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Psychic Storms Blog
Sunday, 3 April 2005

Topic: Power Animals
The attributes below are taken from a variety of sources; Celtic and Native American teachings as well as my own experience of working with these animals. I've sorted this list into what makes sense to me. Life companions, way-showers, annual guides, 12th house teachers, shadow teachers and symbols. A way-shower is an animal I've actually worked with but that isn't a life time totem for me. A shadow teacher is an animal that has carried negative energy and a symbol animal is one I understand intellectually but have never worked with personally.
The page is getting rather long but I hope that it's beginning to take on a personal flavor. Simply knowing your totem but not personalizing the lessons or working with the animals doesn't do you any good. My goal here is to provide not only general information but any personal insights I've come to have in the hopes of helping you determine your own relationship with your totem animal.
Life companions - For an animal to have the designation of life companion I have to have met them not only on a number of shamanic journeys but they need to have crossed into the dream world with me. If you follow the links you'll find more on the animal.

Cat - Where should one include an animal that is a life companion in this reality? Neela (her craft name - didn't you know that register pedigreed cats need craft names as much as humans do?) works with me in the circle, has joined me on shamanic journeys and has walked with me in the dream world. I could ask for no better companion on my journey.
Seeing the unseen
Allows us to dream its dreams
Assists in meditation
Ability to fight when cornered
Question: What baggage are you carrying on your "cart" that keeps you from living in the now?
Dragon - According to Menet the relationship between dragons and humans is special. They're not power animals but companions of a special nature since the bond exists at the soul level and they're with us in every life. Dragons come in a variety of shapes and sizes and elemental natures. Menet is a crystal dragon..
Question: At what time did you have a revelation of your vocation?
Horse - Power. I'm surprised at how often horse images come in for me.
Astral traveler
Question: Are you strong enough to meet people outside of your group?
I found Cieenenen (blaze) again when I was taking a class with Michael Harner. KC was suppose to retrieve a power animal for me that I had lost and when she came back from her journey she said she'd met a horse. I then journeyed to discover what she had found and realized that I'd let someone take Cieenenen (my power) from me many years ago. She's a roan with a white blaze on her forehead.
War Horse - Over the years horse has come to me in many forms with many different lessons. My current view is that I've moved beyond my images of a race horse and I've become a war horse. A war horse is smart, they understand that there objective is to survive not just to win.
Mountain Goat - Though these beings also have an affinity to the earth element, their natural terrain is up high in the clouds and mists of windswept mountains. Mountain goats have a steady and sure-footed gait, and can use their powerful strength to quickly bound over boulders and up crags. These beings help us to be direct and sure on our path, to be clear and grounded in our movements and in our relationships.
Scaling the heights, be it spiritual, mental, emotional or material, including being able to receive greater honour and recognition for your life's work. Establishing resources needed to accomplish a long term goal or project. To keep the momentum going even things seem very difficult or impossible to achieve. You have dreamed a dream, now bring it into manifestation through persistence and keeping your eyes firmly on the prize.

Question: What are you willing to work hard for?
Snowy owl: Owl's Wisdom Includes:
Silent and swift movement
Keen sight
Hearing the unsaid
Link between the dark, unseen world and the world of light
Question: How can you express your inner knowing constructively in your vocation?
Snow leopard:
Trusting one’s inner self
Ability to stalk
Understanding the power of silence
Question: What truth do you personally stand up for?
What is your spiritual path?
Real Life Visitors - these are animals who have actually physically come to call at various times in my life.
Bobcat - The art of hearing what isn't said. able to turn on/off creative forces in life, look for what is hidden an all levels, trust your senses.
Bobcat teaches how to keep confidences and secrets and to know when to speak, how much and to whom. It gives one the ability to see what others may be trying to hide. The "tufted" ears indicate a connection to the ability to hear what is NOT being said and can lead to developing clairaudience. If bobcat enters your life you should look for what is hidden - in yourself and in others. Trust your own senses and instincts. You should also expect some new learning experiences which will help teach that your true power and strength in certain situations is through silence.
