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My Stories

Friday, 3 September 2004

Fairy Tale Madness
Mood:  a-ok
Among the times of ancient lore, in a town far, far away, was the town of Hemlock. The people there suffered the same plights that all men face, but still they were happy. Their King and Queen were fair and just, never taking advantage of the loyalty of their subjects. But they, as all royalty did, lived in a splendid castle on the northern edge of town, guarded by high walls and tall mountains to its back. And in one of the many rooms in the vast castle, lying still in her bed slept the only child of the King and Queen, Princess Lynnix.

“Princess Lynnix!” A blond woman screeched as she slammed the door open. The Princess sat up straight in her bed. The sheer curtains surrounded her bed but she could see the maid through a light blue haze. Lynnix relaxed as she recognized her handmaid, Mary. For a moment, Lynnix became confused again. It seemed during this time all maids were named Mary and all the gentlemen’s men were named John.
“Yes Mary?” Lynnix asked, shaking away her thoughts.
“Princess, the Majesties request your presence in their privy chamber.” Mary replied calmly. Lynnix just stared at her maid. All that fuss over a request? Her parents were never harsh with her and didn't demand much at all.
“Fine Mary. Tell them I shall be with them straight away.” Lynnix said and threw her legs over the edge of her bed. Mary bowed and exited the room, shutting the door behind her. Lynnix pushed back the curtain and stood from her bed. The wooden floor chilled her feet and she cursed the boys who were supposed to light the fire in the mornings. Shivering a little, Mary saw her gown laid out precariously on the hope chest before her bed.
“Shall I dress myself?” Lynnix questioned aloud. Her door opened once again and a different maid, although also named Mary, entered with her head bowed.
“Pardon our delay Madam, we were distracted by the arrival of your cousin.” Mary said.
“My cousin has ridden here?” Lynnix inquired.
“Yes Princess Lynnix, he has some business with the King and Queen.” Mary answered.
“Well then I must be cleaned before I see him, for that must be why they have requested me before Mass,” Lynnix said. “I want hot water so I may wash. And get someone to light this fire. Then I shall be dressed.” Mary nodded in agreement and headed toward the door. She turned, curtsied, and then exited the room. Lynnix walked over toward the mirror that hung on the wall near the fireplace. She was annoyed at finding her brown hair disheveled. She grabbed her brush and began brushing her hair, remembered that she was to have a bath, and set the brush back on her desk. She paced around in her night shift trying to stay warm. She only had to wait a few minutes before a young lad came in for the fire. Five handmaids followed in after him. One had a basin full of hot water, another had a drying linen, the rest were required to help Lynnix dress. As the young lad, presumably named John, finished lighting the fire, the handmaids set up the basin. As the boy left, Lynnix went to the basin. She grabbed a cloth and set about cleaning herself. When she finished, Lynnix grabbed the drying cloth.
“Thank you.” She said and then went to be dressed. She stood complacently as the maids tied up the corset and began slipping on the gown. She was wearing a simple green gown that hugged her body tightly. The top was a darker green with faint traces of leaves sewn in. Lynnix loved this gown and was happy to greet her cousin in it.

Keeping herself from running down to her parents’ chambers, Lynnix prepared herself for seeing Jeremy again. She remembered when they were younger and they played in the fields. She had missed him for the past five years. When she reached the outer doors, Lynnix nodded to the guards who opened the entrance. Lynnix stepped into the room and heard the doors close behind her.
“Nyx? Is that you?” A voice called from behind another door. Lynnix walked over and opened the door to her parents’ privy. Sitting at the table was her parents and Jeremy.
“Jeremy!” Lynnix cried, forgetting her self-restraint. She was sixteen and acted like she was six.
“Nyx!” Jeremy said as he stood. He embraced his cousin before pulling away to look at her.
“My you’ve grown.” He said. Lynnix smiled and bowed her head. She had noticed subtle differences in her cousin. Like how he had hair growing from his chin and how he wore a finer cut of clothing.
“How have you been Cousin?” Lynnix asked.
“I’ve been married now.” Jeremy replied. Lynnix gasped and stared up at him.
“Married?” She repeated in awe.
“Yes, and he wants to take you to meet her.” Lynnix’s mother said. Lynnix grinned and jumped in excitement.
“Really?” She inquired. Jeremy nodded, which caused Lynnix to squeak and embrace him again.
“We leave this afternoon.” He said.

