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tHe gReAt wAlL oF cHiNa

dA pAgEs

wHeN wAs iT bUiLt?
WhY wAs iT bUiLt?
During wHo'S rEiGn wAs iT bUiLt iN?
hOw wAs iT bUiLt?
wUt dO sCiEnTiStS tHiNk?
HoW lOnG iS iT aNd wHeRe dOeS iT gO tHoRuGh?
WhIcH pIeCe iS tHe oLdEsT?
PiCtUrEs 1
pIcTuReS 2

hey danx for coming...gotz information on here nowz...and some pics...and links...and otha stuff. Dis stuff ain't accurate...just did it for mah web design class. We were suppose to do it on a history. I chose Great Wall of China

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