I'm amazed at how often I've been seeing bobcat recently. On 11/1/04 I saw a pair rollicking through my backyard . This makes me question that emphasis of Bobcat as a solitary being. Also of the three other times we've seen the cats it hasn't always been the same cat.
Coyote - Trickster. When we're being too serious about life Coyote may come along to teach us to laugh at ourselves. It is also the karmic enforcer, reminding us that whatever we do to others will be done to us. I've never met Coyote on the inner paths but I know him well from two years of living in the southwest and he's almost as common here in the pacific Northwest
Deer (Abhach) or Stag (Sailetheach):
In its form of the white doe or white stag, the deer was often a messenger and guide from the Otherworld. Following such an animal led the unsuspecting human into contact with supernatural beings. The antlered headdress of Cernunnos is a symbol of the stags stature. The deer represents keen scent, grace, swiftness, and gentleness. These are the ways of reaching our goals without using force. - We don't have anything but regular bucks and does here but they tromp through the yard often enough
Gentleness in word, thought and touch
Ability to listen
Grace and appreciation for the beauty of balance
Understanding of what's necessary for survival
Power of gratitude and giving
Ability to sacrifice for the higher good
Connection to the woodland goddess
Alternative paths to a goal
Hawk -- Perception, Focus, protection, Primal life force, fulfillment, spring and fall equinoxes. Hawk helps diminish fever and headaches. His color is haze he is connected to willow, the tree of the Triple Goddess. Hawk teaches us how to observe and receive the signals of life.
Hummingbird - Joy. Hummingbird darts lightly through the world, spreading its message of joy and beauty, and teaching us to appreciate the wonder and magic of everyday existence.
Squirrel - Gathering. Squirrel, in preparing for winter, gathers only what it needs. This medicine teaches us to discard not only unnecessary physical objects but those negative beliefs which limit our trust in love and abundance. - Does anyone with a yard not share their lives with the squirrels? In fact I joke that according to them -- they own this house and we keep intruding. With an animal this common you need to look for notable or unusual behavior.
Ability to solve puzzles
Quick change of direction
Storing for the future
Balance in giving and receiving
Power of rest during times of non-movement
Beaver - Builder. Some people in life are builders. We can't help it. We see problems or things that need to be done and we're incapable of not doing them. We're not motivated by power or glory we simply need to solve problems and build something. I've never met Beaver on any of my inner journeys and yet I'd say I belong to the clan of the beaver. Beaver's Wisdom Includes:
Maintaining the ability to be productive in all ways by not limiting your options
Being persistent
Using available resources
Using alternate ways of doing tasks
Master builder of all things
Not damming the flow of experiences in life
Achievement through completion of tasks
Understanding dynamics of group work
Cow (Bo): Once so important to the Celts and the Nordic tribes that they (cows) were used as a form of currency or monetary exchange. Ancient Irish lords were known as bo-aire or cow-lord. The cow symbolizes value, providing for daily needs (nourishment), and movable wealth.
Connection to the Great Mother Goddess (as the primal nourisher)
Connection to the grasses (the cow is a pivot point in the food chain)
Sharing through community (milk is a renewable resource whereas beef is not - at least not from the same cow)
Movable wealth
Audhumla- The great mother of the creation, the hornless cow or bovine. She licked the first gods out of the ice and nourished Ymir. Four rivers of milk flow from her utters to nourish all.
Dog - Dog can be either a totem or it can serve some functions as a familiar. As a familiar the most common role is that of protector. My little guy is barely 20lbs but he's a fighter and fiercely loyal. Of the three dogs we've had he's the smallest and the most protective. Dog Medicine incorporates the loving kindness of the best friend and the protective energy of the guardian. Dog reminds you that your loyalty should always be to yourself, to your own truth. He reminds you that by respecting and valuing yourself you can truly render a service to those who honor what you can give them.
