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Achall - [AKH-ahl] - (Irish)

Achtan - [AKH-tan] - (Irish)

Achtland - [AHKT-lawnd] - (Pan-Celtic)

Adsullata - [AWD-soo-LAWT-ah] - (Breton)

Aebh - [Aev] - (Irish, Welsh)

Aerten - [AER-teen] - (Cornish, Anglo-Celtic, Welsh)

Aeron - (Welsh) A Goddess of war who may be only another name for Aerten.

Aeval - (Irish)

Agrona - (Anglo-Celtic, Welsh)

Aibell - [AW-bel or EE-bell] - (Irish)

Aibheaog - [AWV-ay'ok] - (Irish)

Aidin - [AW-deen or AE-deen] - (Irish)

Aife - [AW-fah or EE-fah] - (Irish, Scottish)

Aige - [(Irish)

Ailbe - [AWL-buh or Eel-buh] - (Irish)

Aille - [AWL or AWL-uh] - (Irish)

Ailinn - [AW-leen or EE-leen] - (Irish)

Aimend - [AW-mend or EE-mend] - (Irish, Scottish) A minor Celtic sun Goddess who was said to be the daughter of the king of the region known as Corco Loidhe.

Ain and Iaine - [Awn and Ea-AWN-ay] - (Irish)

Aine - [AW-nay or EE-nay] - (Irish)

Airmid - [AWR-meet or EER-meet] - (Irish)

Almha - [AHL-vah] - (Irish) Almha and her attendants myths are lost to us. We only know she was a Goddess of the Tuatha De Danann and that a hill in southern Ireland was named for her.

Amerach - (Irish)

Ancasta - (Anglo-Celtic) A Goddess who survives in name only through as inscription on a stone in Hampshire. She is possibly related to Andraste.

Andraste - (Breton, Anglo-Celtic, Continental)

Anu - [AW-noo] - (Irish)

Ardwinna - (Breton, Continental)

Argante - [Ar-GAN-tay] - (Welsh, Cornish, Brenton)

Ariadne - [Awr-ee-AWD-nah] - (Continental)

Arianrhod - [AHR-ee-an-r'hod] - (Welsh)

Arnamentia - (Anglo-Celtic) A Goddess of spring waters who was probably once a minor solar deity, or a Goddess of healing and purification.

Artia - (Continental)

Badb - [Bayv, Bide, Bive, or Beev] - (Irish)

Ban-Chuideachaidh Moire - [Ban C'HOO-dayk-haw MOY-ruh] - (Irish)

Banbha - [BAHN-na or BAHN-vah] - (Irish)

Basilea - (Continental) An ancient Celtic queen who is credited with "civilizing" her subjects.

Bean Naomha - [Ban NO-vah] - (Irish)

Bebhionn - (Irish, Welsh) See Vivionn.

Bebo - (Irish)

Bechoil - (Irish) This Goddess, whose legends have all been lost, may have been a very early version of Dana.

Becuma - (Irish)

Becuna Cneisgel - [NAYSH-gel] - (Irish)

Belisama - (Anglo-Celtic) Also Belisma, the Goddess of the Mersey River.

Bellah Postil - (Breton)

Bellona - (Scottish)

Berecyntia - (Continental)

Biddy Early - (Irish)

Biddy Mamionn - (Irish)

Birog - [BEE-roge] - (Irish) This powerful Druidess aided Cian in a campaign of vengeance against Balor.

Birren - (Irish) Mother of Cessair, wife of Bith.

Blai - [Blaw or Blee] - (Irish)

Blancheflour - (Cornish, Breton)

Blathnat - (Irish)

Blodeuwedd - [BLODE-uh-oo'th] - (Welsh)

Bo Dhu - (Irish) See also Bo Find. The black cow Goddess who helped bring fertility to barren Ireland.

Bo find - (Irish)

Bo Ruadh - (Irish) See also Bo Find. The red cow Goddess who helped bring fertility to barren Ireland.

Boadicea of the Inceni - (Anglo-Celtic)

Boann - (Irish, Continental)

Bodua - (Continental) A war Goddess similar to the Irish Badb.

