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Nobody Lives Forever- John Gardner 1986

Summary- James Bond is on holiday, but some strange things have been happening. A few deaths occur, and Bond discovers that someone has put a price on his head. It turns out that Tamil Rahani, the head of SPECTRE is dying of spinal cancer. Before he goes, he wants Bond's head presented to him on a platter. Therefore, he organized Head Hunt. This is a bounty where anyone can enter. Whoever delivers Bond to SPECTRE gets ten million dollars, Swiss.
  Bond runs into Sukie Tempesta and saves her from a couple of thugs. As sort of a thank-you, she meets up with her personal body guard, Nanny, and asks her to help protect Bond. Meanwhile, someone has kidnapped May, Bond's housekeeper, and Moneypenny. Bond searches for the culprit, while several attempts on his life fail.
  Eventually, Bond locates SPECTRE's headquarters, which are now on Shark Island. Nanny turns out to be a freelance agent, who is working for SPECTRE. Bond is captured and is about to be beheaded. Bond escapes, after he rigs the sleeping Rahani's bed to explode when someone raises the top. (It is like a hospital bed.) Bond escapes, with May and Moneypenny.
My Grade-B-   It was a clever idea to put an actual bounty on Bond's head. Also, we get to see some of Bond's compassion, as he risks his life to save May and Moneypenny. Also, once again Bond takes out the head of SPECTRE.
Best Moment- The best moment is when Bond cuts off Nanny's hands with the guillotine as she reaches for a gun. I'm not morbid. I just think it's fitting justice after she turned Bond in and joked about his headectomy.
Also Notable -Bond rigging Rahani's bed to explode was pretty clever.
-When Moneypenny is rescued, she runs out and kisses Bond. He has to pry her off of him (eventually). Moneypenny loves Bond, and she finally gets a small payoff.

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