I sound the alarm!
Deliveryman - come to kill us all -
Look! Look! Look! Look!
Goose-- Story telling, fertility and fidelity, Safe return; Love of home
Goose teaches us it is possible to be well grounded and flight to the heights of spirit too - loyalty to mate and family - communication (especially written), to use innocent imagination as a tool for growth. It leads us to travel and have adventures in multiple awareness - reminds us to watch our diet too.
Movement along ones soul path
Understanding the power of community
Assisting others through illness
Wolf - Dream Catcher. In my personal lexicon Wolf has introduced himself to me as "Dream Catcher" His role is to make sure that my dreams are accessible to me and not lost in the shadows of the night. Hecate sent him to me.
Spirit teaching
Guidance in dreams and meditations
Instinct linked with intelligence
Ability to pass unseen
Annual Teachers - Some annual teachers come for the year and leave and others come for a year and stay.
2004 The White Horse - The white horse is the only beast that was allowed to travel freely to and from the Otherworld, a general term for the dwelling places of the spirits and gods . The White horse can appear with wings (Pegasus) or with a Horn (the unicorn) or simply as a magical white steed. Where horses normally are representations of personal power, in the case of the white horse they represent power granted to us from above as an aid in accomplishing our goals.
Connection to the Faeries
Often makes contact under blooming fruit trees
Some years my annual totem animals show up late. Some years they show up in a hidden guise (like last year). This is the first year I can remember where any totem has been quite so insistent about making his presence felt.
2003Griffin: This mythical beast has the head and wings of an eagle, and the body and tail of a lion. It teaches the shaman to combine various positive traits in strength, yet maintaining discretion and seeing the truth. The protective griffin symbolizes great magic and power.
Ability to look deep into one's soul to find answers
Connection to Fire
Ability to feel with every bit of the soul
Ability to soar above the fray
Knows of the balance within nature
As a Lesson totem the Griffin can descend into its lower incarnation the vulture. I don't know whether I failed or the lessons I needed to learn this year just had to do with cleaning up a lot of old junk but I've certainly seen the vulture and I haven't seen much of the griffin
I have recently come to realize that there are two sets of shadow teachers. There are those animals who are there to help us mediate and deal with our shadows and then there are those who actually carry the shadow energy
2002 White Tiger - The White Tiger's hide of white with dark brown stripes provides near perfect camouflage during the hours of dawn and dusk, the hours during which he/she is most likely to hunt for food. Being thus endowed, the white of the tiger appears to the eyes of potential prey, to be innocuous areas of sunlight in the forest or jungle, while the stripes provide the illusion of shadow. Thus, it is believed that this is a spirit that dwells in both the world of darkness (physical realm) as well as that of the light (spirit realm).
Strength and will-power in the face of adversity
Acting in a timely manner
Action without analysis
As a Lesson; Totem Tiger would be present to teach that individual the importance of the Power of Conviction, as this is one of the keywords of White Tiger element - metal
2001 The Flying Horse - I really didn't understand the gift of this totem until after the fact. The flying horse can let you get through a situation without ever becoming mired in it. It can also mean a year of travel and the feeling of always flying around. The downside of this totem is that you can also feel as if your feet never touch the ground.
Gives inspiration
Connected to lightning wisdom
Ability to fly over any situation
2000 Blue Jay- The jay reflects lessons in how to use personal power correctly and efficiently. They remind you to pay attention and not allow yourself to be placed in a position in which power is misused against you. Those with jay as a totem need to heed this warning. The bright blue crest on the top of a blue jays head links it to father sky, reminding those with this totem that true power must be utilized with integrity and balance.
Jays are incredibly resourceful. This can represent a need within yourself to learn adaptability for survival with the least amount of effort. Since the jay doesn't usually migrate and stays around all winter, it serves as a teacher who will settle in and work with you as long as you need it. Jay is willing to teach you fearlessness, adaptability and survival but you must be willing to follow its lead and become power through presence.
