Written by Ashley Thorel
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

Santa Monica, California

Rose felt the cool wind against her hair and sighed. The wet grass against her feet cooled them and soothed her.

She looked across the street at a young couple. They were in love. She could tell.

Rose suddenly heard someone call her name, but when she turned around, all she saw was some guy with blond hair and blue eyes walking toward her.

"Are you Rose?" he asked her.

"Yes. Who are you?" Rose asked.

"Oh, I'm Jackson Dawson, but everybody calls me Jack," he replied.

"Well, Jack, I really still don't know who you are," Rose said.

"I have biology with you," Jack said.

"Oh, you’re Kayla Hedge's biology partner, aren't you?" Rose asked.

"Yeah," Jack replied.

"Well, nice talking to you," Rose said, and walked away.

Three Years Later

Rose was walking down the street. She was on break from Harvard University and was visiting one of her friends.

She suddenly saw someone that she had thought she would never see again. Jack Dawson.

"Jack!" she called out. He turned around to see the love of his life and high school sweetheart, and ran to her.

When they met, Jack finally told her what he should have said three years ago. "Rose, I love you. Will you please marry me?"

Rose was shocked. Happy, yet shocked, "Jack, I love it in Boston..."

Jack cut her off. "I don't care. Marry me."

"Yes. I love you too," Rose said, and kissed him.

Rose and Jack married on June 7, 2004, and loved each other very much. One day, Rose looked at a picture of her and Jack riding a horse right in the surf.

"Jack, look," Rose said, and Jack came over and looked at the picture.

"Well, Rose, I guess it was fate," Jack said.

"No, Jack. Love just can't wait," Rose said, and kissed him.

The End.
