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The New Sailor Scout Senshi

Greetings and welcome to the New Sailor Scout Senshi (NtS)! This site will be under major construction until the end of September of 2004. Then, I will be posting profiles and fanfics. Until then, you can take a look at Sailor Scout Senshi, which is the older version of this site. The link will remain active as long as the old site is running. The information will be quite similiar, though formats will be changed. I'm cutting and editing, changing a lot. As you can probably guess, Sailor Scout Senshi will not be updated at all anymore. From now on, only NtS will be given my attention.

I will be excepting any fanfics for this site now. If you would like me to put your fanfic on this site, e-mail me. (E-mail at the bottom...)

For those of you who do or do not know, NtS will be run solely by me, Natasha. Matt and Rhiannon are no longer a part of my team. *tear* But it's alright, we've just decided to go seperate ways for awhile. I will need help though, particualarly in the region of fanfics. If you spend quite a bit of time online and like to do editing and html stuffs, let me know! (again, E-mail at the bottom...)

I promise, I'll get some more interesting graphics and neatness up soon! But for now, this simpleness will have to do...

Thank you for coming! Check back in August for an update, and please e-mail me if you have any questions/comments!

For those of you paying attention, I LIED! NtS isn't getting my full attention. I also have two other sites I'm working on, non SM affiliated. And, you know, life goes on and on... and on some more... So hopefully, things will be ready by the end of September, as it stands, it's not looking good for August... Ciao!
