The Quizes

Test your knowledge of Godzilla and other giant movie monsters! Find out just how good you are! Do you have what it takes to become a Kaiju Master? Find out!

Godzilla Tower now has 4 quizes with 15 questions a piece for a total of 60 questions! You can take them individualy, or give yourself the full test by doing them all at once.

The Really Easy Quiz
The Godzilla Quiz
The Giant Monster Quiz
The Really Hard Quiz

Scoring Guide for Full Test

0 = You probably can only get a score this low if you tried to get it.
1-16 = Obviously you are new to the genre.
17-27 = You definitely need to do more reasearch.
28-39 = You are an average fan of monster movies.
40-51 = You are an above-average fan that knows a lot!
52-59 = Impressive... most impressive!
60 = A truly amazing feat if you got this on your first try without cheating!

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