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Wolven Goddess   
Discover the beast within, and rejoin your brother and sister of the forest.

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   My name is Kal, or Kal'daka. Which ever you prefer to name me by. My name means "Wolf" in the mythical language of the Drow. The Dark Elves of the Underdark. It is not my given name, nor is it the name I use with my everyday life. But in truth it is who, or better yet, what I am.

    I live in Ontario, Canada. I have lived here for the past 4 years, and before that I lived just north of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, which is also the place were I was born. I grew up in Alberta, with a close knit group of friends. You could say they were part of my pack. I considered them as close to me as family.

   I currently reside with my family, until such a time that I move into a place of my own. My immediate family consists of my sister, mother and father. My grandparents by my fathers name, reside in a nearby city, and my grandmother (my grandfather being deceased) by my mothers maiden name resides in Northern Ontario

   My family always had pets as well, and we still do. A Dalmatian named Tasha belongs more to my mother and sister, than to the entire family. Merlin our eldest cat is definitely my fathers. Slick our youngest cat is mine without doubt. My sister and I both have gerbils. Flint is grey and belongs to my sister, and Renore is black. He belongs to me.

I am an artist, a writer, a poet, a dreamer, and a thinker. I love all things great and small. I am Wicca, daughter of the God and Goddess, and sister to all things sacred. I am spirit, soul and life. I am woman, mother, wife, sister, daughter. I am Wolf. I am Kal.

The Wolven Goddess

   If you are curious to know who or what the Wolven Goddess is, I shall explain it to you.

   Within each and ever creature, element and spirit, there is a life force. A guide you may say, that helps manipulate destiny or fate. It is sometimes confused with a conscience, but a conscience is developed through life's lessons, and the mistakes we make as individual, thinking and learning creatures.

   The life force that is contained within us is our own personal God/Goddess. The way we take care of our bodies and treat ourselves is reflected in the health and power of our individual God/Goddess or Deity. If you exercise everyday, and work hard for the things that you ask your Deities to help you with. Chances are you will be rewarded threefold.

  This follows one of the basic laws of Wicca, the law of threefold. Everything you do will come back to you threefold. You cant just ask your Deity for something then just sit back and wait for them to hand it to you. It doesn't work that way. You give to them, and prove that you truly desire what your asking for, by working to achieve it. The God/Goddess are not slaves, they are guides. We must work for what we wish.

   The Deities help you and encourage you and are there to listen when you have problems.

   The Wolven Goddess is my Deity. My guide and spiritual reinforcement.