
On the morning of September 29, 2001, Larissa April Dawson was born. Rose was overjoyed yet tired from everything that had happened that month. On September 8, 2001, George William Dewitt-Bukater was diagnosed with cancer. By January 7, 2002, he was given one month left to live. Rose was devastated, as was her mother. Josh, in Jack's words, was sprouting like a beanstalk and finally started walking two months after Larissa was born. On February 23, 2002, Rose's father went into a coma, two days later he died. Jack understood Rose's grief for the fact that his father and mother died in a fire. As the years passed on, their family grew and shrank. Ruth Esther Dewitt-Bukater died of heart failure on June 8, 2004. Rose was heartbroken, but kept her faith. When Josh and Larissa were fifteen and sixteen, they moved to Boston, Massachusetts. Josh went through at least 3 girlfriends a week, Larissa had one boyfriend whom she loved very much. May 20, 2010, Ms. Larissa Dawson was Mrs. Matthew Davis. Josh was at Harvard studying law. While in Harvard he met a girl named Anna Williams, they married June 16, 2011. By that time, Rose had just had twins, Julia Marie and Adele Melanie Dawson were born August 12, 2011. Rose and Jack were happy, this happiness would not last long though. While Rose was having her babies, Larissa and Matt were on their way to see them. Rose heard that while on their way, they were in an accident. Larissa was fine but Matt died instantly. Larissa was devastated, she was pregnant. May 25, 2012, Larissa had a baby girl Elizabeth Rose Davis. Everything was fine until 2018, Jack Dawson went into a coma. Two months later he died of heart failure. Rose died six months later. Their legacy went on...


April 30, 1912

Rose Dawson woke up in a cold sweat, right beside her was Jack.

"It was all a dream," she said to herself.

"Are you okay Rose?" Jack asked.

"Sure, yeah I'm all right," she said.

The next day she told Jack about her dream, his reply to everything was, "It's okay, I'm sure it didn't mean anything."

Rose knew it had to mean something. In fact, her granddaughter Lizzy had a baby whom she named Jack Dawson. Across the country a little girl named Rose Dewitt-Bukater was being born. On the morning of August 6, 2000, Rose woke up and literally threw on her Backstreet Boys T-shirt driving to school to be greeted by her friend Ashley telling her that she and Jack Dawson had all or most of their classes with them. Rose watched her dream from Heaven, telling Jack all along, "Told you so."

The End.
