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John Kennedy, an infamous traitor!

There are plenty of myths which have blossomed about Kennedy.
His fatal fate in Dallas was at the origin of plenty of gossip.
Though it appears certain that Oswald was not the lone killer that the Warren commission made him, does it mean for as much that Kennedy was a sort of hero fighting against forces of evil that he wanted to counter?
This is where I differ; the situation is in fact more complex than some might think, and I intend to bring a new light in this document.

Oswald was described as the sole killer of Kennedy, and for all those who believe this version and also think that Kennedy was a good president, he appears as an ugly traitor.
But does he really deserve to be considered as such?

Kennedy made a speech about secret societies which makes some think that he wanted to break the secrecy harming the public life.
In reality, the secrecy was bothering Kennedy only when he could not control it himself.
It was much different when he could control this secrecy, as I am going to show you in this document.

There is a myth running that Kennedy wanted to disband the federal reserve, and that's the reason why he would have been assassinated.
But it is total fantasy, Kennedy never had this intention.
Link to an article which explains why the myth that Kennedy would have wanted to disband the federal reserve is wrong
Here is an excerpt of this article:
"In summary, E.O. 11,110 did not create new authority to issue additional silver certificates. In fact, its intention was to ease the process for their removal so that small denomination Federal Reserve Notes could replace them in accordance with a law Kennedy himself signed. If Kennedy had really sought to reduce Federal Reserve power, then why did he sign a bill that gave the Fed still more power?"
Kennedy never intended to disband the federal reserve, and this is not the reason that he got assassinated for.

The fact that Lyndon Johnson would have betrayed Kennedy and would have been in the conspiracy to eliminate him also appears as a total myth.
Johnson pursued the politics that Kennedy had planned to follow (for, unlike what some think, Kennedy was ideologocally for the vietnam war).

So, if I think that there has effectively been a conspiracy to eliminate Kennedy, that Kennedy has not been killed by an isolated insane man, and that I reject usual explanations for the elimination of Kennedy, what do I propose as a reason for eliminating Kennedy?

On April 17th 1961, the invasion of Cuba by the bay of pigs was a total fiasco.
Kennedy was called a traitor by the CIA for not supporting it.
Why did Kennedy not support this invasion?
Why did Kennedy not refuse to approve this operation if he refused to support it?

In order to understand the defection of Kennedy in the invasion of the bay of pigs, one has to go back 5 days sooner, on April 12th 1961, the day that the russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin went to space.

Kennedy warmly congratulated Khrushchev about this exploit.
The fact that Kennedy did not contest this exploit was seen by the russian people, and the whole world, as the confirmation that Gagarin's exploit was real.

Yet, some days later, articles appeared in American newspapers articles which were describing his so-called exploit as a hoax, and explaining why his exploit was not credible.
Link to an article of an article of an American newspaper explaining why the exploit of Gagarin is fake

Some political men, like a representative of Illinois, Pucinski, urged Kennedy not to accept the "exploit" of Gagarin without clarification of the russians (which they never gave).

It seems that Gagarin was systematically announcing the events too early, which strongly suggests that his voice was coming from a talking machine which would have started too early, which explains the desynchronisation between his voice and the corresponding events.
Gagarin said that he was flying over South-America only one quarter of an hour after he departed, when he was needing in fact at least three quarters of an hour to reach it; at the moment he made this announcement, he still was in full pacific ocean.

Gagarin said he could distinctly see the russian farms and meadows when he still was at an altitude of 200 miles, at which altitude he was standing no chance to see them.

Just to give an idea, this is a google earth view of France at an altitude of 200 miles; on it we can see several departments of France; on this view, it is obvious that it is totally impossible to see something as tiny as a farm or a meadow.

Gagarin said he could see the earth through his porthole when the chief of the russian program said in a meeting that his cabin had no porthole, only slits.

And Gagarin, instead of landing inside his space cabin, landed in parachute (and exacly where he used to make his parachute trainings)...

