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  Biography : The Reality Team
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Project Epyon 2003

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3-14-04 Site Correction
      Just am error in judgement and appology in regards to some information that should have been between parties and not for public venue. -Richard

5-30-03 Reality Studios and Fanime 2003
      So its been awhile since there has been anything new to this webpage.Well we now have something new to report. First of all Reality Studios will be presenting two AMV's this year in June FAnime Anime Music Video 2003 Contest. Both Videos have been created by Stephen Torres-Greene and will serve as a true test and example of Reality Studios potential in Making AMV's. The AMV's that are going to Fanime are posted in our downloads page (Sorry no downloads until after the contest). This Summer we plan to continue filming our current Project: "The Making of Reality Studios" Directed by David Linz.

[ Information ]

Stephen Torres-Greene (Lead Director / Chief Editor )

David Linz (Director / Editor )

Reality Studios: