie, the local cop arrives, settles everything, and gives John a ride to a hotel. Soon Connie is showing John all the police files on weird things that have been going on in the town. In my opinion if those are private files, why in the world would she be showing them to a reporter? 


Then all of the sudden Gordon and John are buddies and it seems as though Gordon can make predictions about the future, but he's not the only one, so can Connie, as we find out in the end of the film with #37.  Ok, well who the hell is the mothman, and why did I see Mary, walking down the street at one point in the film. I know viewers were supposed to think of it. My only guess is that the Mothman is a shape shifter of some sort.  My other theory was its almost like when people see the Virgin Mary, then usually something bad happens in the town, or city. I'm assuming that was more so like the film. However, who was calling John, and basically reading his mind?


Maybe I just can't understand the movie, because it was the type of film that didn't grab me in the beginning, it didn't keep my interest.  I've always been a fan of thriller films, and the films that have psychics in them, this film just didn't do it for me. 



Gore: None. This wasn't supposed to be a real gory movie, it was supposed to be a psychological thriller. 


Character Development: None of the characters are really developed all that well, they are just there to fit into the story. However, each person does have their own part in the story. 


Sexual Content: Sort make out session, but that's all. 


Acting: The acting was really well done, everyone seemed to work together well. I've loved Richard Gere in many movies. 


Overall: The storyline seems like it could be really cool, they just seemed to confuse more then anything. They don't need to explain everything, but they should have explained more then they did. I felt like I was just being pulled around and around, and 30 minutes into the movie, I said to myself, they aren't going to tell us anything at the end.  Maybe I'll read the book and be able to understand a little better then I did when watching the movie. The other thing that I thought was pretty awesome was that it was based on real events. 








119 Minutes



Jan. 25th, 2002



 2.5/5 Stars








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