Branwyn - (Welsh, Manx)

Brengwain - (Irish, Cornish)

Bri - (Irish)

Briant - (Anglo-Celtic) Goddess of the river which bears her name.

Brid - [Breed] - (Irish, Scottish)

Brigantia - (Anglo-Celtic)

Brigindo - (Continental) See Brid.

Britannia - (Anglo-Celtic) See Brigantia.

Bronach - (Irish)

Caer Ibormeith - [Kyair] - (Irish)

Cailleach, The - [COY-luck or CALL-y'ach] - (Scottish, Irish, Manx)

Caireen - (Irish)

Cally Berry - (Irish)

Campestres - (Continental) This was the Roman name of a lost Goddess of fields and was probably a fertility or harvest deity in Celtic Gaul.

Canola - (Irish)

Caolainn - [KAY-lawn] - (Irish)

Carlin - (Scottish) See Cailleach.

Carman - (Irish)

Carravogue - (Irish, Breton)

Cartimandua - (Anglo-Celtic)

Cathubodia - (Breton)

Cauth Bodva - (Continental) This name means "war's fury," and she is believed to be another name for Badb, an aspect of the Morrigan.

Cebha of the White Skin - (Irish)

Cebhfhionn - [CAVE-f'ohn] - (Irish)

Ceithleen - (Irish) The wife of Balor, possibly another name for Dana.

Cerridwen - [KARE-id-oo'in or KARE-in-win] - (Scottish, Welsh)

Cessair - [KAY-Sawr] - (Irish)

Cethlion - [KET-leen] - (Irish)

Chlaus Haistic - (Irish) An old Goddess of unknown function who came down to us as a powerful witch. Probably a crone Goddess, a Goddess of magic, or a Druidess.

Cigfa - (Welsh) See Kicva.

Cliodna - [KLEE-nah] - (Irish, Scottish)

Clota - [CLOOD-uh] - (Scottish)

Clothru - (Irish)

Coinchend - [KOEN-chend or KON-hend] - (Pan-Celtic)

Condwiramur - [KOND-oor-uh-moor] - (Welsh, Cornish)

Corchen - (Irish, Manx)

Corra - (Scottish)

Coventina - (Anglo-Celtic, Scottish)

Cred - (Irish, Scottish)

Creiddylad - [KRAYTH-ee-lahd] - (Welsh)

Creirwy - [KRAY'R-oo'ee] - (Welsh)

Crobh Dearg - [Crove Dairg] - (Irish) This war Goddess' name means "the red claw." She is a sister of Latiaran, possibly a form of the crone Goddess of battle Badb. A Leinster fortress was named for her.

Cyhiraeth - [KEER-uh-eeth] - (Welsh)

Cymidei Cymeinfoll - [KEEM-uh-day KEEM-een-vol] - (Welsh)

Dahud-Ahes - (Breton)

Daireann - [DAWR-ee-ahn] - (Irish)

Damara - (Anglo-Celtic) An English fertility Goddess associated with Bealtaine.

Damona - (Continental) A cow Goddess about whom little is known. Cow Goddesses were linked to fertility and abundance.

Dana - [DAWN-uh, DAY-na, THAY-na, or JAWN-uh] - (Irish)

Deae Matres - [DEE-uh MOT-rays] - (Breton, Continental)

Dealgnaid - (Irish)

Dechtere - (Irish)

Deirdre of the Sorrows - [DEER-druh] - (Irish)

Delbchaem - (Irish)

Deoca, Queen - (Irish)

Derbforgaille - (Irish)

Devona - (Anglo-Celtic, Cornish) Goddess of the rivers of Devon.

Dia Griene - (Scottish)

Dil - (Irish) A very old cattle Goddess about whom nothing is known today. She possibly was a derivative of the nearly forgotten Damona of Gaul.

Domnu - (Irish)

Don - (Welsh)

Drem - (Welsh)

Druantia - (Breton)

Dubh - [Doov] - (Irish)

Dubh Lacha - [Doov LAH-kah] - (Irish) An early Irish Goddess of the sea about whom little is known. Possibly another version of the Druidess Dubh.