Posted by moon2/selene0 at 10:36 PM EDT
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Friday, 27 August 2004


Posted by moon2/selene0 at 11:04 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 24 August 2004

Sword of Light, Kiss of Darkness
Mood:  down
Chapter 1

Torin walked hurriedly down the ancient hallway. The only sounds that echoed throughout the ageless walkway were the soft slap of Torin’s shoes on the cold stone and the flapping of his black cloak. And although he was aware of these minor signs, Torin prayed that he was quiet enough not to be heard by his target. Torin’s green eyes flashed in anger, he was going to settle this now.
He had been chasing after Darien for five years, but he always evaded capture. Torin had now found his long lost target after traveling throughout Europia. He had been told of a vampire with ice blue eyes and white hair that inhabited an old castle in the region of Clearwater. So off Torin went and luckily found that Darien had indeed not left the old castle.
Old indeed, Torin thought as he stopped in front of a rotting door with rusty hinges. He paused for a moment and tried to scan the room behind it. The last five years had not been fruitless; it had given Torin a chance to work on his mental attributes.
Torin’s eyes opened wide as he found the presence of three creatures. One was a demon, the other was a vampire, but the odd one that Torin found, was a human. Torin suddenly remembered being told of the pale haired beauty that escorted Darien around the castle grounds. Mortals never lasted long when in the company of Darien. Torin’s anger flared again and he threw open the door and found a tall, pale man standing at the top of a small staircase. Darien’s white hair was slightly ruffled and his blue eyes glistened, all suggesting that he had just woken up.
“Torin, how are you?” Darien asked calmly. Torin glared at the vampire.
“Enough of the pleasantries Darien,” He spat. “You know why I’m here.” Darien smiled at the minor outburst and ran a smooth hand through his hair. This vampire hunter proved to be quite an inconvenience sometimes. Torin, although a vampiel, was a very worthy opponent.
“Well Torin, I would love to settle this once and for all, but I have just recently received a new and very useful source of protection.” Darien replied. Torin’s thoughts went directly went to Natana, but she had been in Darien’s services for over a hundred years.
“More demons?” Torin asked as his hand went to the hilt of his sword. He had remembered previous battles, which included most of Darien’s minions.
“Oh no, you’ll find this one much more interesting.” Darien answered and his gaze flicked upward. Torin too looked up and was surprised to find a man crouched in the rafters.
“Let’s see how you fair against my newest addition.” Darien said and emitted a silent, mental signal. The man, the one that Torin found to be mortal, jumped down and landed standing before him. The man stood tall, but was still shorter than both Torin and Darien, both of whom stood a little above six feet. A heavy cloak and hood masked all of the rest of the man’s features.
“Now, to make things more fun.” Darien said as he reached forward. He released the silver cross clasp and the cloak fell softly to the ground. Torin gasped as to what he found underneath.
The man turned out to be a woman. She had waist length, silver hair. Her metallic eyes flashed a hateful red color. The woman was tall and slender, a perfect size for agility. And a pale hand rested gracefully on top of a jeweled hilt of a long, thin sword. This woman looked fierce but beautiful with her angelic features.
“Torin, you recognize Neona don’t you?” Darien asked as he slid an arm around the woman’s waist.
“What did you do to her?” Torin seethed. Darien smiled and put his cheek against Neona’s. He loved her warmth, both physically and in her personality. He hated how he was risking losing her but figured Torin couldn’t bring himself to kill her.
“I did nothing to her but love her. You,” Darien answered, looking straight into Torin’s eyes. “You put this hatred into her. I gave her the chance to love again, and I offered her what she wanted.” Torin felt his heart racing inside his chest. A searing pain stabbed repeatedly through him. He didn’t know what to do.
“Now, this is my new toy, so be nice.” Darien said as he backed away from Neona. Torin looked up and found a woman standing beside the vampire. She had short black hair and inky black eyes. She was Natana, Darien’s lifelong bodyguard.
