

Writers write but

words harass us.

Tenacious words intrude on my thoughts so

I gargle some and spit them out. 

It clears the palate.

I gather the remaining words like

wayward children and

coax them down from edgy precipices,

line them up and

parade them like glamorous showdogs.

I pluck unruly words

from haunted daydreams.

I shake captured words in my

cupped hands and roll them like dice,

repeating until I hit upon a satisfactory combination.

Sometimes, though, I kiss words gently

one sentence at a time.


© 2003 Lorian Gray


My Mother


My mother clutches her secrets like a

tightly wound string of pearls.

To release one would scatter the entire rosary.

I try to coax her to let go of one, but

I may as well try to pry open an oyster. 

Her secrets are heirloom jewelry,

locked for years in a treasure chest,

buried in the depths of the murky sea of the

abyss of her soul.

So I reach out to her and try to

embrace the emptiness.

My mother flutters like a cornered dove,

grasped by too greedy hands.

She eyes me suspiciously.

She needs reassurance that her guarded heart is

safe with me.

I open the palm of my hand and wait.


© 2003 Lorian Gray




The strongest plant in my garden

is an unidentified weed

meandering casually up the

side of my house;

a creeping, twisting drove of

viney tendrils and unhurried leaves.

I look at my lilac bush that I nursed along,

it's delicate folds whispering

the first delicious hints ofspring,

a perfume to be savored

for the fleeting moments of bloom.

And there’s the crooked trellis that

suddenly sprouted roses

one day after the rain stopped

and I walked by and was startled tosee

blood red petals growing on leafygreen veins.

It strikes me how

unplanned and utterly neglected

this weed has been

and yet it has thrived.

It reminds me of how in my life

things just go so much more smoothly

when I am doing the wrong thing.


© 2003 Lorian Gray


God’s Glass Eye


I am the keeper of my soul

The lock at the gate

The window in the door.

I open one eye

And blink.

Take comfort in the full moon,

God is not watching over you!

That’s me in the night sky,

God’s glass eye.

I am stumbling in the dark but


Am the light

At the end

of the tunnel.


© 2003 Lorian Gray


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