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FFM is one of the first sites on the net to get you everything you want on the upcoming movie "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within," by a fan for the fans.

Updated 7-11-01 (later)

Wow........ amazing and jaw dropping, first off these graphics are ten times better than I expected, and I had high expectation. The story line, could be considered dull to some, I think was preety good. Of course, like stated before, this is no addition to the Final Fantasy series, but just has the name.

For those of you who have seen the movie, I have a few questions but the biggest is this. If these "phantoms" are indeed ghosts, how on Earth (maybe that is our answer :) are they able to get shot at, get hurt, and die if they are already dead? This leads to a few more questions, I have many more, but overall they did a good job explaining the whole ghost thing.

Now these graphics, I am not kidding, are soooo life like. You can tell they are CG but damn they are good. Not only the looks of the human characters, but the way they moved, and there muscles, they actually flexed as if they were real! The crashes and explosions (plenty of them) were just as good as the humans. If they put this movie on mute, I would still go see it.

Now onto the reviews, your fellow FFMaster will supply you honest results from a die hard fan. If I had a third arm, I would give it three thumbs up. Well there you have it, now lets see if the people follow my review :).

Now onto the second Final Fantasy. They said if they make 100 million on this movie, they will do another Final Fantasy. I am preety sure they will meet that mark. In the theater, unlike I expected, there were almost no little kids, mostly only teens and adults mostly in their 20s. Also there were a lot of girls which most people weren't expecting, a few good lookin' ones to ;). Now if this kind of audience keeps up, they will meet 100 million, but then what. I do not think they could make a sequel, partly because the Phantoms are all rid of. I think they should make another original plot for the second, but this time a plot that can reach a larger audience (this one was good for maybe hardcore X-Files fans and the Final Fantasy series fans). Well I guess we should leave it up to those experts.

Well then, I guess over the past year I have brought you all the very latest in news and info on the movie. That was my goal. Now that I have reached it I think I will take a little time off. Now don't think this site is gunna just dissapear. If that second Final Fantasy does come into the making, you can be sure you can find this site up and running once more. Well till then my FFans, this is FFMaster, signing off.

Updated 7-11-01

Hell yah! It's July 11th, 2001 and its now in theaters! I haven't seen it yet, I am going for a 7 o'clock show and it is only 2. Well I visited the Official Site today to find out the "Dream Maker" is now online! Go to the special features section and click on dream maker. It is preety nifty, you can put together sound and video and make a little video, well check it out now unless you are in line for the movie for the third time today :).

Updated 7-10-01

Oh shit, it is July 10th, 2001. The day before destiny, before our Final Fantasy! OK, so I am a little obsessd, so? Well tommorow the movie comes out, and we all know what I will be doing. Tommorow around sometime at night I will update at give my opinion on the movie, who knows, it may tank like its big brother Battlefield Earth. Well at least the graphics we can all count on. Well, till then guys.

Updated 7-7-01

Hey all, the new Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within store is now open. Apparently all they have for now is just a T-Shirt. I am sre they will come out with some other cool stuff for all you hardcare FFans.

Updated 7-6-01 (much later)

Hi again, this is the record 3rd update today. I got seven of the clips updated to the longclips section. I haven't viewed all of them because my 56k would take forever to but I am sure you can. From what I have seen, these are must downloads.

Updated 7-6-01 (later)

Hey everybody, I was browsing the internet for some scoop on the movie and I got to a Rotten Tomatoes page which has reviews for a lot of movies. In this particular page it says near the very bottom that they found out that there is a official site in French for the movie at It also said on the site are 11 clips from the movie, in English, probably never before seen. Each run about a minute or two. Seven have been found (as of July 5th, yesterday), so they may find more. I haven't downloaded the entire file yet, but Rotten Tomatoes also had a link to some of these clips here. I will try to find all the clips and have them all posted on the long clips page ASAP, but I can't speak French and the site is in Flash, so this may be a problem.

