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Cherry Blossom Maiden

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Welcome to Cherry Blossom Maiden's site!


  October 21, 2004
Cherry Blossom Maiden Hey Everyone!
How's life? Well, it was CN Tower Climb yesterday. It was awesome! Even though I sucked, I made it up to the top. LoL But I feel so bad. I'm so SRY I slowed you down, Jimmy. But thanks so much for staying with me. Yay, we're gonna watch "The Grudge" in a week or something. It's gonna be awesome except it's gonna be in Jap. I'll find a way to understand. LoL Another thing that sucks is that I'm really scared of horror movies. Oh well, I guess your arm is gonna be badly injured, Lydia. Forgive me if it is. LoL
Ok, c ya!

  October 11, 2004
Cherry Blossom Maiden Hey people!
I'm so happy I'm finally done my site! It took a bit long, and I’m really sorry if it bothers you that much! I know I didn’t add a lot of stuff, but I promise I will when I’ll have the time to. I’m also trying to add some stuff about anime, but it’s not as simple as it sounds, so please wait a bit more.
Have fun!

  October 1, 2004
Cherry Blossom Maiden Hey Everyone!
I’m so sorry I didn’t update for such a long time. I was going to drop this site, but I guess I changed my mind, so here I am! I’ll try to improve this site, but I don’t promise anything yet. I had so much to say, but I’ll keep it for next time. By the way, I want to thank everyone that signed my guestbook, I really love to read your messages.
C ya next time!

Copyright © Cherry Blossom Maiden 2004