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Bedazzled Cert 12

Bedazzled teaches the classic lesson of  "Be careful what you wish for... you  might just get it."
Meet Elliot Richards, an unhappy and lonely technical support advisor in San Francisco.
Elliot, played by Brendan Fraser, is your stereotypical nerdy computer guy, always trying to please everyone in a vain attempt to be popular and as a result ends up getting picked on by all his colleagues. Things come to a head when Elliot is goaded by his
co-workers into approaching the girl he is infatuated with and he finds that he can't even speak to her properly. Exasperated and desperate, Elliot mutters to himself that he would do anything to hold the girl of his dreams. Cue the Devil in the form of  Liz Hurley who offers him seven wishes for anything he could possibly want in return for his soul. 
As you may have guessed Elliot takes the wishes and signs away his soul but he doesn't reckon on the devil's cunning and perverse sense of humour.
Perhaps a bit predictably, we are then taken through each wish which, of course, centres around Elliot getting his dream girl. At this point, the thought did cross my mind that Harold Ramis, the Director of Groundhog Day might have thought twice about having such a repetitive theme  but in all fairness the wishes were answered in
an unexpected and funny way and Fraser got to show off his brilliant comic skills acting parts as diverse as a Columbian drugs baron to President of the United States.
The casting of Fraser was inspired but I think that Liz Hurley may a been a bit misplaced -she's undoubtedly good to look at, something the Americans unflatteringly call `eye-candy' but somehow I thought she didn't pull off the role of the Devil very well which is a bit of a let down for a part so crucial to the film.
Bedazzled, based on the old Faust legend, is the retelling of the 1967 Dudley Moore and Peter Cook movie.  This new version, however, is more lighthearted and breezy  and although it might not dazzle you , it will certainly bring a smile to your face.