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Where Everything Seems Possible And Nothing Is As It Seems

What is "Labyrinth"?

    It's a great movie by Jim Henson with the help of conceptual artist Brian Froud. It was created in the 1980's (good decade!), and along with "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure" and "The Dark Crystal" is possibly one of the greatest movies ever made. It features a teenager, Sarah, who is sick and tired of always having her baby brother pawned off on her. I know the feeling... Anyways, she wishes him away, and to her suprise, he is whisked away by goblins. Sarah now has to reach the center of the Labyrinth, where her baby brother, Toby, is being held. She has to do it all in 13 hours, through "dangers untold and hardships unnumbered". She makes friends and enemies along the way. I totally recommend this movie to any curious and imaginative viewer. After all... hasn't everyone wished someone away at least once in their lives?

      I have been a big fan of Labyrinth for a long time. I first saw it when I was about 8, and since then, I have been hooked! I recently became a Knight of the Labyrinth. You can find out more about the Knights at the link below. I am a knight of Division 2, The Stone Maze. Soon (or not that soon), I will have my picture scanned in so you can see me. I am a centaur that guards the stone maze from intruders. I also lead people away from the center of the Labyrinth if they get too close. Unfortunately, I was off duty the day the girl Sarah came to the Labyrinth. Due to the incompetence of my "comrades," she was able to get to the center and actually complete the Labyrinth! Such incompetence.... Well, there will be others... There always are. Please enjoy my page, and visit the others, as well

      Some other Labyrinth Links:

      Knights of the Labyrinth Home Page

      You can also check out all the links in the Labyrinth Web Ring by clicking on the buttons near the bottom of this page

      This Labyrinth Ring site owned by A. Hicks.

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      As you can see, my page is still under construction. If you have any ideas on how I can make it better, please email me! :)

      Here is a little Gelfling for you: