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Desktop Themes

Click on the image preview to view the larger image, or right-click and select "Save Target As...." You will have to convert all images to BMP format for use in Windows.

Jeni Gibbs
Fake move poster using
artwork from back of
Tangerine Dream Soundtrack.
800 x 600, 57k
Jeni Gibbs
Oona flying toward
the fire.
Bryce 3D.
800 x 600, 95k
Jeni Gibbs
Lily's ring falling
through the water.
Bryce 3D.
800 x 600, 138k

I'm in the process of amassing a collection of desktop themes. If you have any Legend related desktop elements, feel free to send them my way!

To submit a desktop element or theme, simply fill out this form. Make sure you have the file(s) uploaded to a webserver, as I do not accept e-mail attachments. Try to keep each file size under 50k.

Name(real name--first and last. Required for copyright reasons):

Email Address (required so that I can contact you with problems or questions. Not viewable by anyone else unless you check the box below):

Check this box if you would like your e-mail address visible to others.

File location:

File location:

File location:

Comments or instructions:

If your browser doesn't support forms, or if you'd simply rather not use them, you can send your file location URL(s) to me at Please be sure to include your real name, e-mail address, file URL(s), and whether or not you want your e-mail address to be displayed publicly on this site.

All artwork is protected by copyright laws. Any piece of artwork (in any form) appearing on this site remains the sole property of its creator and is used here only with permission. No image appearing on this site can be used in any way--commercial or non-commercial--without prior permission of the creator. It is the creator's sole responsibility to ensure no copyrighted material is used within their desktop elements or themes unless permission has been given by the copyright owner(s).

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Site concept, content, graphics, and design © 2000/2001 Jeni Gibbs. No part of this site may be copied, mirrored, displayed, or posted without prior permission from the site author.