“Oh Darien,” Natana laughed. “Let’s go, Neona will join us after she has disposed of this vampiel.” Darien acknowledged what Natana had said with a smile, but still held Torin’s gaze.
“If you do happen to kill her Torin,” He said. “I will hunt you down and kill you in the worst way possible.” Torin was surprised by Darien’s sincerity.
“Don’t tell me you love this mortal Darien?” Torin scoffed. Darien looked at Neona and his gaze softened.
“Although I do love her, she will only be my lover. For she still loves you,” Darien turned back to Torin. “And from that is where her hatred stems.” Torin turned back to Neona. He never imagined that she would do this. But he had hurt her, and now he was paying for it.
“Goodbye Neona. You know where to meet us if you win. If you do happen to lose, I will come back if you are still alive.” Darien said and turned away from her. Natana smirked before following Darien out a back door. Neona drew Torin’s attention back as she unsheathed her sword.
“Neona, why are you doing this?” Torin questioned.
“You have taken love away from me before, I shall not let you do that again.” Neona hissed.
“How can you love him? He is one of those who killed Matthew!” Torin exclaimed. Neona shut her eyes and tried to keep back the flood of tears.
“Silence!” She screamed. “How dare you mention my dear sweet brother’s name!” Neona kept her eyes closed but tears still fell down her pale cheeks.
“Neona,” Torin pleaded. Her eyes opened and reflected the color of her tears.
“No more. I loved you past all of those issues yet you still left me,” Neona cried. “And now you are trying to take from me the only chance I have at being loved?” That stung Torin. He had always loved Neona, and now she was going after a heartless vampire.
“Neona.” Torin tried again. In an instant, Neona lifted her sword and sliced across his chest. Torin gasped as the sharp pain throbbed.
“I said enough.” Neona panted. Torin remembered training with Neona. She had seen Dae, Torin’s sword, and knew its attacks. She herself was also talented behind the blade. Torin felt bile rise in his throat; if he wanted to get Darien he’d have to kill Neona, and he didn’t want to do that. Torin just stared at the woman he had loved for so long. Even with all of her hate, she was still beautiful.
Torin then unsheathed his own sword and held it in the dim light. Its golden blade caught any and all of the light and amplified it to make it seem like daylight. This normally weakened the vampires and demons Torin was used to fighting. But Neona was mortal, and was not harmed by Dae’s blade.
“You still have her.” Neona murmured in awe. She had always been captivated by the sword and watched for hours as Torin practiced. Torin waved the blade in the air, stretching his wrist; he knew he had to buy some time to think of a plan and to let his minor chest wound heal.
Neona followed the blade with her eyes, captivated by its simple dance. Torin smiled, at least that one worked. But in a flash, he felt another searing pain cross his chest. He nearly dropped Dae in surprise and looked down to examine the attack. His shirt had an X cut in it and blood seeped from a new wound. Torin gazed back up at Neona with shock and surprise in his eyes.
“Did you really think I’d fall for that old trick of yours?” Neona said and rose her sword to Torin’s neck. She smiled as she flicked the blade up and nicked his chin.
“I have so longed for your blood and now I have it at my disposal. Pity the way it came, but I suppose beggars can’t be choosers.” Neona murmured. Torin tensed at this statement; he knew of Neona’s desires to be changed. He had to think, and quick. He knew the only way to get past Neona was to kill her. Suddenly Torin remembered what Darien had said to Neona before he left. Torin could just wound Neona, and lure Darien back to the castle. That could work.
Torin quickly took his sword and knocked Neona’s out of the way with his arm. Neona let out a surprised gasp but quickly rebounded. Torin parried to his left, preventing another nasty cut across his chest. He pushed Neona’s sword away and cut up, going up Neona’s torso. He cut deep enough for blood to flow but not enough to kill her. Neona’s hands emptied and stuck to her middle. Her sword fell to the floor with a loud clatter. Neona looked down at her wound and then gaped up at Torin before passing out. Torin moved quickly and caught Neona in one arm and held out Dae in the other. He stood there a moment, looking down into the ashen face of his beloved. He couldn’t imagine how she could ever have grown and harbored such hatred. But then again, he had hurt her worse before.

When Neona awoke, she found Torin squatting on the floor and with his back to her. She felt comforted by the familiar sight and found tears begin to swell. She shut her eyes and remembered bitterly that she had failed. She had disappointed Darien. Neona reopened her eyes and looked down to examine herself. She found her shirt was gone and her torso and chest was wrapped up. Neona blushed, figuring that Torin undressed her to attend to her wounds. But embarrassment was quickly set aside as she found her wrists and ankles bound. She found that to be quite unnecessary and annoying.
“Why did you bind me?” Neona called. She watched Torin turn to look at her, still squatting.
“So you could not attack me.” He answered plainly. Neona had not expected less from him. She was no longer his love, she was his enemy.
“Don’t think that Neona.” Torin sighed wistfully. He kneeled in front of her and lovingly stroked her face. “I have always loved you.” Neona turned from him and Torin’s hand lingered in the air.
“You left me.” She hissed. Torin lowered his hand and laid it on his knee. He remembered that. But what Torin could not believe, was how Neona could still hate him so much, even after five years.
“You were sixteen. I thought you would heal.” Torin said, trying to excuse himself. Neona turned back to him and glared, an inky black consumed her beautiful eyes.
“I loved you!” She cried. “Does that mean nothing?” Torin shrank away from her. She still hated him with the same passion that was once her love for him, and at one point, her depression.
“If you loved me, why did you go to Darien?” Torin questioned.
“I wouldn’t have if you hadn’t left me.” Neona retorted. Torin felt suddenly guilty. The year before he had left, a vampire had attacked Neona’s home. She had lost a lot, and then she had lost him.
Neona turned away from him as she felt the tears start to fall. She could not let him see her cry. He would embrace her, try to comfort her, and she knew her defenses would collapse. She didn’t know though, that Torin was reading her every thought.
“Neona,” Torin murmured as he reached for her.
“Didn’t my Lady say that she hated you?” A cold voice called. Torin looked up and found Natana in the doorway. Behind her stood Darien, his eyes filled with anger.
“How dare you try and take her from me.” Darien hissed. Natana just looked at Torin with a smug smile on her cold face. Torin stood and reached for the hilt of his sword.
“Darien!” Neona called. Her voice pierced Torin’s soul. How can she call for him? Torin thought.
“Darien, help me.” Neona cried. Torin watched Darien’s feelings clash. He wanted to go to her but knew what would happen if Torin got a hold of him.
“Natana, please take care of Torin while I attend to Neona.” Darien said calmly. Natana stepped forward.
“Of course my Lord.” She replied gleefully. Torin unsheathed his sword and stepped toward Neona.
“I will not let you take her.” He said.
“You dare hold a lady against her will?” Darien asked. Torin winced but held his ground. She was delusional, Torin concluded, Neona had no idea who Darien was.
“Don’t fool yourself Torin, I gave her the opportunity to leave, but she stayed with me.” Darien said. Natana then glared at Torin.
“My protection is for Lord Darien and Lady Neona, you are threatening that protection.” She stated.
“Your protection is to the bloodline of Lord Moros, to which I also belong.” Torin replied.
“You are the bastard son of Lord Moros’ stupid affair with a mortal,” Natana spat. “You are lower than dirt to me.” Neona looked from Natana to Torin in a confused manner. Torin and Darien were related?
“Little brother, I knew who you were, why do you think I never fought with you?” Darien said. He had known of the affair his father had that stripped him of his mother. But even through all the bitterness and spite, he never blamed the innocent child sired by a peasant mortal woman. At least, until that child tried to kill him. But even after that, Darien could never raise his own hand to harm the vampiel, as it was against his personal moral code to kill family. That’s why he was glad that he had others to do that for him.
“You have no right to call me that!” Torin cried angrily.
“And yet you claim lineage from my father?” Darien retorted. Torin stayed quiet and gave no reply. Darien covered his face with a hand and gestured toward Torin with the other.
“Natana, this is bothersome,” He sighed. “Just kill him.” Natana smiled and continued to advance.
“My pleasure my Lord.” She said.

Torin didn’t even see her jump.

