Hello. Welcome to Jack and Rose: Together Forever, new version 2.0. This is a Titanic Fan Fiction story written by, Mollie . The site was made in July of 2000 and I thought that it needed a change. So here you go, the updated Together Forever page. Since this story is finished, I will not be updating that often. But I may add links, change the poll, touch up the layout, or some other things once in a while to keep the site fresh and interesting.

For those of you who are new to the site, Jack and Rose: Together Forever was the first story I ever wrote. It is about Jack, who survives the sinking of the Titanic, and Rose getting married and moving to Santa Monica. They start a life together, but not without having to deal with lots of things; some good, some bad. Please be forgiving, some of this story is not as well done as I would like:) There are spelling mistakes and the begging is quite amateur (in my opinion.) But I still love it. In fact, when I finished the story, I discovered I couldn't give up the characters so I started a sequel called All the Way. All the Way picks up a year after the last chapter of Together Forever.

Anyway, thanks for visiting. I really hope you like this site. And please leave any feedback in the guestbook. Remember to always make it count, keep your promises, and love like its never going to hurt!

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Links and Awards

My Homepage

The Sequal- All the Way

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Got a comment? A question? Just want to chat? E-mail me! I'd be happy to answer almost anything you would like to know and I would love to know what you think!

AOL Messenger: asarose1912

MSN: asarose1912@aol.com

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Disclaimer: This site is in no way associated with the movie Titanic, actual historic events or organizations, or James Cameron. This site is meant for the enjoyment of fans, and neither the site owner nor the author claim to own characters and plots in their stories. All graphics on this site were made by Mollie unless otherwise noted. Please do not take them off this site. Remember to always make it count, keep your promises, and love like its never going to hurt!

Email: rosejessica@gurlmail.com