Dwyvach -[DOO'ee-vahk] - (Welsh)

Eadon - [AE-don, with a long "o"] - (Irish)

Ebha Ruadh Ni Murchu - [EE-va ROO-ah Nee MUR-hoo] - (Irish)

Ebhlinne - [EV-leen] - (Irish)

Echtghe - (Irish)

Edain - [EE-dawn or AY-deen] - (Irish)

Edain Oig - (Irish) Edain's daughter. Some stories claim she was hidden away for her barrenness, yet she gave birth to one daughter who would be the mother of King Conaire Mor.

Eibhir - [EE-ver] - (Irish, Manx) The first wife of Ossian who is described as a being a yellow-haired "stranger from another land." She is quite likely a forgotten sun Goddess.

Eile - [EL-lee] - (Irish) The sister of Queen Maeve of Connacht.

Eire - [Air-uh] - (Irish)

Eithne - (Irish)

Elen - (Cornish)

Elphame, Queen of - (Scottish)

Emer - [EE-mer] - (Irish)

Enid - (Welsh)

Eostre - [ESS-trah or Y'OSE-tree] - (Pan-Celtic)

Epona - [Ey-PONE-ah, AY-paw-nah or Ay-PAWN-uh] - (Pan-Celtic)

Erce - [AIR-chay] - (Anglo-Celtic)

Eri of the Golden Hair - (Irish)

Eriu - (Irish) See Eire.

Ernmas - [AIRN-maas] - (Irish)

Ess Euchen - (Irish)

Etain - (Irish) See Edain.

Etan - (Irish) A daughter of Diancecht who married Oghma.

Etar - (Irish) The woman who drank Edain when, as a butterfly, she fell into Etar's ale. She later gave Edain rebirth in human form.

Ethne - (Irish)

Fachea - (Irish)

Fand - (Irish, Manx)

Fea - [Fee] - (Irish) See also the Morrigan. This war Goddess, whose root name means "the hateful one," is a subordinate deity of the Morrigan. She is the daughter of Elcmar and Brugh.

Fedelma - (Irish)

Feithline - [FAY't-leen] - (Irish)

Fail - [FEE-ahl] - (Irish) The older sister of Emer whom Emer wished to have marry before her. She offered Fail to Cuchulain, but he refused the offer.

Finchoem - (Irish)

Findabar - (Irish)

Finncaev - (Irish) Her name means "fair love." She was a minor Princess among the Tuatha De Danann, perhaps a Goddess of love or beauty.

Fiongalla - (Irish)

Fionnuala - [Fee-onn-OO-lah] - (Irish)

Fithir - (Irish)

Fland - (Irish) The daughter of woodland Goddess Flidais, Fland was most likely a lake Goddess, and is viewed in mordern folklore as an evil water faery who lures swimmers to their death.

Flaithius - (Irish)

Flidais - [FLEE-daws] - (Irish)

Fodhla - [FOAL-tah] - (Irish)

Franconian-Die-Drud - (Irish) A Druidess associated with the horse Goddess Mare, the bringer of dreams.

Fuamnach - (Irish)

Garbh Ogh - [Garv Ahg or GAR-oo Oeg] - (Irish)

Garmangabis - (Anglo-Celtic)

Genovefa - (Welsh, Cornish, Breton)

Gillagriene - (Irish, Scottish)

Godiva, Lady - (Anglo-Celtic)

Goewin - (Welsh)

Goleuddydd - [GO-loo-teeth] - (Welsh)

Grainne - [GRAW-nuh] - (Irish)

Grainne Ni Malley - [GRAW-nuh Nee MAAL-ee] - (Irish)

Grian - [GREE-awn] - (Irish)

Groac'h - (Breton) This "evil old woman" appears in several Breton folk legends. Her name is a corruption of the Brezonek word for the crone Goddess.

Guildelue - [G'HEED-uhl-uhk] - (Breton)

Guinevere, Queen - (Welsh, Cornish)

Gwen - (Anglo-Celtic, Welsh) A young woman who was so beautiful that almost no one could live if they gazed upon her for long. She was possibly a minor sun or moon Goddess or a Goddess of light.