Understanding how to use power wisely
Ability to check on future trouble spots
I think I didn't listen to Jay as much as I should have. The year started off great but issues around power and the fear it can cause in others lead me to make a change I would rather not have made
1999Turtle - Mother Earth. By following the example of Turtle we can learn to ground ourselves in the nurturing and protective energy of the earth and to flow with its energies at a pace which assures completion of our tasks. Turtle visited me when I was doing work with the earth element. I was surprised that it was earth and not water. Turtle is definitely a teacher for me now especially since I'm grappling with the issues of home and right place.
Symbol of the earth
Connection with the center
Psychically protecting oneself
Nonviolent defense
1998 Swan - Grace. Swan teaches us to trust the grace of our being as it operates in both the physical and spiritual planes, and urges us to rejoice in the gifts of our physical bodies and our intuitive minds. Color is blue. In healing, steadies the nerves. Ivy, I die where I cling. The power of women and attributed to grace. Teaches us to surrender to the grace and rhythm of the universe. One can learn to move into the spirit of the All. Spiritual power. Swan's Wisdom Includes:
Awakening the power of self
Understanding dream symbols
Seeing into the future
Understanding spiritual evolution
Developing intuitive abilities
Grace in dealing with others
Swans mate for life and it is in that context that I usually work with them. They are also a very strong Celtic totem and the mute swan represents my birth month in the Celtic tree system. While swan has been in and out of my life for a long time having her as the totem for the year I got married seems auspicious.
1997 Otter - Otter is receptive, playful, and free of jealousy. As both women and men begin to express the highest qualities of this medicine the world can become a joyful place where all can play without fear of harm or loss. Otter's Wisdom Includes:

Sensibility without suspicion
Guidance in unmasking talents
Psychic awareness
Understanding the value of playtime
Otter has very special symbolism for me. On the level of the other world she introduced me to my husband. It's actually kind of a cute story. Three weeks after I met my husband he gave me a valentines day card with the picture of an otter on it. Since Otter had already come to me and told me he'd help me find the right man I naturally accepted this as a sign that I'd finally met the right one.
1987 Black Unicorn -

Twelfth House Teachers -A twelfth house teach is a shadowy totem that is sent to help us deal with difficult issues and problems. Unlike a shadow teacher they don't carry any negative energy in and of themselves.
Octopus - Octopus is a way-shower through the shadow. I have very little water in my nature and octopus has come to me as a guide to help mediate that which is by nature my shadow.
The octopus has a built in defense system to guard against negative attack. She teaches us to guard against those negative persons and situations that might otherwise harm us. Octopus People often experience very emotional dreams as well as a lot of emotional healing through the Dream State. Finally octopus teaches us to approach all things not with the intent to destroy, but with universal love, strength, and faith.
Moving rapidly away from danger when needed
Proper use of smoke screens (ink) in evading enemies
Destroying negative barriers
Vulture The vulture is here as a shadow teacher because some of the lessons she brings are hard lessons, not because she herself is negative. One of the teachings that vulture holds for mankind is the cleaning up of messes. This can be physical, emotional, or psychic messes which we don't want to deal with. Vulture medicine can guide us to the resolution of such problems.
Death and rebirth
Shadow Teachers - Shadow teachers are intensely personal. My shadow teacher might be someone else's life companion (I hear from bear folks a lot asking me what my problem is). Anyway Shadow teacher's show up in our nightmares and occasionally even run rampant in our waking life (I have real bear stories in addition to those nightmares).
Alligator I don't know why alligator is always such a lurking threat in my dreams.
Alligators hide themselves in water and mud waiting for unsuspecting creatures to happen by, and then snap. They eat any animal they can swallow and if they can't swallow it, they tear it into bite size pieces. The eyes of the alligator are positioned high on their head allowing them to remain relatively hidden beneath the water and still be able to seek out prey. Hiding in the water ties the alligator to the emotional body of man. The alligator holds the teachings of the discovery and the release of emotions that are locked beneath the surface.