...While his space ship, Vostok, was crashing far away and seriously damaged (which means that Gagarin would have been killed if he had been inside).

It appears impossible that Gagarin could have ejected himself from his space cabin, and there is every evidence that he was dropped from a plane and landed in parachute, exactly like he was doing in his parachute trainings.

There are still plenty of other anomalies, like the fact that Gagarin was viewed under four angles in his cabin when there only were two cameras in it.

Or the fact that his official photo was showing him with a bruise at one eye he only got several monthes after his exploit.

Moreover, Gagarin seemed to have a very bad memory about the events, for he wrote in his memoirs that he was wearing a blue suit during his exploit...

...whereas the russian authorities said he had an orange suit instead, and showed him with this orange suit.

That means that it is impossible that Kennedy could ignore that the flight of Gagarin was a hoax, and that, by accepting it, he was giving credit to this fraud, and allowing the russians to build a huge propaganda around it.
If Kennedy made a such favor to the russians, it is obvious that he was expecting a favor in return from them.

If Kennedy had supported the invasion of cuba some days later, as Castro was the ally of the russians, it would have given less weight to the gift he made them by accepting the Gagarin hoax; in refusing to support this invasion, he was on the other hand making a new gift to the russians, and increased the chances that they would accept the counterpart for this gift.

Kennedy decided to solve the problem of the persistent demands of Castro for security and reparations, and to make a new gift to the Russians.
But he could not accept these demands without acceptable counterpart, otherwise his popularity, which was already quite low since his defection in the bay of pigs, would have dramatically fallen, and he would have had no chance to get re-elected.
That's why he imagined an absolute weird stratagem which would allow him to fulfill his double goal.
in October 1962, a terrible crisis erupted which seemed to threaten the peace of the world, and the world seemed on the verge of a nuclear war.

Kennedy gave the impression of handling this terrible crisis in a very cold-blooded way, with much self-control.
But, in fact, the way he managed this crisis gives serious doubts about it:
- Why did Kennedy unhesitatingly accept the CIA photo-reconnaissance clichés since the CIA's U-2 surveillance had made a such fiasco in the bay of pigs?
- Why did Kennedy accept this evidence whereas it was not substantiated by reports of secret agents in Cuba?
- And, more important, why didn't the cubans make any effort to conceal the missiles and left them several days full in evidence till they were certain they had been photographed by a scheduled U-2 overflight of San Cristobal, when it is proven that they had capabilities of tracking the U-2 on soviet radars?
All this stinks of a manipulation!
Link to an article explaining how Kennedy concocted the pseudo crisis of the cuban missiles, and why it caused his fatal fate, and also the one of Robert Kennedy

Moreover the soviet ambassador Zorin said he was not understanding what the americans were complaining about, that the soviet had issued no threat against the Americans, and that the American photos were fake and had been doctored.
Of course, the American media said it was a manipulation from the russians.
Link to an article showing that the soviets issued no threat against the americans

Of course, this aroused my curiosity, and since I have found a web page showing american reconnaissance photos of the cuban missiles, I considered it was worth examing them..and I was right, for the trickery showed in full light!
Link to the site of the US national security archive with the photos of the cuban missiles crisis

This is the cuban photo numbered 3.
The legend for this photo is:
"August 29, 1962: U-2 photograph showing no construction at Guanajay."

This is the cuban photo numbered 4.
The legend for this photo is:
"August 29, 1962: U-2 photograph of SA-2 surface-to-air missile (SAM) site under construction at La Coloma."
We see a david star on the photo, so the russians must be here!

This is the cuban photo numbered 5.
The legend for this photo is:
"Completed SA-2 missile site showing characteristic Star of David pattern."
Oh sure, we see a star of David, so it must be the russians.
They absolutely want to leave their signature, so that the American reconnaissance planes can see it is them!
Oh my god, and those who see that are absolutely not surprised about a so lame evidence!

If we compare the david star between the two previous photos, they are not identical, they show differences.

This is the cuban photo numbered 8.
Its legend is:
"September 15, 1962: photograph of the Soviet large-hatch ship Poltava on its way to Cuba."

We also see the same boat on its way back to russia on photo numbered 25, with the following legend:
" October 24, 1962: Low-level photograph of the Poltava, turning back towards Moscow, carrying IRBM missiles (circled are the IRBM launch rings on trucks)."

But see the size of the trucks which are circled on the photo 25 compared with the trucks on the photo 8: they appear oversized, and yet it is the same type of truck.

This is the cuban photo numbered 9.
Its legend is:
"Crateology – photograph of crates holding Komar guided-missile patrol boats on their way to Cuba, September 1962."

Why are the crates so high, and why is the roof of these crates assymetrical?

This is the cuban photo numbered 11.
Its legend is:
" September 26, 1962: U-2 photograph showing surface-to-surface cruise missile (named “Kennel” by the U.S., FKR in Soviet plans) launch area at Banes."
We hardly see anything; it requires imagination to identify these things as the legend states it.

This is the cuban photo numbered 12.
Its legend is:
" CIA reference photograph of Soviet cruise missile in its air-launched configuration."
This is a cruise missile???
What a joke!
You know what it is?
It is a soviet glider which was embarked in a big plane, and which was dropped from this plane during its flight.

This is the cuban photo numbered 13.
Its legend is:
"September 28, 1962: photograph of Soviet ship Kasimov with IL-28 bomber fuselages in crates."

We see trucks which are well camouflaged by the fuselage crates, but the fuselage crates themselves are absolutely not hidden and in full evidence.
They have not even put a tarpaulin over them to conceal them.
What a carelessness from the russians; yet they are not known as amateurs!

This is the cuban photo numbered 14.
Its legend is:
"October 14, 1962: U-2 photograph of a truck convoy approaching a deployment of Soviet MRBMs near Los Palacios at San Cristobal. This photograph was the first one identified by NPIC on 15 October as showing Soviet medium-range ballistic missiles in Cuba."

The trucks are too close to each other.
When trucks are carrying secret weapons, they don't ride these way, they put more distance between each other.

This is the cuban photo numbered 15.
Its legend is:
" October 14, 1962: U-2 photograph of MRBM site two nautical miles away from the Los Palacios deployment – the second set of MRBMs found in Cuba. This site was subsequently named San Cristobal no. 1 (the photo is labeled 15 October for the day it was analyzed and printed)."
But, in fact, it is impossible to distinguish small details, so it is left to interpretation.

This is the cuban photo numbered 16.
Its legend is:
"CIA reference photograph of Soviet medium-range ballistic missile (SS-4 in U.S. documents, R-12 in Soviet documents) in Red Square, Moscow."
In fact, the goal of this photo is to give an idea of the huge size of the russian missiles.
And we'll see in what follows why this size is important.

This is the cuban photo numbered 18.
Its legend is:
"October 15, 1962: U-2 photograph of IL-28 bomber crates at San Julian airfield."

Now, all these crates are identical, they should all have the same size and consistence.
Yet, you can see that it is far from being the case!
Some are thinner than others!

This is the cuban photo numbered 19.
Its legend is:
"October 17, 1962: U-2 photograph of first IRBM site found under construction."

There are communications missing between some major roads.

And, the security fence is built in an aberrant way:
Its contour appears to be completely illogical!

This is the cuban photo numbered 21.
Its legend is:
"October 23, 1962: U.S. Navy low-level photograph of San Cristobal MRBM site no. 1 (mission led by Commander William Ecker)."
A close examination of this photograph reveals a certain number of anomalies.

As you can see, there are plenty of wheel tracks, but none right behind the trucks, like they had been deposited on the ground instead of naturally riding.

On this close-up, you can see wheel tracks which stop very abruptly.
Did the truck which made these tracks start to fly from this point?

And observe these two trucks on this close-up, how they are strangely parked.
One of them is blocking the other one; yet, it is not by lack of space, for there is plenty of remaining space.

On this close-up, you can see that there are wheel tracks which pass under a tree which dangerously bends.
A truck carrying weapons would never pass under a tree which is so unstable.
Futhermore, look at the base of the tree: It looks rather strange.

Look at the shelter of the missiles: It appears very close to a tree, and this tree looks quite important relatively to the missiles shelter.
Yet, we have seen that the russian missiles have an important size, so this shelter must also have a consequent size.
The conclusion is that this tree would rather be a big tree.

Not at all, because, if you compare this tree with the other trees around, you can see that it is a very small tree, a baby tree.

This close-up shows the missile erector.
There is a tree in full middle of the missile erector.
Do you really think that they would place the missile erector so that there would be a tree in full middle of it?
Are the Russians that stupid?

This is the cuban photo numbered 22.
Its legend is:
"October 23, 1962: U.S. Navy low-level photograph of nuclear warhead bunker under construction at San Cristobal no. 1."
This joke is a bunker?

You can see that it looks small relatively to the trees around.

Now observe the area which is before the bunker; it is very clear and allows reconnaissance planes to easily spot the bunker.
Moreover, it is strangely oriented, and stops very abruptly.
Why is there no continuity, why does it stop so abruptly?
And we see plenty of people walking on it, and even some on the top of the bunker, and this in spite of an American plane passing over them.
And it cannot even be said that they have been taken by surprise, for they had radars to see the American planes come from far.

This close-up shows what is labeled as "prefabrication materials".
Oh really?
Does it look like prefabrication materials to you?
I would be surprised!

And what is this strange thing I show on this close-up?
Seriously, what could be its use?
You can see that it is hollow.
A mini-bunker (like russian puppets which fit into each other)?

This is the cuban photo numbered 23.
Its legend is:
"NPIC drawing of nuclear warhead bunker under construction."
This drawing contradicts the previous photo, for, on the drawing, the bunker appears buried into the ground, whereas it is not on the previous photo.
And the trees around seem smaller relatively to the bunker than on the previous photo.

This is the cuban photo numbered 24.
Its legend is:
"October 23, 1962: U.S. Navy low-level photograph of Sagua la Grande MRBM site."

A close-up on the missile (circled) on its trailer.

A close-up on a little cottage at some distance from the missile trailer.
We can see that it is not big, for we can guess a door, and windows.

Now, if we compare the missile with the little cottage, the cottage appears quite big relatively to it.
Yet, given the important size of the missile, it shoud appear bigger relatively to the cottage.

This ridiculous thing is supposed to be, according to the legend, "erector on launch pad".

Moreover, it is oriented in an aberrant way, for it points directly toward a cliff.

This little cabin is supposed to be "Prob Hydrogen peroxyde tanks".
Oh my god!

And, where it is supposed to be "Oxidizer vehicles", I can see stritcly nothing!

This is the cuban photo numbered 26.
Its legend is:
"October 25, 1962: Low-level photograph of San Cristobal no. 1 showing extensive tracking from surging construction and possible missile readiness drills."

On this close-up, we see a rover (circled in orange), and two pairs of wheel tracks, but none of them has the direction of the rover!
And what is this strange thing I have framed in red?

This close-up shows, according to the legend, missile transporters, but they are not even identical, and show random holes.
They make me think of a cheese.

This is the cuban photo numbered 27.
Its legend is:
"Low-level photograph of San Cristobal no. 1 suggesting missile readiness drills."

On this close-up, we can see two trucks I have circled.
The one I have circled in green is normally put on the ground.
But the one I have circled in red (reversed relatively to the one I circled in green) is strangely perched on the top of a big rock!
What is it doing on this rock? How did it get there?

On this close-up, we see cars (circled in red), and people (circled in green).
But see how the cars are small relatively to the people.

