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Be A Part Of AshRae!

I bet you're wondering what it is that you could do with AshRae right now (either that or how you ended up in this lame site). Well here's the answer: If you live in the southern Indiana area then you could be one of our actors, actresses, or anything else with our movie. If you don't live near by, but you have an idea for a movie or a screenplay, then you can email it to us, and if we use it, then we'll give you a portion of the money, but since we don't get that much money it won't be much. But at least you get to have your movie made by a skilled movie production company!

E-Mail Us Your Ideas

We are currently looking for any actresses that feel that they can act in a short horror film. If you can, or know someone who can, please, email us.

Shortly we will be putting a casting list on here so that you can see which character you most like to portray and then audition for in the near future.