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Welcome to the Whipping Post



Okay so here I am bored as what is new? Hmmm...well my parents are moving....more like getting kicked out by our lovely landlords....sometimes people just suck. Yeah that has had me a little worried....greatest understatement of the YEAR. woohoo...hmmm...well the coolest thing is that the film that my company is working on is slated to bbe released on September 27, 2002. Look for it folks. Its called OLD SCHOOL with Luke Wilson, Vince Vaughn, and Will Ferrell....funny schtuff. Also one of my bosses has just been picked to be the CEO of the Australian Film Insitute. This kicks soo much ass because she is officially a big wig in Hollywood. Hoping to squeeze a letter of recommendation from the head of the Australian Film Industry. I am not hollywood already?


Deep Thoughts By Jack Handy

Sometimes I think I am better off dead. OH wait, not me, you.
I think the wost thing an actor can do is forget his lines, and then get real flustered and star stabbing the other other actors .
WHAT AM I AFRAID OF? I'll tell you: a feather. That's right, a feather. How could anyone be afraid of a feather, you say. That's an honest question, and I'll try to give it an honest answer. First of all, did I say it was a poison feather?
If you're traveling in a time machine, and you're eating corn on the cob, I don't think it's going to affect things one way or the other. But here's the point I'm trying to make: Corn on the cob is good, isn't it.
If your kid ever comes home with a guitar made out of a cigar box, don't just let him play with it and then toss it aside. No, make him practice every day for three hours. Someday, he'll thank you.
Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that, I'll be over here, looking through your stuff.
I think that when a kid puts a tooth under his pillow, instead of giving him a quarter, give him a pine cone. That way he'll learn that "wishing" won't save our forests.
I think the worst thing for a tick would be to get caught inside of a watch somehow. You don't even care, do you.
Sometimes the beauty of the world is overwhelming I just wanna sit back and gargle and gargle and gargle, because I am beautiful.
New hottie from Lord of the Rings....isn't he worth 3 hours of your life?
