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John Carl Buechler was kind enough to make a list of all the major cuts in the film so that if you guys don't write letters, you will know what you are missing!
This is what his email said: Sean --Here's some more info RE what's missing in terms of the gore as well as over the top action:
Michael's death by spike was more graphic.(Tina's flashback of him was more graphic as well)
Dan's death with Jason's hand busting through him was more graphic and impactful.
When Russell got gacked w/ Jason's axe there was a BIG burst of blood--a fountain!
When Judy was slammed in the sleeping bag--there's more hits against that tree, and each progressively bloodier than the last
When Maddy was killed we got to see the syth bite into her neck.
When Ben's head got crushed-- it got squeezed to the size of a bloody walnut
When Dr. Crews got gutted, we got to see his guts
when melissa was axed, we got to see the impact.
--And the final teaser ending of the film was removed, where Jason comes up from the depths and kill an unsuspecting fisherman
There were also several subtractions of blood and effects track elements that are missing throughout the film. These scenes exist in one form or another, and I'd like to see them ressurected.
