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A Michael Myers Situation

OK, Here are the do's and dont's in the HalloweeN series! Read below for them:

Dont try to call someone on the phone, because the phone usually doesnt work.

Dont get in your car, Michael proboblay could of slit the tires or fixed it to make it not opperate.

Do run, but dont run into any houses, small black places, or anywhere small. Just keep running in the street or something.

Dont think Michael is dead, he usually isnt. Dont think he'll die that easily.

Dont try confronting Michael, doesnt work. Dr. Loomis tried it and he just got hurt.

Do run as fast as you can.

Dont walk up to him when you think hes dead, hes not

Dont try fighting back too much...hes MUCH stronger than you. He has 50% more strengh than any man...So dont try fighting back...

Dont ever think Michael has turned's a trick!