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90Ghz TransCapacitor powers Pentium II 1998

[ACC]American Computer Company

To most of you, this may seem like old news. When I first heard about this electronic machine, it had been reprinted a few times, and I was a little disappointed to discover that I was the last to know about it. After years of searching, I was led to this source. I'll tell you that it was part serendipity and partly the incessent leading by a mystery person. A lot of this information reprinted here, contains information for those interested to do their own follow-up and research. Additional information is provided, including data that had originally appeared in "The Transistor from Space." This feature first appeared in UFO Magazine back in 1997.(Reference #1).


CRANFORD, N.J. (Wireless Flash) - A New Jersey computer company claims it has assembled a prototype of a super transistor that might have come from extraterrestrial technology.

There are rumors that the device - called a “transfer capacitor” - was found in 1947 at the site of an alleged crashed saucer near Roswell, New Mexico. The American Computer Company says the prototype is as tiny as a transistor but is able to store 200 times more information. The device may make it possible to build poker chip-sized hard drives without any moving parts that can hold up to 100 gigabytes of information.

Company spokesman John Kravath admits no one knows the transfer capacitor’s true origins or its potential because the device is about 150 years ahead of current technology. As for the rumor that the transfer capacitor was recovered from a crashed saucer, company officials say they’re keeping an open mind and believe the device could also have been created by American engineers or even Nazi rocket scientists.

Kravath says American Computer Company is building a new lab to study the device and, hopefully, figure out how the darned thing works. (Reference #2)


The ACC Transfer Capacitor ("TCAP") --a semiconductor capable of 12-Teraherz-Speed, when used for Microprocessor Logic Gates and for High Performance Memory Applications
American Computer Company readying a new kind of semiconducting device which rivals the Transistor --the Transcapacitor: a 12-Teraherz Clock Speed Microprocessor & Storage "Building Block" Component which could Revolutionize Consumer Electronics and all forms of Computing and communications, by making low cost CPUs and Disk Drives run as much as 10,000 times faster, consume minute quantities of power and occupy 50 times less space.
ACC Staffer Reveals More Details about NJ Firm's Remarkable Discovery, during a recent EMAIL Briefing...

C R A N F O R D, N. J. (October 16, 1998) NOTE: revised October 19, 1998
By Katje Kernigan, Member of Technical Staff,
Lookout Mountain Laboratory

I was recently asked how the TCAP came about, and what was its history. A person asked me if it came ‘From an Alien Craft’, or was that some kind of a Joke. I responded with the following letter, and it puts the saga of the Transfer Capacitor into a very interesting light of understanding regarding, a) Its simplicity, b) Its nature, c) the surprising fact that it isn't an 'electronic device', it is a 'polaronic' device with attributes that make it a chemical atomic physics phenomena. While it is NOT a radioactive device, the TCAP could be considered the World's FIRST NUCLEAR (or really, Sub-Atomic) SEMICONDUCTOR, that is, it operates as a result of the laws which govern atom-bonds and atom physics, and sub-atomic inter reactions found normally in dielectric metals-insulator junctions (the area where a metal and insulator form a cohesive, yet weak bond). Because it 'stores electrons' which 'facilitate altering its bond species', resulting in conductivity vs. insulation, it is a form of 'capacitor' which controls 'electron transfers', hence: that is where ACC's Jack Shulman got the idea for the name 'Transfer Capacitor'. It is not like the Transistor (which was originally called the 'Transistor'), which develops an 'increased resistance' in the form of a 'charge barrier energy region' which 'blocks the flow of electrons between two junctions.

The Transistor, because it does that, generates a need for an enormous number of electrons, just to set its state, and they are dissipated by the Transistor into HEAT (one of the greatest single problems with Transistor Logic, facing electronics engineers for half a century, as anyone who owns a PC or Laptop can tell you).

The Transcapacitor (TCAP) on the other hand, requires only a few electrons in order to set its state, and because it 'exciter electrons' transform into Polarons, whereupon they 'set the state' of the device by digging into its molecular structure and altering the very bonds between its various atoms, does not convert those electrons to heat, instead, they tunnel their way out and can be recycled back onto the 'exciter', without producing any (or at least, producing extremely little) heat at all. This new Technology of Polaronics, stands to CHANGE EVERYTHING about the way we look at and manufacture Logical, Amplifying, and Oscillating DIGITAL Semiconductor Devices ACC had worked on the TCAP for over a year and a half, secretly, by July of 1997, and was holding its tongue when it first announced the Roswell 1947 Story on its Web Site in August of 1997. ACC updated some of the dates during its first few months of publication of the story, so as to avoid giving out too much 'traceable' information to its competitors (the 1995 origination dates of the project were post dated to 1996 and 1997 on Radio Interviews and on the Website, so as to cover the trail to ACC's research activities, which in mid 1997, were already being inundated by Hardware Industry Espionage Efforts from the major semiconductor manufacturers, when ex-ACC staffers bore rumors which quickly spread around the Computer Industry, about a 'mysterious super fast, ultra high density, non-volatile semiconductor storage and logic device, which could change the entire industry' being developed by ACC's Jack Shulman, at his laboratory in New Jersey.

The most interesting aspect of this endeavor, is the company's publication of information on the Internet, which makes the project and its work product indistinguishable from both legitimate and illegitimate announcements on the Web, thereby leaving it up to the individual reader to perform further research into the new area of science, 'Polaronics' (formerly dubbed 'Positronics'), the principles of 'electron trapping' within molecular and submolecular sized semiconductor switches: to determine the veracity of ACC's representations about this new field of technology. The controversy which has erupted, has forced the subject matter to center stage in the world market, with major technology companies unwilling to negate the claims regarding Transfer Capacitor technology, while less educated in physics members of the 'scientific skepticism community' find each avenue they pursue to attempt to suggest that the TCAP isn't real, confounded by scientific studies which verify that it is. A remarkable 'believe it or not' story if there ever was one.

Here was my response to the writer:


The Transfer Capacitor was invented by the American Computer Company’s chief scientist, Jack A. Shulman, based on the adaptation of a new area of Semiconductor Science, called "electron trapping". He discovered it, after reviewing documents provided us by Mrs. Jeffrey Proskauer, widow of a former scientist employed by the Army and Bell Labs in the 50’s. He and his wife claimed to have ‘witnessed an Alien Spacecraft captured and in the possession of Bell Labs and the Z-Division, which I was asked to assist in the disassembly of.’ The widow wanted us to see if the Public would believe its origins. We are thankful she did, because we have discovered an overlooked concept that could change electronics as we know it, radically. The TCAP is the first form of electronic device that adheres to the principles of what we call ‘Polaronics’. While skeptical about the alleged UFO origins, Jack agreed to put all the scientific muscle he could muster to analyze the drawings and attempt to replicate the device in a form which might shed some light on its origins. "If nothing else, we'll have a very interesting form of semiconductor" stated Shulman, "all we have to do is figure out how it works...!" ACC, under the direction of its chief scientist, developed its TCAP (transfer capacitor, a device which can be made to transfer or block the transfer of electrons, by ‘absorbing’ a few electrons into its junctions, or ‘releasing them’, respectively) by enlisting ia ‘test study’ of the concepts that the chief scientist ‘supposed would have to apply, if what Mr. Proskauer’s observations and notes and drawings were true.’ The TCAP IS NOT OFF AN ALIEN SHIP, BUT IS DERIVED FROM DRAWINGS THAT PROSKAUER CLAIMED WERE FROM A DEVICE HE WAS ASKED BY THE US GOVERNMENT TO STUDY, WHICH HE INSISTS THEY CLAIMED TO HIM CAME FROM AN ALIEN SPACE CRAFT. What's particularly strange is the allegation that Proskauer performed a similar 'analytical' function on opposing 'power control' devices which he claims were the basis for BELL Lab's Transistor. Be that as it may, the ACC TCAP ‘Electron Trap’ was designed to attempt to create an entire NEW DEVICE which could do what Dr. Proskauer claimed he had seen. Our Chief Scientist had to do a vast amount of Inventing, as Dr. Proskauer’s observations did not explain how what he was studying worked, just what it appeared to do, electronically, and what metals it was composed of. The TCAP is based on the following principle of science, which Jack Shulman had experimented with some years ago, and adapted to the task of ‘recreating what Proskauer claimed was an alien device’: Silver-Alkane, a weakly bonded material that comprises a ‘dielectric’ metal insulator junction, can be made to ‘semi conduct’. This is almost an impossibility, as Silver-Alkane does not ordinarily allow electrons to flow across its molecules, however, the proper formula, based on the observations of Proskauer, caused Shulman to suspect that the bonds between the elements in the junction were 'elastic' as well as 'weak', and that just the right amount of additional sub-atomic energy, might increase the 'radii' of the bonds just enough, to allow electrons to flow 'in abundance' across the junction. In order to do so, the TCAP junction, he conjectured, would have to be infiltrated with free electrons, and the Sliver-Alkane then biased so as to ‘trap’ those electrons, causing the Sliver-Alkane ‘bonds’ to shift from an electronically opaque junction, to an electronically transparent junction. After experimenting with some Silver-Alkane Film, Jack discovered that his proposition was not only right, but that the capacity of the SA was extremely high, it could Transfer a small or a very large current, in under 200 Millionths of a billionth of a Second 'sawtooth intervals' which lasted up to 2000 femtoseconds, long enough for the film to operate like a 'logic' gate. The time it takes to ‘trap’ the electrons, is some number of billionths of a Millionth of a Second, generally under 200. The electrons stay trapped for about 100-200 times that long, then have to be gathered and re’infiltrated. This ‘trap’ effect occurs when the molecules of Silver-Alkane, which ordinarily does NOT conduct, change their bond species, forming what looks like a ‘divot’ with the electrons trapped (they become for the duration, known as ‘Polarons’) in their bonds. The trapping, elevates the rotation of the electrons in the grouping of atoms, causing sufficient ‘interstices’ within the Silver-Alkane, for it to change from Insulator, to Conductor. By carefully timing the refreshing of these ‘divot’s, a TCAP can be set to the ON State, and by allowing them to drain, to the OFF State. The only problem, is that the TCAP stays set for a maxiumu time period of 2000 femtoseconds, and requires 'refreshing'. However, its electron state can 'transfer', and Jack was stunned to discover you could drain the current from a TCAP, and pass it right back in to set the TCAP back to the same state. Fortunately, this consumes very few of the electrons, which can be recycled by a ‘time delay’ path, back into the ‘exciter’ or ‘infiltration process’ over and over again. The TCAP also has a ‘gradient’ ability, that is, its relative ‘+’ or ‘-‘ state (the count of its Polarons, trapped in these ‘divots’) can be measured, allowing the TCAP to be SET, and READ not only in an on and an off state, but to be SET to a NUMBER OF megaPOLARONS (this is done in large numbers beyond our conversation), and a time based measurement gap can be used to determine the ‘value’ of the number of MPs stored in a TCAP. Hence, it can not only act like an ON-OFF Switch, it can act like an ACCUMULATOR REGISTER, with up to 16,000 different groups ‘countable’. However, the catch is: each group is always present, but is either set to +, to - or to neutral. We are using them as binary counters with + as ‘value on’, - as ‘value off’ and neutral as ‘indeterminate’ or ‘not formatted’. ACC has adapted this device to the first few, expensive prototype