Derelict: Gentleman, he called me a Gentleman, thank you. Those are first kind words I've heard in years. You know I haven't always been a derelict like you! Lou: Hey now don't call me those kind of bad names! Derelict: Would you like to hear my story? Lou: NO! Derelict: Very well then I'll tell it to you. Lou: I said that I didn't....Well very well I insist go ahead. Bud: Go ahead. Derelict: Thank you. Years ago my father gave me the benefit of a very good education. Then I met her. Oh my memory of her, she was beautiful! Glorious! We were married, two years later we had a baby boy. I haven't seen that boy since that very day. Lou: Did you say a baby boy? Derelict: Yes he did! Lou: Did he have brown eyes? Derelict: Yes!! Lou: And two little teeth in front? Derelict: Yes! Yes!! Lou: And black hair? Derelict: Yes!!!!!! Lou: DADDY!!! Bud: What's a matter with you? Sit still, keep quiet, stop interrupting the man. Lou: I thought I found my father! Bud: Quiet, go right ahead. Derelict: Thank You sir. We were very happy, my little family. One morning we were seated around the breakfast table and a knock came at the door. I opened the door and there stood a man. He was broken in health and spirit. I begged him to enter. I welcomed him into my home and said "make my home your home", and he did. One day I returned from work to find my home was no longer a home, my wife, the baby and the stranger had fled. Then one day, at the banks of the POKOMOKO, I found them. Suddenly my brain snapped, all the hatred, all the pent-up emotion of years suffering swelled up within me. I knew I would never be satisfied until I had my boney fingers wrapped around his throat. So with murder in my heart, SLOWLY I TURNED, STEP BY STEP, STEP BY STEP, I CREPT UPON HIM AND WHEN I SAW THE SNEER ON HIS FACE, I STRUCK, AND I GRABBED HIM AND I SHOOK HIM AROUND. That's what I did with him. Bud: What's a matter with you? Why are you interrupting him? Derelict: My poor friend, I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. Bud: Certainly. Derelict: But every time I hear that word, POKOMOKO!, I just want to kill!!!! Lou: Take it easy pal, take it easy!! Bud: Every time he hears that word POKOMOKO......... Derelict: POKOMOKO! Oh I knew I'd never be satisfied until I had his blood running between my fingers. So, SLOWLY I TURNED, STEP BY STEP, STEP BY STEP, I CREPT UPON HIM AND WHEN I SAW THE SMIRK OF HIS CONTENANCE, I GRABBED HIM. I LET HIM HAVE IT AGAIN, I COULDNT HELP MYSELF, I WAS GOING OUT OF MY MIND. Bud: Stand still! What's a matter with you? The man's telling you his life history. It's interesting. Derelict: Poor thing. I did it again didn't I? Bud: That's all right. Derelict: What's happening to me? Lou: It's not happening to you Brother! It's all happening over here. Bud: Don't use that word! eh Pok...... Lou: Don't, don't, don't say it! He means Pocahontas. Derelict: POKA.... Lou: Pocahontas. Bud: That's right. Lou: Sounds like Pokomoko. Derelict: POKOMOKO!!! SO, SLOWLY I TURNED.......... Lou: Here we go again!!! Derelict: STEP BY STEP, I CREPT CLOSER AND CLOSER AND WHEN I FELT HIS BREATH ON MY TEETH, I GRABBED HIM ONCE AGAIN....(ranting) Bud: Just a minute, now you've been getting away with murder. Enough is enough, you understand that! I've stood by and watch all this and I've let you get away with it. But no more. Hazel: Come on Lou get up. Lou: Oh, its no use Miss Hazel, he'll only knock me down again. Bud: These things cost money, be careful how you handle them. Go over there and sit down. Relax. You can't buy those hats today! Prince Ramo: Pssst, quiet the guard will hear you. Lou: What do you want? Prince Ramo: The blond girl, I have use for her. Lou: You know the guy who comes to the cabaret every night, he says he has a use for you. Miss Hazel: Well tell him I have no use for him. Lou: Yes Ma'am. Lou: She says she has no use for you, now, what's your comeback. Bud: Come here, maybe he can get you out of here! Miss Hazel: I certainly wouldn't leave without the both of you. Lou: Oh Miss Hazel, you got to go, you and Bud. I got you both into this trouble. I'll stay here and face it like a man. Miss Hazel: I'll go on just one condition, Ramo gets the three of us out of here. Bud: Go tell him. Lou: Ok, Miss Hazel wants to know "What's Cookin?" Prince Ramo: I wish to help her escape. Tell her I will get her out of here and out of this evil country. If in return she will agree to help me. Lou: You have to take the three us out of this evil country. Prince Ramo: That will be satisfactory. I do not have time to explain further, here take this and use it to escape the cell. Lou: Use this to escape? What do you want me to do, eat my way out? Prince Ramo: The dumbest man I ever saw!!!!!! Bud: It's in the bread, you know you saw the bars . Lou: I'm on top of them, I got to see them, I'm not blind! Prince Ramo: I cannot remain any longer, use the saw to escape, I'll be ready to take you away. Before the sun rises we'll be safe at my desert camp. Lou: Where's that? Prince Ramo: On the banks of the Pokomoko. Derelict: POKOMOKO!!!!!!!!!! Lou: EVERYBODY RUN TO THE HILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Derelict: SLOWLY I TURNED, STEP BY STEP............................................................