On this close-up, we can see a tanker feeding a truck which is behind him; I show with an arrow the cable which connects them.
Apparently no problem...but see the distance which separates them!
Why hasn't the tanker come closer to the truck it is feeding?

And notice that the missiles are laid along a major road; why haven't they seeked more discretion?
Why haven't used the little road which could have led them to a more hidden, less visible place?

This is the cuban photo numbered 28.
Its legend is:
"October 25, 1962: U.S. Navy surveillance of first Soviet F-class submarine to surface near the quarantine line (conning tower number 945, Soviet fleet number B-130, commanded by Shumkov)."

In the background, we can see a ship, and it is American (we are in American waters).
Never a submarine would surface when an adversary ship is in view.

Therefore, this photo is unrealistic.
(Unless the Russians are total morons!)

This cuban photo is numbered 30.
Its legend is:
"U-2 photograph of Soviet troop encampment at Holguin."

The "soviet troops" are really strangely parked; their tents appear bigger on one side than on the other side.
Did they take their children with them?
Moreover, the tracks we see on the other areas around them allow to easily spot them.

This cuban photo is numbered 31.
Its legend is:
"Low-level photograph of Soviet unit insignia displayed in front of their camp."
We see plenty of artifacts.

But one of these artifacts seems to represent the soviet insignia.
So the russians must be there, mustn't they?
And they insist on showing where they are!

This cuban photo is numbered 32.
Its legend is:
"October 26, 1962: The U.S. destroyer Joseph P. Kennedy stops, boards and inspects the Marucla, a dry-cargo ship of Lebanese registry under Soviet charter to Cuba."

I was not knowing what the destroyer Joseph Kennedy looked like, but the flag of the ship on the right looks like the lebanese flag, so, the Joseph Kennedy must be the other ship.

Effectively the other ship looks like the Joseph Kennedy... I could check by looking for photographs of the actual Joseph Kennedy ship.

But there is something on the Joseph Kennedy ship of the cuban photo which does not seem to belong to the actual ship.

I have circled this strange thing.

This thinks makes me think of the death with its scythe.
Is it a presage of what will happen to Kennedy in Dallas?

This is the cuban photo numbered 33.
Its legend is:
"October 27, 1962: The Soviet ship Grozny crosses the quarantine line, but stops after U.S. Navy ships fire star shells across her bow."

Of course, I have wanted to compare it with the real Grozny ship.
I have found a model made by a talented russian amateur, and we can fully trust this model for every detail of it to be exact, accurate.

We can see that there is a chimney on one end of the ship of the cuban photo.

Yet, on the real Grozny ship there is no chimney on either end of the ship!!!

This is the cuban photo numbered 34.
Its legend is:
"October 27, 1962: Cuban anti-aircraft gunners open fire on low-level reconnaissance planes over San Cristobal site no. 1 (a Soviet SA-2 missile shoots down Maj. Rudolf Anderson’s U-2 on this day)."

Although there is a radar (circled in green) to spot the American plane, there is strangely no gun pointing toward it.
Are these guns only intended to shoot birds?
And there are plenty of people wandering in open field.

The major Rudolf Anderson is the only American casualty of this strange war.
In fact, it seems obvious that this military just had an accident during these events, and that he was just used by Kennedy as an evidence of the reality of this threat.
His death has obviously nothing to do with this pseudo crisis.

This is the cuban photo numbered 35.
Its legend is:
"October 28, 1962: The U.S. Navy shadows the second Soviet F-class submarine to surface, after repeated rounds of signaling depth charges on 27 October (the sub features no conning tower number, but is Soviet fleet number B-59, commanded by Stavitsky)."

Of course, you know me too much not to suspect that I tried to compare the submarine of the photo with an actual soviet F-class submarine.
I tried to find one on Google, but they served me the one of the cuban photo, and I am not going to compare fake with fake.
Finally I found a photo of an actual soviet F-class submarine.