The power of alligator is its power to survive. They have no known predators. If alligator shows up in your life or in the dream time it might be telling you to take care of yourself and secure your basic survival needs.
These fascinating creatures digest their food slowly. Those with this totem should remember to digest and assimilate all experiences thoroughly before moving forward in haste. Alligators teach the art of patience and appropriate timing. They know when to hide beneath the water, peak above it, or take action and snap.
Grizzly Bear - Mindless force, bent on destruction. If you have a bear totem please do not take offense at this. My intention here is merely to show that totems can carry negative as well as positive energy. I've encountered bear a number of times on the other plain and the experiences have been rather terrifying. I'm also very familiar with Bear on this plain and I admit my experiences have been less than warm and cuddly
Defense and revenge
Death and rebirth
Astral travel
Creature of dreams
Frog -everyday things may have teeth. That may sound strange but I've had a number of dreams populated with frogs who just happen to have rather sharp teeth.
Rat - Destruction - Rats are sly, sometimes aggressive, creatures who can track down whatever they seek, defending themselves with great ferociousness. Rat energy can also show us how we see our enemies. One personally test I saw gave the word rat and then asked for a one word description. My word was destructive. Thinking about it my personal experience has been that wild rats simply ruin the area they inhabit, they eat our food, shred our furniture or clothing and they're aggressive enough to feed on humans if they possibly can. For shadow images simply think Willard.
Abundant reproduction
Ability to live unseen
Snake - Transmutation. As Snake sheds its skin so we can shed our illusions and limitations in order to fully use our vitality and desires to achieve wholeness. I was born in the year of the snake This should be a positive totem but I've had snakes dreams my whole life where I'm struggling with them to keep from being bitten.
Question: How do you separate survival and your spiritual work or path?
Symbolic Power animals
Ant's Wisdom Includes:
Energy and patience needed to complete work
Communal living
Storing for the future
Bee Service; Gathering; Community. Bee teaches us it is possible to live together in harmony, however impossible that may seem at times. As a community, bees create honey (sweeter life), wax (sealing, bonding, polishing) pollen (healing), and are know to do a sun dance ~ a celebration of living. Within some cultures, they are connected to female warrior & Goddess energy, are a symbol of reincarnation, and can communicate with the dead.
celebration of living
Butterfly - Transformation. Butterfly fearlessly leaves the safety of its cocoon to meet a new world in a new form, trusting its untried wings to allow it to fly. It is a powerful symbol for anyone who's contemplating or in the midst of a major change.
Crane / Patience - Perseverance. Crane is said to be one of the first birds to greet the sunrise and to have the ability to predict rains and storms. In human sense, it teaches us to predict the 'emotional' storms of human nature. Cranes dance in circles and their dance has long been associated with underworld (Otherworld) guides; leading souls in and out of incarnation. Crane teaches us patience, it stands perfectly still for endless hours observing until the moment is right. It teaches us to remain focused - to concentrate without distraction. Color Brown. In healing, represents time and patience of the process. Keeper of sacred tools, and associated with its attribute in shapeshifting. Teaches the heart to open and shift into other worlds.
Symbol of spring and light
New knowledge
Astral travel
Seeing all things associated with secrets
Seeks to help others on their paths
Crane helps us to find the magic in nature. Her gift of healing is time and patience. Her color is brown and and she teaches the heart to open to the Tree of Trees and the OtherWorlds.
Dolphin - Breath of Life. Dolphin teaches us that in attuning to the rhythms and patterns of nature we can learn true communication with the wisdom of All That Is and share this wisdom with others.
Sea Angels.
Dolphins are symbols of hope, models of what we hope our human society could be, if we learn to behave like them. They are mammals who bring us knowledge from the waters of life. They instruct us to move with the ebb and flow of the tides in our lives, instead of making mountains out of mole hills. As they live in the water but breath air, they bring us a lesson in rhythmic breathing. This breathing helps reduce stress and weariness by clearing out negative energy from our bodies. Dolphins emit clicking sounds which bounce and reverberate off objects, this is called echo-location. Tonal scales have a profound impact on dolphin people. Dolphins have large brains and an empathy for humans.
