
Height: 20 Meters (Form 1), 57 m (Form 2)

Weight: 250 Tons (Form 1), 33,750 Tons (Form 2)

Regular Abilities: burrowing ability, sharp glowing nose horn, teeth, claws, tail, kind-of sharp back spikes, 100-meter long jump

Special Abilities: fire Breath Mouth Beam, possible electrical zaps

Weakness: none known


Film Appearances: Frankenstein Conquers the World (1965)

Destroy All Monsters (1968)

History: It is hypothesized that Baragon is from a species of dinosaur that went underground millions of years ago and adapted to the underground environment. It makes sense because being underground would have saved it from the theorized meteorite that killed the rest of the dinosaurs. He popped up, ate things, and fought "Frankenstein". Even though his neck was supposedly snapped, he later came in a cameo appearance in Destroy All Monsters (or, it could have been another Baragon). Helped Gorosaurus attack Paris (you can hear is roar in the background).


Fighting Power: ****

Because he is a burrower, he can't see very well. Ironically, he has a glowing horn. He may look kind of dumb consequently, but he has the usual not-very intelligent monster brains. Frankenstien did not, and that's why Baragon was beaten to a pulp. Still, he is a fairly good kaiju. Tough back armor, a sharp horn, great jumping skills, and a beam resembling Godzilla's Thermonuclear Breath make a good kaiju. Then again, the beam doesn’t look that powerful, and Frankenstien kicked his butt. Then again, Frankenstein could have just been lucky. Ignoring the Frankenstien factor, he looks like a basic Kaiju, except he is one of the best burrowers around! Not a bad kaiju, has potential, just hasn’t followed-through yet.