Chapter Six

Rose heard a siren go off in the distance, what was happening? "Rose! There's a tornado! Get to the basement!" Suka shouted as she was coming through the door. Rose scrambled down to the basement and covered she and Suka. "It will be over soon, just wait," Suka said to her. Suddenly, the tornado ripped through the house, a piece of glass hit Rose's head.

"Suka! I've been cut!" Rose shouted. Suka covered Rose until finally she heard a bird chirping, the tornado had stopped.

"Rose, are you okay? Rose?" Suka looked down at Rose, and she knew Rose had passed out. Suka took Rose to the hospital and waited there with her, until suddenly Jack came in.

"Where's Rose?" Jack asked, sadly.

"She was cut by a piece of glass, but she's fine," Suka replied.

As these words were spoken, a nurse came out, "I need Suka Thai, Rose Dawson needs her." Suka stood up and went over to the nurse. "Mrs. Dawson is having her baby, we know she's only seven months, but if we don't get the baby out he will die," the nurse said.

"Well, the father's here, do you need to talk to him?" Suka asked.

"That would help us," the nurse said.

"Jack, get your scrawny butt over here," Suka shouted.

Jack came over quickly, "Mr. Dawson, your wife is having her baby, he will be premature, but he will die if we don't get him out," the nurse said.

"Okay, just let me see her," Jack said. The nurse led Jack to a small room where Rose was getting very uneasy.

"Jack! I love you! I'm so sorry!" Rose said.

"I know, I love you too, I will always be there for you, no matter what," Jack said, tears slowly slipping down his face.

"We need to get started," the doctor said. "Jack, stay here, please stay here," Rose said. Jack sat right by her side the whole time. Finally, after 7 hours, Joshua William Dawson was born.

"He's beautiful Rose," Jack whispered in her ear.

"So are you," Rose said. Two days later, everybody went home. Rose went to her and Jack's house and Suka went home, now everything was perfect.

Chapter Seven