Gwendydd - [GWEN-eth] - (Welsh, Cornish)

Gwendolyn - (Welsh, Cornish) See Vennolandua.

Gwennolaik - (Breton)

Gwyar - (Welsh)

Habetrot - (Anglo-Celtic)

Habondia - [Hahb-OEN-dee'uh] - (Anglo-Celtic)

Harimella - (Scottish) A Goddess of Tungrain origin who was worshipped in Dunfriesshire. Most likely a Goddess of protection. Also called by the name Viradechthis.

Heloise - [H'ell-o-EEZ] - (Continental)

Henwen - [HEN-oon] - (Anglo-Celtic)

Iaine - (Irish)

Igraine - [EE-grawn or EE-grawn-uh] - (Welsh, Cornish)

Inghean Bhuidhe - [EEN-awn BOO-ee] - (Irish)

Irnan - (Irish, Manx)

Isolde - (Irish, Cornish, Breton)

Iweridd - [Y'OO-er-eth] - (Welsh, Anglo-Celtic) A Goddess about whom little is known. She was one of the wives of Manann in the Welsh versions of his lore but her name, oddly enough, means "of Ireland."

Kele-De - [KAY-lay-day or KAY-lee-day] - (Irish)

Kicva - (Welsh) Also Cigfa. The wife of Pryderi and the daughter-in-law of Rhiannon.

Lady of the Lake, The - (Welsh, Cornish, Breton)

Lassair - (Irish)

Latiaran - (Irish)

Latis - (Anglo-Celtic)

Laudine - (Welsh, Cornish) A friend of Owain in the Arthurian myths whos was instrumental in facilitating Ossian's marriage with the Lady of the Fountian, a well Goddess.

Lavercam - (Irish)

LeFay - (Welsh, Cornish)

Liadin - (Irish) A poetess who was mated with the poet Cuirithir. Their story parallels that of Abelard and Heloise.

Liban - [LEE-bahn] - (Irish, Manx)

Locha - (Irish) Maidservant to Queen Maeve who died defending her mistress in Connacht's war with Ulster.

Logia - (Irish) The Goddess of the Lagan River.

Lot - (Irish)

Luaths Lurgann - [LOO-ahs LOOR-gahn]

Luned - (Welsh)

Mabb - (Welsh)

Macha - [MAAX-ah] - (Irish)

Maer - (Irish)

Maeve, Queen - [Mayv] - (Irish)

Maeve Lethderg - (Irish)

Maga - (Irish) A daughter of Aegnus MacOg, wife of Ross the Red, and mother of Fachtna.

Magh Mor - (Irish) A FirBolg princess/Goddess, the grandmother of Lugh.

Magog - (Anglo-Celtic)

Maire Ni Ciaragain - (Irish) A warrior queen of the Irish whose legends have been largely forgotten.

Mal - (Irish)

Mala Liath - [MAH-lah LEE-ah] - (Scottish)

Marcassa, Princess - (Breton)

Marcia Proba - (Anglo-Celtic)

Mare - (Irish)

Matrona - (Continental)

Meg the Healer - (Scottish)

Melusine - [Mel-oo-SEEN] - (Breton, Scottish)

Messbuachallo - [MESS-boo-HAHL-la] - (Irish)

Miluchrach - (Irish)

Modron - (Welsh)

Momu - (Scottish) A Highland Goddess of wells and hillsides.

Moingfhion - [MOYN-f'onn] - (Irish)

Morgan LeFay - (Welsh, Cornish, Breton)

Morgay - (Scottish, Anglo-Celtic)

Moriath - (Irish, Manx)

Morrigan, The - (Pan-Celtic)

Muireartach - (Irish, Scottish)

Munanna - (Irish)

Murigen - (Irish, Scottish, Manx) A lake Goddess associated with the deluge myths.

Murna of the White Neck - (Irish)

Nass - (Irish) This Goddess was a wife of sun God Lugh. She died in County Kildare at a site which still bears her name.

