Written by Ashley Thorel
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

"Rose, come on, I love you," her boyfriend Carter said.

"You love Annie, it's plain and simple," Rose replied.

"Please, just give me another chance," Carter asked.

"That was another chance, the sixth one Carter, wake up," Rose said.

Carter looked at Rose, it was the sixth time he cheated on her.

"Look, I'm leaving, I don't want to see you again," Rose said and walked off.

Rose's friends Amy Hammond and Lexi Dawson walked up to her.

"What was his excuse this time?" Lexi asked.

"She kissed him," Rose said.

"How many times has he cheated on you with her?" Amy asked.

"This is the fourth time," Rose said.

"I'll beat him up for you," Lexi suggested.

"Thanks, but I think I'll leave it up to his parents for that," Rose replied.

"Hey Jack!" Lexi yelled to her brother Jack Dawson.

"Hey girls," Jack said.

"Oh shit, my mom's going to kill me," Rose said.

"Why?" Jack asked her.

"I told her I'd be home by eleven, it's ten fifty," Rose said.

"Come on, we'll take my car," Jack said and led them to his car.

Jack took Rose, Amy, and Lexi home safely that night and asked Rose to meet him the next day.

"So Rose, are you a senior?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, are you?" Rose asked.

Jack nodded, "Graduation's soon huh?"

"Yeah, just three more days," Rose said.

Graduation came and went and Rose and Jack stayed together for three years and were married June 3, 2003.

Twenty year old Rose and Jack looked down at their scrapbook, there in it was a picture of all of their friends and them at the Tropical Shack.

Rose thought back to the night she met Jack at the Tropical Shack, she had broken up with a stupid guy and met a great man that night.

She knew that time she kept her faith alive and met the man of her dreams.

"Remember this song?" Jack asked and put a C.D. by N*SYNC in the C.D. player.

"Oh I do, this is our song," Rose said.

Jack took Rose and led her onto the floor, "When the visions around you, bring tears to your eyes, and all that surrounds you, are secrets and lies."

Rose laughed, "I'll be your strength, I'll give you hope keeping your faith when it's gone, the one you should call was standing here all along.'"

Jack took her in his arms," And I will take you in my arms and hold you right where you belong, 'til the day my life is through, this I promise you, ooh I promise you..."

Jack and Rose danced for the rest of the night and fell asleep in each others arms, not wanting to know what tomorrow might bring.

Jack looked at Rose, "Til the day my life is through, this I promise you..."

The End.
