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  In many of the movies, James Bond has to go undercover to accomplish his mission. Often, this involves using an alias to prevent his true identity from being known. This page lists all of the identities Bond has used, along with some information about them.

From Russia With Love:
  *While aboard the train, Bond and Tatiana pose as David and Caroline Somerset. They are a couple on a business trip. To Tatiana's chagrin, the Somersets have no children.

You Only Live Twice
  *To get into Osato Chemicals, Bond poses as Mr. Fisher, the new managing director of Empire Chemicals. He claims to want to buy a bulk of fermentation chemicals. Ultimately this alias fails, and Bond is discovered.
  *Bond also poses as an unnamed, poor, Japanese man. To support this cover, Bond "marries" Kissy Suzuki. [In the book, Bond loses his memory and lives for months with Kissy, and even fathers a child before leaving to rediscover who he was.]

On Her Majesty's Secret Service
  *Sir Hillary Bray might be the longest used alias in any of the movies. Bond spends a large portion of the movie pretending to be Sir Hillary, an expert in heraldry from the College of Arms. Bond adopts a Scottish accent and wears a kilt in order to keep appearances up. He also pretends to not like girls (to an extent), but his nature gets the best of him, and he "befriends" several girls at the Piz Gloria. They even give him the nickname Hilly. Bond is ultimately discovered by Blofeld.

Diamonds Are Forever
  *Bond has to adopt several aliases in this movie. The first one he adopts is that of Peter Franks. Franks is a diamond smuggler who is one link in the chain of a large diamond smuggling ring. Bond poses as Franks to break into the chain. Q provides him with fake fingerprints that match Franks'. Bond is almost discovered when the real Peter Franks shows up, but Bond switches their wallets, making it seem like the dead Peter Franks is a dead James Bond.
  *Bond also poses briefly as Bert Saxby, another link in the chain.
  *Bond borrows the identity of Klaus Hergesheimer, a worker from G-section, in order to get deeper into the facility. He is almost discovered when the real Klaus shows up to check radiation badges.

  *Toward the end of the movie, Bond has an alias of Mr. Jones, with his "wife".

The Man With the Golden Gun
  *Bond poses as Scaramanga to meet Hi Fat. He even has to put on a fake third nipple; a trait Scaramanga has.

The Spy Who Loved Me
  *Bond and XXX pose as Mr. and Mrs. Sterling when they check into a hotel. Bond also uses his cover as Robert Sterling to meet with Stromberg. Bond's Sterling persona is a marine biologist, and this makes a logical cover to meet with a man obsessed with the sea. Bond obviously studied up for the role, since he can give information on the lion fish Stromberg points to. He even gives its scientific name.

  *At the start of the movie, Bond poses as Col. Luis Toro. His disguise included the proper military outfit and a fake mustache. Bond is discovered when the real Col. Toro shows up.
  *Bond also dons a clown suit for the first and only time in any of the movies in order to evade the police, who think he stole a car. (Which he had.)

A View to a Kill
  *Bond uses an alias of James St. John Smythe to meet Max Zorin. Smythe is supposedly interested in buying thoroughbred horses.
  *Bond poses as James Stock, a reporter from the London Financial Times to get an interview with Stacey's boss.

The Living Daylights
  *There is a brief glimpse into Bond's wallet, and the identification gives his name as James Bondov. (Bond probably has many different identification cards.)

Tomorrow Never Dies
  *When Bond is on the mission to destroy the terrorist bazaar, his code-name is "White Knight".

The World is Not Enough
  *Bond poses as Dr. Mikhael Arkov to get into the nuclear facility. He even had to use his ability to speak Russian to keep the cover up. However, his cover is blown when Dr. Jones points out that the real Dr. Arkov is over sixty years old.

Die Another Day
  *Bond takes the place of Mister Van Beerk, the man who was supposed to deliver the diamonds to Col. Moon. This alias is short-lived, however, since Zao gets information that exposes him.

Casino Royale
  *Bonds cover for the Casino Royale mission is Arlington Beach. However, Bond checks in as James Bond, blowing the cover on purpose to send Le Chiffre the message that he has nothing to hide.

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