Updated 7-6-01

Hey there, not too much news right now, only a few more days till the release! Well I was just wondering if anybody has gotten the Final Fantasy Movie soundtrack yet, I haven't. Now don't get me wrong, I love FF, but I don't think buying the soundtrack is really worth it unless the music kicks ass. Well e-mail me and give me the scoop on the soundtrack if you get a chance! Thanks.

Updated 6-29-01

Hey guys, you may have seen the page earlier today, it was out of service. I think it was it was to big of a file but I changed my password just in case :). Well it is back up now, lets hope it stays that way.

Updated 6-28-01 (later)

I have been on the computer ever since my last update downloading everything and I have to say wow. The new clips, all up in the long clips section, are amazing. Large files but they give you a very nice overview of each main character. The nice picture I was talking about earlier, aki in the black leather, well I am sure you already saw it below this. I bet it caught you eyes before these words did huh? She is now up in the other pictures section.

About the auction for the tickets here are the results:

Auction 1:
fainarufantashi(1) -         $825.00 1 Jun 25 12:26 PDT
brentdlynch(unrated) -       $820.00 1 Jun 25 12:26 PDT
argentzia(1) -               $400.00 1 Jun 24 14:18 PDT
Flexxx44(unrated) -          $390.00 1 Jun 24 19:16 PDT
a_onewinged_angel(unrated) - $365.00 1 Jun 22 23:46 PDT

Auction 2:
Commander_Ikari(1) -         $444.00 1 Jun 21 18:17 PDT
brentdlynch(unrated) -       $440.00 1 Jun 24 18:33 PDT
argentzia(1) -               $350.00 1 Jun 21 19:18 PDT
xhaloidol(2) -               $200.00 1 Jun 19 20:41 PDT
jhwoo82(unrated) -           $110.00 1 Jun 20 08:19 PDT

Congragulations to those who won the auction! Have a great time watching the movie, and if either of you are reading these words, I expect a full review of the movie after you see it in my e-mail soon! :)

Updated 6-28-01

Hello all, once more my faithful FFan Damian has gotten a load of info on the movie.

First off there is a new Final Fantasy site on the net, it has some nice FX, and is the official site for the UK:

If you are signed up for the Final Fantasy newsletter, you should know by now that there is a new sound track coming out before the movie. At the site there is also a preview for Final Fantasy 10, nothing related to the movie but still worth going to:

And finially for all you pervs out there :)... my self included, no... just kidding, there is a hot ass picture of Aki in a black leather on the net with a scene of the movie:

Also the auction details were found by Damian, I will get a full conclusion on it ASAP, but I can tell you now that the final selling prices were $444 and $825! Wow.

Also aparently ABC news did somthing on the movie as well:

And probably the biggest news, has updated their "Clips" section with some character info and a movie clip for each, there is a lot to download.

That is a lot of info and stuff to download and I am in a hurry to do it all right now so I am sorry I can't post the full update on all this right now, but will have it all soon. Enjoy all of this!

Updated 6-26-01

Hey guys, sorry I couldn't get an update on the auction for the tickets yesterday, the whole Angelfire server was down. Well I was trying to find the prices at which the tickets sold but couldn't find it anywhere, so if anybody knows, please e-mail me at Thanx.

Updated 6-24-01 (later)

Sup everybody. I just got an e-mail from a fellow FFan and he said that my count down thing was two days late. So I checked and he was right. I just forgot to change it after they changed the release from July 13th to July 11th. So we only have 16 days to go!! Thats less than I thought... :)

Updated 6-24-01

Well it is one in the morning, so technically I got all the wallpapers up on Saturday night, just like I said. Well these wallpapers are awsome, but the sizes are huge! It took me are REAL long time downloading them all w/ my rinky dinky 56k modem. Well they are all up in three resoltions at the Other Pictures page. The sweepstakes I mentioned earlier is preety cool, you can win an early screening to the movie and a bunch of other stuff, check it all out at the official site.