Neona looked in time to see Natana land before Torin. His hand went to his chest, his other hand holding the now extended Dae. Neona watched blood seep through his fingers and saw Natana lick his blood off her hands.
“I can taste my Lord’s blood. This shall be interesting.” Natana said as Torin tried to regain his composure. Neona watched stunned and was surprised to feel her bonds being untied. She turned and smiled at Darien who hastily untied the ropes.
“My Lord!” Neona sighed and embraced him after she had been freed. Darien dropped the ropes and held onto Neona, burying his face in her neck. He breathed in the sweet smell of mortality and felt Neona’s blood pumping beneath her skin. All of this began to make Darien’s thirst unbearable, but he would not bite her.
“Darien,” Neona pleaded. To make it worse, she wanted to be changed. Darien stayed silent, trying to fight off the Thirst. He collected Neona in his arms and stood.
“Soon Neona, but not now.” He whispered as he turned and started walking away.

Meanwhile, Torin tried to fend Natana off long enough for his wounds to heal. He felt his vampiric blood start the healing process but his mortal blood slowed it considerably. And Natana kept raining blow after blow upon him. She was not a demon to be sure, and sometimes Torin wondered if she was the Goddess she was named for.
“Well Halfling,” Natana taunted. “Aren’t you going to fight back for my Lady?” Torin’s gaze flicked to the side and saw Darien untying Neona. He also noticed Neona’s eyes went from the black to a stunning blue. She did love him.
“I will make you regret for not paying attention!” Natana cried as she jumped toward Torin. Torin’s reflexes responded quickly and he raised Dae high enough to block Natana’s attack. Natana backed away and snarled, she did not like being thrown off.
“Natana.” Darien called sternly. Both Torin and Natana looked up. Neona clung to Darien’s neck as she lay in his arms.
“Yes my Lord?” Natana growled.
“Leave him, we must go.” Darien said. Torin knew that the sun would be rising soon.
“Of course my Lord.” Natana said, as she stood upright. Torin took the opportunity to strike. Natana just stopped and smiled, and as Dae would have sliced through her, she disappeared. Torin looked up from his kneeling position in shock. Natana now stood beside Darien, grinning wildly.
“Goodbye Torin.” Darien said before he, Neona, and Natana disappeared. Torin then stood, alone in the room, and sheathed his sword. Things just got a lot harder.

Neona held a curtain open as she stared out of the carriage window and watched the sun rise. Darien was safely in his coffin, but was still awake. Neona pushed her hair back with her free hand and looked down at her gown. Darien had told Natana to redress her and tend to her wounds. Neona was healed and put into a simple green dress. The sleeves were tight and came to a point on the top of her hand. The collar on the dress came up high and caused Neona to keep her chin up. The corset was tight but only enough to keep her in good posture. She longed for the simple peasant dresses she was used to, but Darien said that he wouldn’t be seen with such a commonly dressed mortal.
“Neona.” Darien called from the coffin. Neona let go of the curtain and turned to the coffin. The curtain fell into place and the carriage became considerably darker.
“Yes my Lord?” Neona asked as she knelt beside the coffin. She saw her dim reflection in the shiny, black lid.
“Did he hurt you?” Darien inquired sympathetically. Neona lowered her gaze and made no reply. Darien sighed.
“My love, are you comfortable in that dress?” He asked, changing the subject.
“Although it is a beautiful gown my Lord, it isn’t what my peasant body is used to.” Neona answered and put a hand on the lid. She wanted so badly to please Darien after she had failed in killing Torin.
“Well Neona, if you find something you like in the next village, that is better than your old peasant garbs, then I shall buy you a new wardrobe.” Darien said. Neona smiled and clapped her hands, a habit she had since she was a child.
“Thank you Darien!” Neona giggled, momentarily forgetting her manners. Darien didn’t mind her occasional slips; he enjoyed hearing his name come from her beautiful lips.
“My Lord?” Neona asked as she remembered something that had been bothering her. Darien flinched as he saw her thoughts; this was going to be an interesting, if not short, conversation.
“Yes Neona?” He asked in return.
“What did you mean by calling Torin ‘Little Brother’?” Neona questioned. Darien cursed to himself, wishing he could be out of the coffin.
“He is the illegitimate son of my father, Lord Moros.” He answered simply.
“His mother, she was of my village wasn’t she?” Neona inquired.
“Yes Neona. She was Sibell Laquard. She was a very beautiful mortal who loved my father.”
“What of your mother?”
“My mother was Lady Trinka, a noble vampire. She did not know of Sibell till much later.” Neona paused and bit her lip in thought, another one of her childhood habits.
“What did she do when she found out?” She asked. Darien grew slightly annoyed by her curiosity but decided to indulge her anyway. He wanted Neona to know why he disliked Torin in the way he did.
“My mother, she killed my father in a rage. She then proceeded to search out Sibell. My mother then told Sibell of my father’s death. Sibell, in a foolish mortal whim, killed my mother and then killed herself. I was left to Natana and Torin was put in the care of a mortal family that were friends with Sibell.” Darien recalled painfully. Neona gasped and lay on top of the coffin lid.
“Oh Darien, that is such a terrible thing.” She murmured. Darien was suddenly overcome by a feeling of love and desire for her. He understood why his father chose to have an affair with a mortal woman; some of them were very caring.
“Neona, I have something to ask of you.” Darien said. Neona sat up and looked nervously at the coffin.
“Yes my Lord?” She inquired.
“For five years you have been by my side, but I must know,” Darien started. “Do you love me?” Neona was taken back by the question.
“Of course my Lord.” She answered.
“But is that because I offered to change you?” Darien questioned further. Neona thought about this question. Originally, she had wanted to be changed so she could be with Torin. But being with Darien, Neona felt like she wanted to be immortal but only with him. Darien caught these thoughts and smiled to himself, but he still wanted her to answer.
“In the beginning my Lord, yes. But now, I want to be forever with you.” Neona said.
“Well my Love, you must be tired. I want you to rest now.” Darien said. Neona nodded and stood. She turned and walked toward the small cushioned bench in the carriage. She knew it was more comfortable in the coffin with Darien, but he recently started to make her sleep on the bench.
Neona sat on the bench and gazed at the coffin. She wondered why Darien wouldn’t embrace her as much as he used to. She felt despaired when he neglected her like that. Neona gave a sorrowful sigh and lay on the bench. Not only was she uncomfortable in the dress, but now she was worried that Darien didn’t love her anymore. If he did, then why did he question her love so?