Air Dragon - Thought, Inspiration, Insight
brings us an invitation to soar to higher levels of consciousness. Like thunder and lightening, it can be frightening and terrible, bringing destruction in its wake. Treated respectfully and responsibly - air dragon is an ally that can help on the quest for enlightenment. It is seen as a conveyer of ethereal / spiritual power, the symbol of visitations because it is a messenger of the sky (higher mind).

Earth Dragon - Grounding, Power, Potentials
within we each have a treasure house of possibilities, potentials, power, that we can learn to use. Earth dragon comes to us as a messenger that we have come to a point of power, the ability to access inner potential is here, to manifest power and wealth. It beckons us to discover the beauty and power that is within ourselves and within those around us. It cautions us against greed. This dragon is a powerful symbol of self discovery, it is a somewhat passive energy.
Acknowledges the truths that have been denied by the soul
Movement to and from the soul world
Movement in the void
Finds the parts of the soul that have been hidden
Building self- respect
Bridge to the elders
Unseen speed

Fire Dragon - Transmutation, Energy, Mastery
this ally will bring great energy. Courage, vitality, enthusiasm, and an increase in ability / internal drive. As a positive it aligns us with leadership and mastery. As a negative it shows us anger, often repressed - that we are not in control and give away our power. This symbol shows the active and fierce within.

Water Dragon - Depth, Emotion, Unconscious
this ally brings memories, wishes, hopes and dreams into light. It calls us to remember and confront these deepest feelings. Sometimes it seems frightening or overwhelming, or we may attempt to pretend there is nothing we need to look at. The arrival of water dragon brings the hope we may achieve balance and stability as we integrate our strongest feelings into our conscious awareness.
Dragonfly - Illusion. When we've tricked ourselves into believing that the limitations of physical existence prevent us from changing and growing Dragonfly medicine teaches us to pierce our self-created illusions.
Mastery of life on the wing
Power of flight
Power to escape a blow
Understanding dreams
Power of light
Breaking down illusions
Seeing the truth in situations
Connection to Dragon
Eagle - Spirit Eagle flies fearlessly, bridging heaven and earth, and teaches us to courageously face our fear of the unknown in order to fly as high as our heart's joy can take us. There is an eagle that sits atop Yggdrisal that wars with the snake that continually gnaws at the roots of Yggdrisal. The eagle has a hawk perched on it's forehead and it is thought by some that this eagle is the same eagle that, by flapping it's wings causes the winds in the world of man.
Understands the cycles of the Sun
All aspects of clear vision
The Solar Bird
Spiritual power
Sees from the highest places
Falcon - new beginnings, adventure, passionate, leadership
Color is Haze. In healing, aids in diminishing fevers and headaches. Willow, sacred tree of the Triple Goddess; message: past, present, future, now. The messenger, attributed with responsibility. Teaches to observe, receive signals, and grab opportunity. One beings to connect with the far-reaching memory. Falcon/Hawk is the ancestor soul. hawk has similar powers as eagle, and teaches similar lessons, however it's "sight" is more grounded in nature
Being observant
Messages from spirit
Recalling past lives
Seeing the larger picture
Wise use of opportunities
Overcoming problems
Fox - Camouflage. Fox's greatest gift is not being able to outrun the hounds, but to know in advance when they'll be on the hunt. When we learn to detach from our surroundings and to observe with all of our senses, we, too, will be able to anticipate and create the future.
Hedgehog - shield of the soul. The hedgehog shields the soul, protecting it with an impenetrable barrier. It teaches that, regardless of the destructive experiences of life which can break down or damage the personality, the soul can always endure as a source of knowledge, love and inner strength.