Nair - [Nawr] - (Irish)

Nantosuelta - (Continental)

Nehalennia - (Breton, Anglo-Celtic)

Nemain - [NIM-awn or NIM-vahn] - (Irish)

Nemetona - (Anglo-Celtic, Continental)

Nemontona - (Anglo-Celtic, Breton)

Nessa - (Irish)

Niamh - (Irish)

Niamh of the Golden Hair - [NEE-ahv] - (Irish)

Nicevenn - (Scottish)

Nimue - (Welsh, Cornish) See Vivienne.

Noctiluca - (Continental) A Goddess of magic from Celtic Gaul about whom nothing else is known. She may have originally been Roman.

Oanuava - (Breton, Continental) An ancient earth Goddess from Celtic Gaul. She was probably a mother Goddess who was regionally worshipped as the source from which all life flowed.

Odras - (Irish)

Olwen - [O-loon] - (Welsh)

Onaugh - (Irish)

Ostara - (Pan-Celtic) See Eostre.

Pendardun - (Welsh)

Plur Na mBan - [Ploor nah Vawn] - (Irish)

Pressine - [Pray-SEEN] - (Breton) The Breton sea faery woman who was the mother of Melusine by the King of Scotland.

Princess of the Sun, The - (Breton)

Rashincoatie - (Scottish)

Ratis - (Anglo-Celtic)

Rhiannon - [R'HEE-awn-on] - (Welsh, Cornish)

Rhiannon Rhin Branawd - (Welsh)

Rosmerta - (Anglo-Celtic, Continental)

Saba - (Irish)

Sabrina - (Anglo-Celtic) See Savern.

Saitada - (Anglo-Celtic)

Savern - (Cornish, Anglo-Celtic) Also Sabrina. She became the Goddess of the River Severn when she was drowned there by Vennolandua. She may be one and the same as Sequana.

Scathach - [SCAH-yah'k] - (Irish, Scottish)

Sceanb - (Irish) The wife of Craftiny. Craftiny killed Sceanb's lover, Cormac, in a jealous rage.

Scena - (Irish)

Scenmed - (Irish) After Cuchulain eloped with her step-daughter, Emer, Scenmed raised an army to follow him to Ulster and steal the girl back. She was slain by him for her unsuccessful efforts.

Scota - (Irish)

Sequana - (Anglo-Celtic, Continental)

Sgeimh Solais - (Irish) This High King's daughter's name means "light of beauty." When she married a Desi, a rival "race," she began a war between her father's followers and the Fianna.

Sheila-na-gig - (Irish)

Sin - [Shin] - (Irish)

Sionnan - [SHON-nahn] - (Irish)

Sirona - (Breton, Continental)

Smirgat - (Irish)

Stine Bheag O' Tarbat - (Scottish)

Sul - (Continental)

Taillte - [TEWL-tay, TAHL-y'uh-too, or TELL-tay] - (Irish)

Tamara - (Cornish)

Tamesis - (Anglo-Celtic) The Goddess and namesake of the River Thames, later replaced in patriarchal times by Llud, for whom Ludgate Hill in London is named.

Taranis - (Continental)

Tea and Tephi - [Tee or TEE-uh] and [T'hee] - (Irish)

Tlachtga - [T'LACH-t'gkah] - (Irish)

Triduana - (Scottish)

Triple Goddess, The - (Pan-Celtic)

Tryphyna, Princess - [Truh-PHEE-nuh] - (Breton)

Turrean - (Irish)

Uairebhuidhe - (Irish) A bird Goddess about whom little is known.

Uathach - (Irish, Scottish)

Vaga (Anglo-Celtic) The Goddess of the River Wye.

Varia - (Irish)

Veleda - (Continental)

Vennolandua - (Cornish)

Verbeia - (Anglo-Celtic) A Goddess of the Wharfe and Avon Rivers.

Viradechthis - (Scottish) See Harimella.

Vivienne - (Welsh, Cornish, Breton)

Vivionn - (Welsh)

Wachilt - (Anglo-Celtic) A minor sea Goddess, later called a "witch" in English mythology. She is the mother of Wayland the Smith, a German God honored in England.

Yseult - (Breton) See Isolde.

This list is by no means the final word on any of the Goddesses listed. Each tradition many have its own unique views for each one.

If I have missed listing any certain ones I do apologize.


Information Source: Celtic Myth & Magick by Edain McCoy