TCAP Semiconductor Disk Drives, by storing 16,000 bits of information in each TCAP, and placing 48,000,000 TCAPS onto a single four quadrant chip, 12,000,000 per quadrant (laid out in the area of about a Pentium II per quadrant), leading to an unformatted capacity of 48,000,000 times 16,000 bits, or 768,000,000,000 bits (96 Gigabytes). We are using 6 Gigabytes as a reserved area for failures. With formatting, the true capacity of the drive is only 80 Gigabytes, the remaining values being used for Error Correction. ACC has built a number of prototypes of this device, and a smaller one it has used on a FIELD STUDY of a NOTEBOOK COMPUTER. The hardest part of the effort was dealing with Public Controversy. The device is of enormous use to Humanity, because it will make supercomputers as common place as wristwatches, enabling the average human being to walk around with a library in his or her briefcase, and send and receive enormous amounts of information from their person to and from each other. The TCAP has applicability as a DATA/VIDEO Transmission Transducer (it achieves linear speeds of 5 Trillion bits per second, enough to engage in a very large group Video Teleconference, using dozens of 3 dimensional camera and imaging systems, creating, for the first time, a potentiality for Virtual Business on a Global Scale, where people can BE WITH each other without leaving their office). The TCAP is the future, it means that you will be able to fly to work if you want, as personal aircraft can be intelligently piloted by enhancing human direction with flying capabilities artificially intelligenced into the motive computer onboard such a futuristic personal conveyance. It means that all devices can be made intelligent, and intelligence will come at a minimal cost, with power consumption reduced to so low a level, that all the computers in the world might be able to be powered by the amount of power consumed by a single 20 story elevator building today. Imagine the impact on the enviornment if we can not only eliminate excess power consumption from computers, but use Computers to reduce power consumption from other processes. Language will be able to be translated on the fly, bridging our world together in a way we can eliminate our differences without War. The enhancements to the quality of life on our planet: global literacy, the end to things like hunger, and the pursuit of betterment of ourselves rather than simply, the pursuit of wealth, could result from such a quantum leap. Its no joke. The TCAP area of science has recently been entered by, no less than: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories at USC (who published its own reports on the phenomena identified by Jack Shulman, without naming us or Jack) Lucent Technologies (Who hired three of the scientists employed by Lawrence Berkeley who published that report. That would probably mirror precisely backwards the circumstances underwhich Bell Labs obtained the information which defined the Transistor in 1947.) IBM Corporation (Who now is claiming it had TCAPs all along in research, but that’s just something IBM says whenever something like this happens. It should be very easy for a company like IBM to profit from these devices, if it's any consolation.) Intel Corporation (Who is expressing keen objective interest in Adapting the ‘dielectric metal insulator junction semiconductor’ [e.g.- the TCAP] for use in its CPUs, since the TCAP runs at 6-12,000 Gigaherz, about 5-10,000 times faster than today’s CPUs.) Texas Instruments, National Semiconductor, the National Security Agency, and the Department of Defense ALL HAVE PROJECTS to further evaluate this new area. Of course, General Electric always had early research information about the TCAP, as we shared some of our Results with GE, if you recall from our early information releases. It seems likely that GE has very close contact with USC Berkeley. So watch them, as they have a time advantage over all of the above research organizations ! I'd say that GE has a chance to lead the rest of the 'pack' into widespread TCAP commercialization. They are arguably the most powerful company in the world, bar none (even Microsoft!). Jack Shulman, its inventor, is ecstatic that we were able to SCOOP Lawrence Berkeley, IBM, AT&T, and Intel, and wants everyone in the Public to be aware of the fact that this new area of science is likely to completely revolutionize the entire world of electronics: its 10,000 times faster, lower powered (by a long shot) and a lot smaller (molecular sized gates are possible) than today’s TTL logic chips. To that end, instead of PATENTING IT, ACC has intentionally placed the information about how the TCAP works into the Public Sector, preventing anyone from dominating the TCAP by patenting its most basic facets. This should ensure free enterprise use of the TCAP for the duration. It also accounts for the friction aimed at Jack by the major commercial semiconductor firms and research groups: they are very angry with Jack for not assigning it to one of them to control. If you recall, AT&T successfully patented the Transistor in 1950’s, thereby dominating it, and keeping all the profits for itself. As to the origins of the devices Dr. Proskauer’s widow conveyed to us, where they, and similar ones relating to the Transistor, obtained from a Downed Roswell Spacecraft, you ask? We have no idea… but, then... THE EVENTS ARE STILL UNFOLDING !! (Reference #3)


REFERENCE #1: Article Carried in UFO Magazine about the 'Transistor from Space' Cover Copyright: UFO Magazine 1997

REFERENCE #2: (or htm) Mon 01-05-98 02:19 pm IS ALIEN TECHNOLOGY BEHIND NEW ELECTRONIC DEVICE? CRANFORD, N.J. (Wireless Flash) - CONTACT: John Kravath, ****; Cranford, NJ; (908) 931-1200

REFERENCE #3: UFO Newswatch, at ACC © 1998 American Computer Company. All Rights Reserved. American Computer Corportation American Computer Company
eMail: Main website: ALSI Consortium website:


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