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About Wu A Ge/Yong Qi

*Note, before you read this, you need to know that this is not in my own words*

Yong Qi had the title of Wu A Ge, the Fifth Prince. He was Emperor Qian Long's favorite son, and that's quite flattering considering that the Emperor had more than 15 sons and 8 daughters. He grew up receiving the usual prince's education, which included literature, calligraphy, Chinese chess, and martial arts, and he excelled in those areas more than any of his brothers. He also had a very kind and caring heart, and like many of the other characters of Huan Zhu Ge Ge, he was loyal to his father and his friends, especially Xiao Yan Zi, and would fight to the end for them.

Xiao Yan Zi meant more to him than anything else in the world. For her, he would be willing to give up his title, his luxurius lifestyle, and even his life. *Doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?* But even that doesn't keep Yong Qi and Xiao Yan Zi from having little quarrels and big arguments now and then. They both tended to get very jealous, but that was only because of their love for each other.

He met Xiao Yan Zi when he was hunting with the Emperor. He shot an arrows towards a deer, but the arrow hit Xiao Yan Zi instead, who was hiding behind a tree while trying to get to the Emperor. From that moment, his whole life changed. Xiao Yan Zi's many antics kept him very busy - getting her out of the palace to see Zi Wei, helping her with her lessons, catching her parrot for her, constantly going to his grandmother, the Empress Dowager, to help get her out of trouble, and chasing away bees for her, just to name a few.

Yong Qi always tried a good son to the Emperor and was always polite and good-mannered towards the Empress, even though she wasn't his real mother. His mother was Yu Fei, one of Emperor Qian Long's wives. She died when Yong Qi was still very young, and that has made him mature and responsible. He was also a good friend to everyone and a good brother to his siblings. He never used his powers as a prince selfishly, and his actions were usually controlled by his head as well as his heart. He was truly a rare prince in those times, and today even, you don't find a guy like this every day!

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