Updated 6-23-01

Wow, closer to the opening of the movie and news pouring in. The Official Site has FINIALLY updated their news section after a long time. They updated a few things on the auction, which is now one pair of tickets for $405 and the other still at $355, and they also are having a sweepstakes, no money to be wasted here. You could win a bunch of stuff there. Also some new wallpapers and a little CG production thing. I can't get all this stuff up now, so I wll definatley have it up by tommorow or tonight if possible.

Updated 6-22-01

Been to the Official Site's welcome page (the first page) lately? Well I am sure you have, but much like me, you probably never wait for it to load all the way, so today I was surprised to see a new button there. Go ahead, dont be scared... click it! OK, not that hard :). Now you get linked to a Yahoo! auction site, auctioning off two tickets to the world premiere of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within!! The bidding started June 18th at 3:02 in the afternoon PDT, and will last till June 25th till 12:02 (afternoon). There has been 13 bids (at the time of this update) and the bidding is already up to $355 from $10! The high bidder is a "Commander_Ikari," apparently a very wealthy FF fan. Well here is the main scoop on the winning bidder.

Columbia Pictures is proud to continue our series of World Premiere Ticket Auctions for upcoming Columbia Pictures Releases. "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within," a new film by Hironobu Sakaguchi and Square Company will hit theaters on July 11th but this is your chance to attend the World Premiere and After Party in Los Angeles. The premiere will be held on Monday July 2nd and Columbia Pictures is auctioning off Two (2) Pairs of Tickets.

Auction ends June 25.

The winner of the auction will be given 2 tickets to the Los Angeles World Premiere of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within to take place on July 2, 2001. The winner and a guest will be able to walk the red carpet, attend the premiere and the after party. The premiere will take place at 7:00pm on 7/2/01 at the Mann Bruin Theater in Westwood and the premiere party will take place immediately afterward at Euro Chow!! The winner will be responsible for all expenses including, without limitation to travel expenses to Los Angeles, accommodations, transportation and meals. The filmmakers are scheduled to appear however, the winner is not guaranteed access to them.

To read the full rules and qualifications (blah blah blah), come here. Sorry, but you got to be at least 18 years old, I guess that rules out me. But get you parents to bid for you then!

Well now, why are you still reading this, you fool :). Well I am only 15 and unemployed, so I have an excuse for not bidding, although if the winning bidder kindly e-mailed me saying I could have the tickets.... oh baby would I do anything for them... wink wink, nudge, nudge... :). Well come on now, get over there, and win those tickets! I will keep you all updated on the winner, highest bid, ect. Well till then, this is FFMaster giving you all good luck.

Updated 6-21-01

Hey, I got all the pictures on the screen saver uploaded, but the thing is they are in very small resolution, but then again small file size to. They don't look as good as on the screen saver, but you can check them out at the Other Pictures section. If you still haven't downloaded the screen saver, get it from the Official Site.

Updated 6-19-01

Well I have downloaded the screen saver and it is what I thought it was, an interactive screen saver. This thing has some info and stuff on and THE BEST pictures with great resoultion! It is a must download. You can get it at the "Special Features" section at

Updated 6-18-01

Hey people, long time no update, sorry but there was nothing to update! Well today I got some news. I have yet to see it, but I am downloading it right now. I think it is another screen saver, but inteactive. It updates with new pictures automatically so that is cool. I will get the pictures posted as soon as I can. For now though you can download it here.

Updated 5-26-01

Hey guys, i'm not sure how long it has been up, but on the Official Site they have a cool making of the CG animation of the movie, it is preety cool. I guess there wont be too many updates because the movie is almost out (YES!), so think I may just have a few more updates, but check regularly!

Updated 5-17-01

Woo hoo! We have made the papers! Well not FFM, but the movie has. I get The Star newspaper and today in the buissness section there was an article on Final Fantasy: The Spirts Within. It had a picture of the movie as well. I scanned the entire article and posted it on the Other Picturespage. They don't talk about Final Fantasy in particular, but also the Tomb Raider movie and a few others. Its preety cool, check it out.