Darien closed his eyes and let Neona’s thoughts wash over him. He felt bad for letting Neona think he didn’t love her, but he needed to be distant. It was not yet time to invoke the prophecy. He needed to dispose of Torin first, to get rid of all of the imposing hindrances. But not now, now was not the time.

Torin sat on the steps with Dae across his lap. He was terribly confused about what had happened. But the last five years had been even worse. As he traveled, his thoughts were always on Neona. He never touched another woman in the way he had Neona.
Torin remembered seeing her for the first time. She was three and he was fifteen, his aging process had slowed soon before that and knew he would stay looking fifteen for awhile. But Neona and Torin grew up together. Torin taught Neona how to swim when she was six, taught her how to fight when she was eight, and loved her when she was twelve. Even when Neona was fifteen and he was twenty-seven, they still looked about the same age. Torin was six foot even and she was five foot ten. She had grown up a lot physically and this just caused Torin to love her more. But soon after she turned fifteen, Neona lost almost everything.
A vampire had entered her home one evening and demanded Kisha, Neona’s mother. Kisha had been having an affair with the vampire but had ended it soon after Luke, Neona’s father, became ill. The vampire, being unable to take back Kisha, killed Matthew, Neona’s eight year old brother, and kidnapped Kisha. The vampire then tried to take the struggling Neona, but when he found Torin running up to the house, gave her his mark and whispered:
“I shall have you soon.” And then he left. Torin had intercepted the vampire and was quickly thrown down. The vampire stood, hanging onto the door of his carriage, and told Torin something he never knew.
“Halfling,” He said. “Son of the fallen Lord Moros, you are a bastard vampiel to the beautiful Sibell. May you learn from his mistakes and never cross paths with your brother Lord Darien.” Torin watched from the ground as the vampire jumped into the carriage and sped off.
When he did get up and enter Neona’s home, he found her cradling Matthew’s limp body and sobbing. Luke was nursing a broken arm in the corner and crying as well. Torin immediately went to Neona and held her. That night he decided to find the vampire, and the only lead he had, was to get to his brother. He had to hunt down this ‘Lord Darien’.
The next year, after Matthew’s grave had grown grass, Torin heard of a Lord Darien in the nearby town of Blood Valley. Torin packed his things and gave a tearful goodbye to Neona. She had begged him not to leave. She only had her ailing father who would probably die by the next winter. Neona didn’t want to lose Torin after losing her family. Torin promised that he’d return after killing the vampire and would restore Neona’s shattered honor. But Neona’s reply was not what he expected and stayed with him for the five years he had been gone.
“Torin,” She had said. “You are all I have left. My honor is here, with my family. If you go, my love will turn into my undying hatred for you and will probably kill me. Please, I beg of you, do not leave me.” But he had left, and now he knew why Neona hated him so. Torin knew that the winter after he left, Luke had died. But Neona had been long gone before that happened.
Torin wondered how exactly Neona got involved with Darien, but the middle of a fight didn’t seem to be the proper time to ask.