A comparison from far seems to show that the two submarines are identical.

...If we concentrate on the conning tower of the submarine, we can see that the one of the cuban photo and the one of the actual submarine are not strictly identical.

On the one of the submarine of cuban photo, there is a hole which does not exist on the one of the actual soviet submarine, a hole through which we can see the sea!

This is the cuban photo numbered 36.
Its legend is:
"October 29, 1962: Low-level photography reveals Soviet removal of missile erectors and transporters at San Cristobal."
This photo is funny, because it shows plenty of things which are no more here, because they have been removed.
"You can see nothing because the things have been removed, but we can assure you they were there!"

This is the cuban photo numbered 38.
Its legend is:
" November 5, 1962: Low-level photography documents loading of Soviet missiles at the main Mariel port facility for return to the USSR. On the dock are vehicles later identified by NPIC as nuclear warhead vans."

Now look at the ship I have circled: It is maneuvering too close to the quay, that it has every chance to hit during its maneuver!
A ship of this size would never try to maneuver so close to the quay.
It would first go straight far enough from the quay, and then only would maneuver.
Therefore this photo is completely unreaslistic.

This is the cuban photo numbered 39.
Its legend is:
"Early November 1962: Low-level photography captures convoy of Soviet trucks driving onto dock at north Mariel port to begin loading process."

Look at this close-up of the trucks.
Independently of their orientation, the front of the trucks appears abnormal.
And it is not for a question of definition, because the rear of the trucks appears clear and normal.

On this close-up, look at the shadows which are projected by the chimney of the boat.
The shadow which is projected on the base of the chimney is oriented toward the right...But the shadow which is projected on the deck is shifted toward the left!
Incoherence, you said incoherence?

This cuban photo is numbered 40.
Its legend is:
"Early November 1962: Low-level photography reveals 17 missile erectors at north Mariel port awaiting return to the USSR."

The missile erectors should all be strictly identical...but far from it.

On this close up, you can see that the missile erector which is partially hidden by a pylon is very obviously different from the one which is on its right, when it should be identical!

And these ridiculous cubes are labeled as "Launch stands".

This cuban photo is numbered 41.
Its legend is:
"November 6, 1962: Soviet personnel and six missile transporters loading onto ship transport at Casilda port. (Note shadow at lower right of RF-101 reconnaissance jet taking the photograph.)"

The missile transporters are just put on the deck, not even strapped.
And they look really strange; they make me think of giant screws!

But the funniest thing in this photo, really hilarious, is this shadow that they say to be the shadow of the plane which takes the photo!
Super LOL!

This is the cuban photo numbered 44.
Its legend is:
"Close-up of the Soviet nuclear warhead processing base at the Mariel runway, onto which the 101st Airborne was scheduled to parachute if a U.S. invasion took place."
Frankly, I have closely examined this photo, and all I could find was people and cars!

This is the cuban photo numbered 46.
Its legend is:
"November 9, 1962: Low-level photograph of 6 Frog (Luna) missile transporters under a tree at a military camp near Remedios. U.S. photo analysts first spotted these tactical nuclear-capable missiles on October 25, but only in 1992 did U.S. policymakers learn that nuclear warheads for the Lunas were already in Cuba in October 1962."

See how these russian trucks are cleverly camouflaged under this tree.
The russians are really experts in the art of camouflage!

I have amply proven that the cuban photos are a joke, absolutely not credible, and that Kennedy used this pseudo crisis for his personal needs, at the detriment of the general interest.
This pseudo crisis was also a way to create in the americans the feeling that the cold war was more antagonist than it really was.

On this photo, the director David Parker points out the photographic evidence while U.S. ambassador Adlai Stevenson (at right) describes the photos. USSR ambassador Valerian Zorin (more than skeptical) is presiding at far left

October 18, 1962: White House photograph of President Kennedy meeting with Soviet foreign minister Andrei Gromyko and Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin – in which JFK does not reveal he knows about the missiles, and Gromyko asserts that Soviet military assistance is purely defensive.

Don't you find that Kennedy looks quite relaxed for a president who has to face a major nuclear threat?
It's sure that it is easier to face a threat you have created yourself than a real threat which is imposed on you!

So, as incredible as it can seem, Kennedy did not hesitate to frighten his own citizens, just because he figured it was fitting with his plans!

Kennedy thus allowed the russians to have a blackmail hold over him, which was allowing them to ask him whaetever they wanted from him, and he could not refuse if he wanted to keep a political future!

For the CIA, it was of course unacceptable, and the fact that Kennedy had become an open theat to US security was enough to justify his elimination.
But why did the CIA wait for one year before proceeding to his elimination, what decided the CIA to eliminate him?

The answer is probably in the Vietnam war.
Kennedy had started to withdraw american troops from Vietnam.
His successor, Lyndon Johnson did exactly the converse.
Does that mean that Kennedy had become ideologically opposed to the Vietnam war, and that the CIA preferred to replace him with Johnson who was ideologically for, and that Johnson would have been in the conspiracy to eliminate him?
This is what some imagine, because they are not aware of the foul role that Kennedy played in the cuban missiles crisis, and that they believe that this crisis was real.

In fact Kennedy was still ideologically for the Vietnam war.
Kennedy was a fervent adept of the ‘Domino Theory’ and he was convinced that, if South Vietnam fell to communism, then other states in the region would as a consequence. This Kennedy was not prepared to contemplate.

In his Berlin speech, Kennedy strongly posed himself as a rampart of the free world against communism.
Would he have changed his mind a year later?

Not at all, his position about communism had absolutely not changed, and he had absolutely no reason not to support the Vietnam war, he still was ideologically for it.
So, what had changed, why did he back up?
What had changed is that, because of the blackmail hold that the russians had acquired over him for his insane role in the fake cuban missiles crisis, Kennedy was no more free of his moves.
He had to grant all the wishes of the russians in order to save his head, to keep a political future that the russians could break by exposing the foul game he played in the so-called cuban missiles crisis.
Kennedy had become the puppet of the russians, and the russians could dictate US politics through him.

Kennedy could stop this blackmail hold the russians had over an US president by resigning, but he was too selfish to do it.
He was making his personal interest pass before the nation's one.
The CIA certainly tried to talk sense into him, and he brutally reacted by firing some heads at the CIA.

To care about his personal interest, Kennedy was even ready to betray his own country.

And the logical conclusion to this completely insane situation was his assassination in Dallas.
So, it is useless to create weird, unproven, and unsustained myths that the federal reserve or Lyndon Johnson would have plotted against him to have him assassinated; these myths are simply wrong.
The reality is that Kennedy maneuvered so insanely that he had become an open threat to US security, justifying his elimination, and I have brought the proof of it in this document.

Robert Kennedy has been assassinated for exactly the same reason.
Robert Kennedy had participated with his brother in the fake cuban missiles crisis, and he was as attainable by russian blackmail as his brother, and that's why he should not be allowed to become an US president.
By postulating for US presidency, he signed his warrant of death; the CIA eliminated another threat to US security.

And about John Kennedy junior, he did not participate in this fake crisis of course, he was too young.
But that does not mean he could not be blackmailed by the russians.
The russians could tell him: "We have the proof that your father faked the cuban missiles crisis; if you want the memory of your father not to be desecrated, and his honor to be kept, you'll do what we tell you".
Of course, he was not a president yet, but he was very popular, and the Kennedy myth had flourished, people were nostalgic of Kennedy's era.
He had his chances for becoming a president...a president blackmailable by the russians.
So, hasn't his accident been provoked by the CIA?
It is well possible!

I used to admire Kennedy.
But it was before I was aware of all the trickeries he did.
Now, as much as I am concerned, his legend may as well go into the toilet.
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