Chapter One

"Oh man," Rose said as she hopped out of bed. It was another day at school and she hated the thought of it. As she looked through her closet she found her favorite T-shirt, it had her favorite band Backstreet Boys on the front. As she literally threw her shirt on and found her Tommy Jeans she ran out the door. As Rose walked through the front school door she found her friends gathered in a circle. "Hey!" She said.

Her best friend Ashley walked over to her, "Have you met him?" she asked.

"Who?" Rose asked.

"Jack Dawson," her friend replied, "he's really cute and you and I have all of our classes with him."

Suddenly the crowds parted and she saw a boy with JNCO's, a blue shirt and a leather jacket walk through them.

"Yo," he said to Rose.

"Hey," she said and walked off. She still hadn't been over her big breakup with Kyle Harrison.

Jack walked up behind her "Why did you do that?" he asked.

"Well, earth to planet stupid but the last time I checked it was a free country," she replied. She couldn't put up with this for a whole day I mean who could or would?

All she knew was that she had a new enemy besides Katherine Dews. What she didn't know was that this person was destined to become the one person to bring her out of her shell. She got ready to go to her first class with the new kid Jack Dawson, how she dreaded to do that.

Chapter Two