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Emerge into a world of fantasy and fiction, where reality meets the imagination. Throughout these archives you'll find every type of Star Wars genre and time period which exists. Mainly, this site was built to focus on Anakin and Padme, though after a while I felt that everything needed its own place.

Updates will be forecasted for each week, as I will be slowly adding on things when I have spare time. You might remember, that this site was established a couple of months ago, but never picked up off the ground. I don't wish to repeat old history. At the moment I'm looking for graphic artist that is capable of many odds bits, here and there. What follows are the five archives, submission links and lastly, my contact information. So, Lovers Destiny begins.


Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala Section

Dedicated to the newest Star Wars couple to enter this Galaxy in one hundred thousand light years. The political struggle, the forbidden love, combined with the rising of a new evil. The Universe has never been this complex.

Other Time Periods Section

Have you ever wanted to dive into the Prequel era or relive the Original Trilogy? From Jedi to Royalty and AU to canon, discover the Rebellion, young love, the Empire and the Republic.

New Jedi Order Section

It's the start of a new age with the Jedi seeking to expand their numbers. However, darkness is never gone. Meet the next generation, the ones who would be warriors.

Ancient History/Far Future Section

With strands of imagination applied to introduce new characters, and the delightful hint of the beginning, or the pitting of evil prior to the end. You've never been this far out.

Combination Section

Do you have knowledge of the unknown?

Contact the Webmistress