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Tomb Raider The Movie opens June 15, 2001!

Welcome To The Unofficial Tomb Raider Movie Site


Well, here it is. I really do not know why I made this website, I guess I just have way to much free time on my hands. Don't expect too many updates in the near future, as I am in the process of upgrading my computer system and will have a hell of a time transferring all my shit over. So enjoy what pathetic content you can find on this website.

-Webmaster Paul 2/8/01

Latest News

Lucy Clarkson Gallery Updated Check It Out - 2/15/01

Happy Birthday Lara - 2/14/01

E3 will be hosted this year in May at Los Angeles, CA. Check back for dates - 2/11/01

Next Generation Screenshots available, check them out - 2/12/01

ng_0001.jpg (67652 bytes)  ng_0003.jpg (88956 bytes)  ng_0002.jpg (73466 bytes)    






If I were directing/casting the film I would pick Rhona Mitra to play Lara Croft hands down.










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