Chapter Five

Rose and Jack were now back in Florida, only this time they were arguing.

"Just shut up, the only reason I married you was because you were pregnant," Jack yelled. Suddenly he realized what he was saying and felt Rose's hand slap him across his face. "Rose I'm sorry," he said.

"You're not sorry Jack, we both know it," Rose replied sharply. Rose went in their bedroom and started packing.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked.

"I'm moving in with Suka," she replied, referring to her friend from Japan.

"I love you Rose and remember if you change your mind--"

Rose interrupted, "I won't." Rose walked out of the house and Jack sat down on the couch and cried.

Suka's House

Rose walked up the steps to her friends house, she about to knock when Suka opened the door, "Mood swings, you'll get over them and you will want to go back to Jack -- he called me," she said. Just great, now for the rest of the week she's going to do things to make me want to go back to him, Rose thought.

"Well, come on inside," her friend said.

* * *

Jack sat down on the bed and called his friend John, he said he'd be right over. When his friend got there he saw Jack sitting on the couch crying his eyes out. "All women go through these little mood swings when they're pregnant, my mom's going through one right now," he said. "John, she sounded serious," Jack said. "So did my mother and right now she's cooking dinner for my pops at home," John replied. "Come on John, we are teenagers and she slapped me," Jack drove back at him. "What in the Hell did you say?" he asked Jack. "The only reason I married her was because she's pregnant," he said. "Don't be stupid Jack, that's not the only reason is it?" his friend asked. "No, I married her because I love her," Jack replied. "Don't be a jack ass, take her back," his friend urged. This same conversation was going on at Suka's house too, and Rose suddenly felt like she need to see Jack...

Chapter Six