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You travel along the long path still thinking it will never end.
You are then stopped and you look forward seeing a creature that you cannot describe in words.
The little creature sees you and she doesn't get any closer to you.
She then trots off down the next path and you follow.
You look around and see she is no where near you anymore
You sigh lightly then you continue walking and see a sign that explains what you just saw.

ID: #A082
Name: Angel Neonflare
Sire: Duke Geoflare
Dam: Emerald Pixie
Gender: Doe
Genetics: wwFf, Bbtt, HH, CCDd#, MmDd
Birth Pint: Half-Pint
Current Pint: unknown

Robin Valentine
ID: A010
Parents: Unknown
Gender: Female
Genetics: Wwff, BBTt, Hh, MmDD, ccDd
Emerald Pixie
No. #A021
Gender: Female
Base Genetics: wwff*, BbTt, Hh
Colour Genetics: MmDD, CCDd
Parents: Randy & Camille

Name: Odhrun (O-rawn)
Gender: Buck
Genetics: wwff, BbTt, Hh, MMDd, CCDd
Sire: Sire Verdante
Dam: Emerald Pixie
Birth Pint: The Pint of the Rising Thunder

ID: #A065
Name: Green Lily
Sire: Odhrun
Dam: Cristan
Gender: Doe
Genetics: WwFf, BbTt, hh, MMDd, CCdd
Birth Pint: Half-Pint
Current Pint: Unknown

ID: A094
Name: Prancing Meadow (Meadow for short)
Species: Piccolo
Sire: Count Restain
Dam: Angel Neonflare
Gender: Female / Doe
Genetics: wwFf, BbTt, Hh, CCDd, MMDD
Birth Pint: Pint of Rising Thunder
Current Pint:

Name:Winter's CottonCandy
ID # A097
Gender Buck / Male
Genetics WWff, BbTt, Hh, CcDd, MMDd
Species Piccolo (purbred)
Sire wild
Dam wild

ID: A091
Name: Spirit
Species: Piccolo
Sire: Shocker
Dam: Aurora
Gender: Female / Doe
Genetics: WwFf, BbTT, Hh, Mmdd, ccDd
Birth Pint: Pint of Rising Thunder
Current Pint: None

Name: Amras
ID: A167
Species: Piccolo
Sire: Wild
Dam: Wild
Gender: Doe
Genetics: WWff, BbTT, Hh, CCDd#, MmDD
Birth Pint: unknown
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