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Goldeneye- John Gardner 1995

Summary-As this is a novelization of the film, the plot of this book is nearly identical to that of the movie. However, Gardner did add little segments here and there to fill in some of the gaps of the movie. For example, at the very start of the book Bond has to kill to guards on top of the dam before jumping off it. This isn't shown in the movie.
My Grade- A+    Both of Gardner's novelizations have been excellent. I really liked both of the movies he novelized, and it isn't really surprising, therefore, that I thoroughly enjoyed both of the books.
Best Moment The best moment of this book is its opening. I've always liked the opening scene of the movie, and the book goes into even greater detail about what happened on that fateful day when Bond "lost" his friend.
Also Notable: With both of Gardner's novelizations, he has tried to both maintain the continuity of the books and incorporate the entire movie. Gardner did change the M to a lady. This is probably one of the best examples of the movies affecting the books.

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