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The American School Foundation of Guadalajara

This is an unofficial homepage dedicated to the PRESTIGIOUS institution known as: El Colegio Ameriguano de Guadalajara A.C. This has been more than a second house to most of us because it is there where we have spent FIFTEEN Years. The pictures you are to see if you decide to continue browsing this homepage are not intended for all viewers. Mainly because those who did not directly experience them, mostlikely wont care and shall find them extremely boring and unimportant. If on the other hand you were one of those few lucky ones to live through the ASFG experience please enjoy them and feel free to email any additional pictures you want posted here. NOTE: As Gaby said, this webpage is biased. Yes it is. And only personal anecdotes are included. Obviously, if people dont send in their stories, i can only talk about what I know about. Makes sense huh? If you have any more pictures or anecdotes i would greatly appreciate it if you sent em to me. Anyways... espero que disfruten esta página, su intencón no es delatar a nadie ni quemarlo, solo recordar el tiempo que pasamos juntos en los últimos años y una que otra tontería que hicimos juntos. *************************************************************Oh and also THIS PAGE IS NOT INTENDED FOR EVERYONE TO VIEW (READ PARENTS). ESTA PÁGINA NO FUE CREADA PARA LOS OJOS DE TODOS. (PAPÁS...)************************************************************************************* YO! Click on the this link to get totally free stuff, then come back and see the rest of this page... The Internet's Freebie Finder *********************************

On this Page...

Pomp and circumstance...
The ACTUAL Prom!!!
El Fantabuloso Viaje de Generación...
MAS fotos del author.sumthin like a fan page...
Where everyone is and what they are doing...