Neona stood at the water’s edge of a large lake. The dark waters were still, making the moon’s reflection seem like a mirror image. Neona caught sight of Natana walking up behind her. She turned and Natana bowed gracefully, the proper respect for the woman her master loved, even if she was a mortal.
“My Lady, how do you fair?” Natana asked. Neona smiled and turned back to the water. The full moon glowed brilliantly.
“I am just fine Natana,” She sighed. “Has my Lord awakened?” Natana was about to answer when Darien walked up beside her.
“I am here Neona.” He replied. Neona turned and smiled widely.
“Good evening Darien!” She said as she embraced him. Natana grimaced at the rudeness of Neona’s greeting. As a mortal she should be calling him “Lord” or even “Master”.
“Natana,” Darien said mentally to her while keeping his attention on Neona. “She is but a child, even in her age. She isn’t aware of our ways.”
“But Master-”
“Besides,” Darien said, interrupting Natana. “I quite enjoy her slips.” Natana lowered her gaze in respect.
“Of course my Lord.” She murmured aloud. Darien nodded and began conversing with Neona. Natana watched them for awhile, but soon decided to explore the surroundings. She wanted to make sure everything was secure and that nothing would harm her charge. She had many names for Darien; he was her charge, her master, and her employer. She sometimes fancied him like a son; she had raised him anyway. She loved him dearly and did not like the way he was letting such a woman taint him. The Moros line had only one slip, one disgrace, and that was the late Lord Moros.
Natana remembered painfully when Darien rejected the family name. He had returned home from his travels when Natana broached the subject. Now that he was home, he should take his place as Lord of the Manor. But Darien just stood outside the carriage and sighed. He had said that his father had caused enough disgrace on the family. Natana had argued that he could change that by marrying a noble vampire. But as Natana watched a pale, dainty hand rest on Darien’s extended hand, she expected the worse.
“Natana, I am as my father was,” Darien had replied as a young woman about sixteen stepped out of the carriage. “I will be known as Lord Darien and let no more disgrace taint the Moros name.” His words had stung, but the sight of the pale haired mortal stung worse. She was dressed poorly and her face was pink and salty from recent crying. Her eyes were a beautiful metallic color that absorbed her surroundings. Her hair fell to the middle of her back and was plaited in a long, silver braid. She was beautiful, but she was poor and she was mortal. She was Neona.
Natana pulled out a dagger from her side and threw it into the trunk of a nearby tree. The trunk immediately turned black as the disease crept through it. In seconds, the green leaves had withered and the tree itself seemed to be curling inward. It was dead after a few minutes. Natana jerked the blade out and twirled it in her hand as she continued walking. She knew she could dispose of the young woman herself, but then Darien would terminate her. Natana knew of Darien’s plans of the Prophecy but she noticed that he genuinely loved her. Even a Demon could tell.
“Natana, why are you so bitter?” A voice asked. Natana recognized the voice and went rigged. She sheathed her dagger and turned slowly. When she stopped, she faced a tall smiling woman with pale blue skin. The woman wore a loose fitting blue robe that matched her eyes and hair.
“Waimya, so good to see you again.” Natana said in greeting to the Goddess. Waimya bowed her head, still smiling.
“Natana, we are all wondering why you continue to guard this family. Santan-aku has long since returned to Usanay.” Waimya stated.
“I know this, but I am still loyal to his bloodline.” Natana replied. She missed being in her heavenly robes and being in Usanay with her daughter, but her loyalties remained with the children of her second creation.
“But they think you are a Demon sister! They don’t see you as a Goddess!” Waimya exclaimed. Natana, Goddess of the Night and Man, protector of Vampires, that’s who she was. She was the daughter of Taniekla, sister to Dae, Waimya, and Erinsa. She was the mother of Sakuri. Of course Natana still received tribute, but was unable to enjoy it as she was among the living. She didn’t feel like a Goddess anymore, it had been a long time since she had been in Usanay.
“Sakuri misses you. Santan-aku even notices how unnecessary this is.” Waimya explained persistently.
“As long as Dae wishes to scorn my children,” Natana spat. “Then I shall stay.”
“Taniekla said they’d kill you, these that you hold so dear.” Waimya said smugly. Natana shuddered at the mention of their mother’s name. Taniekla was an ominous Goddess who could foresee the future. She was the Goddess of Space, Time, and Logical Reasoning.
“Natana!” The Goddesses snapped toward the caller. Waimya turned back toward her sister.
“He calls you like a common house pet.” She giggled. Natana said nothing as she stomped by her sister.
“Goodbye Waimya. Give Sakuri my love.” She called when she was far enough away. The pulse of energy told of the Goddess’ departure.
“Good riddance.” Natana muttered under her breath. Her gaze floated upward, she knew her family had heard her remark. Natana just shrugged and continued walking toward Darien, passing the withered tree on the way.
“Yes my Lord?” She asked when she got closer.