Wisdom of the female elders
Defense against negativity
Enjoyment of life
Understanding weather patterns
Lizard - Dreaming. In our dreams we imagine different futures and choose which we will materialize. Lizard teaches us the importance of respecting and remembering our dreams.
Mouse- Scrutiny. Mouse teaches us to pay attention to the little details which might get overlooked in our mad dash to see the big picture, and reminds us not to overlook the obvious.
Mountain Lion - Leadership. To be true to oneself, allowing neither fear of responsibility nor the jealousy and insecurities of others to divert one from one's path, is the mark of a genuine leader.
Rabbit - Fear The more we focus on our fears the more we attract them to us. Rabbit medicine teaches us to attract to us abundance, love, health, and a warm, dry burrow.
Raven (visit Raven's Aviary for all sorts of wonderful information and pictures on Ravens, Crows and other Corvids). Raven has recently shown up as a semi-shadow figure.
Death and Rebirth
Healing (recovering lost pieces of the soul)
Casting light on Shadow
Reflections / Mirrors
Honoring ancestors
Magic of the Crone
Change in consciousness
Salmon - Instinct, persistence, determination
Value of returning home to regenerate
Swimming upstream through emotional waters to gain insight
Understanding divination messages
Rebirth of spiritual knowledge
Seal - The Inner Voice The seal reminds us of our connection to our deep inner rhythms, feelings, and knowing, as represented by the sea. When we fear drowning in these depths, Seal reminds us how to swim.
Protection during change
Lucid dreaming
Protection from danger
Movement through emotions
Sow (Airc): The Goddess Cerridwen was known as the White Sow. The sow was considered a very powerful creature in the Underworld. As a creature of Cerridwen, it was associated with the Sacred Cauldren and the granting of inspiration; also a creature of death and rebirth.

Pig/Sow/Boar's Wisdom Includes:

Crone Goddess
Rooting out the truth
Deep Earth magick
Past life knowledge
Becoming invisible during times of danger
Spider - Weaver. As Spider weaves her web so we weave our realities. This medicine teaches to remember that we are the creators of our lives. that we are the creators of our lives.
Unicorn (Briabhall): This mythic animal had the body of a white horse, the legs of an antelope, and the tail of lion; a single horn was on its head. It is the symbol of supreme magickal power. It teaches that every action is creation, so make every day counts. It also helps to understand the relationship between physical and spiritual realities.
Whale - Record Keeper. Through the rhythm and patterns of sound Whale teaches us to hear our inner voices, to be in touch with our personal truths, and thus to know the wisdom and feel the heartbeat of the universe.
All knowledge associated with voice
Psychic and telepathic abilities
All aspects of the sea
Beauty of movement
Woodpecker - When a Woodpecker totem enters your life,it indicates that the foundation is there and it is safe to follow through. It will stimulate new rhythms.It reflects a wakening of new mental faculties. You may be so wrapped up in mental and spiritual activitiesthat you've neglected the physical.Listen to your body's rhythms and sounds and heed what it is telling you. It is also said that Woodpecker calls the thunder from the sky with the same rhythmic knocking.
Connection to the earth
Ability to find hidden layers
Understands rhythms, cycles and patterns
Associated with thunder
The Earth's drummer
Pecks away at deception until the truth is revealed
Shamans can ride the drumbeats of the Woodpecker's rhythminto another dimension, space and time.
Wren (Dryw, Dreoilin):
A sacred bird to the Druids specifically, its musical notes were used for divination. As with many other birds, the wren was considered a messenger from the deities. Color is black. In healing, the power of cleansing and strengthening. Oak, symbol of strength, endurance, and triumph. The king of all birds, attribute of charm. Wren teaches the gift of song and good cheer. One begins to participate in the celebration of Life. The power of Mythos. Wren teaches the gift of song and good cheer so that we may participate in the celebration of life.

Posted by moon2/souls_echo at 11:49 AM CST
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Friday, 1 April 2005
Mood:  mischievious

Posted by moon2/souls_echo at 1:28 PM CST
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