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Movie Pics Online is where you'll find high quality screen grabs from some great movies.
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The Fifth Element
Austin Powers
We have been
online since
January 14, 2000

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Here's our latest batch:
The Mask
    "The Mask" is a keeper for many reasons. Released in 1994, on a relatively low  budget ($18 million),  director  Charles Russell  had to fight  to keep this a comedy.  The studio  wanted another horror franchise, loosely based on the comic book series.  What  they  got was a  smart,  very  funny pie-in-the-face comedy. Jim Carrey was beginning his upward climb  to stardom, finally  able to cash the ten million dollar check he had written to himself a few years prior.  Mr. Russell also  took a chance on a  beautiful young model  who had never  had a major  acting role  before, Miss Cameron Diaz. Go figure. Factor in amazing (and very cutting-edge for 1994) computer-generated effects, and you have a unique and genuinely fun piece of movie magic.
A Bug's Life
     The second  fully computer - generated  film produced  by Pixar, (Toy Story being  the first) "A Bug's Life" succesfully  combined a bright cartoon world  with a  fresh and  exciting story.  The result was another  validation of  this new form of  digital filmmaking. 100 times as visually complex as Toy Story, the  organic look of this  incredible world is complemented by the excellent voice work of Dave Foley as Flick,and Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Princess Atta. An interesting behind-the-scenes fact involves a competing film studio  which came up with a very similar all c.g. film, written after  "A Bug's Life", yet rushed  to the box office slightly before Pixar's  film. Unfortunately,  it showed.  "A Bug's Life" is  truly a one-of-a kind movie.
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