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INTERNET INTOXICATION Sick and twisted ideasfrom our demented minds

Well to start off we just want every one to know mormons suck. If you're a mormon and we offended you--SO WHAT! We don't care. We will offend who we want, when we want, and how we want! You got that? This is our webpage, and we will do what we dang well please. Now, since that is out of the way, yer probably wondering about the nature of this particular masterpiece. Well, it will probably be mostly about zombies, seeins how we just watched a zombie movie and figured you regular folks need to be brief on survival in case zombies ever take over. Or if they try to take over, the filthy bastards. First on our little survival course Ordnance. I Ordnance. I (being myself) also wishes for a life (or a woman) or I will end this so called one right now! I like girls, like, like, LIKE MOONDUST! it happens this way becuase it is the way its supposed to be, ya the way its supposed to be you filthy mormon. Are you giving me head? lovely Wouldn't it be funny if my parents walked into my room and I didn't have a head.


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