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***Welcome 2 SMC-The ONLY site U will need 4 Sailor Moon Media! ^_^ ***

This Site is ALL SM Media! Well, It's also got a Message Board,Chat Room,and SM Fanfic!^_^

****SM UPDATES****
Sorry guys,but I have 2 take off the Music pages 4 space. But U will find the music page on my Message board! ^_^ I have 2 shut down the Episodes. I hate that I have 2 do this,but I have 2. Instead E-mail me 4 them! ACCEPTING SHOUTOUTS NOW!!! go 2 SMC Girl's E-mail Deatails! Searching 4 MB Members....JOIN NOW! Have Fun! -SMC Girl

4 SM Shoutouts,Q&As,and Comments-Go 2 SMC Girl's E-mail Details before U e-mail me! ^_^: ~ SMC Girl's E-mail

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PGSM Episodes

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SM Chat ***Coming Soon!***

SMC Message Board

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SMC Girl's E-mail Details