Torin stood and looked up at the looming castle. He had decided not to investigate the rest of the grounds, figuring that since Darien hadn’t been staying for long, there wasn’t anything of value left behind. Torin turned away and sighed deeply. He had spent the day in the castle and long since lost Darien’s trail. Regardless, Torin would have had a hard time fighting the Demon bodyguard in his present condition.
Torin’s hand went to the minor scars on his chest, he had lost a lot of blood and he was in a considerable amount of pain from the Thirst. But, remembering the oath Torin had made to his foster parents, he would not drink human blood.
“Sometimes I wonder why I even bother,” Torin muttered. There were more competent Vampire Hunters in the world, and, sooner or later, one of them would come for him. But none of them had ever found the elusive Darien, let alone dueled with him.
“Luna!” Torin called. He paused and waited; soon he heard the familiar sound of a horse running toward him. His only friend sometimes was a Nightmare named Luna. Nightmares were a rare breed of horses normally found serving Vampires of the Noble persuasion. They were strong horses but could sneak up on an enemy. And the best thing, they had demonic souls that made them immortal and capable of thought and other mental capabilities. Luna had been Torin’s father’s favorite horse.
Suddenly, the horse stopped beside Torin and just stared at him. Torin smiled up at the large horse and petted her.
“Hello Luna.” Torin said in greeting. Luna had been Darien’s horse at one point in time, but after raiding the castle he had been staying in, Torin had taken Luna as his own.
“You called?” Luna asked mentally. Torin was sometimes disturbed by Luna’s ability to communicate, but appreciated it on long trips.
“We’re going after Darien.” Torin said and lifted himself up onto her back.
“Didn’t get him this time either?’ Luna questioned.
“No Luna,” Torin sighed and took up the reigns. “He has Neona.” Luna said nothing and Torin flicked his wrists.
“Let’s go.” He muttered. And off they went.

Neona watched Natana saunter off as Darien was talking to her. She sometimes worried that Natana would act on her feelings toward her and kill her. But Neona had Darien’s protection, and for that she was grateful.
“Don’t worry about her Neona,” Darien murmured. “She won’t do anything to you.” Neona turned back to him and gave him a worried look.
“She doesn’t like me.” She stated.
“You’re mortal.” Darien replied. Neona bit her lip; she didn’t want to be mortal.
“Oh Neona,” Darien said in an exasperated sigh. “I can’t change you yet.”
“Why not?” Neona whined. Darien looked at her painfully; he had wanted to taste Neona’s blood, but didn’t even sample it for fear of ignoring his rules.
“Neona,” Darien said and stroked her face with his hand. What’s the harm in a little drink? Darien wrapped his other arm around Neona’s waist and pulled her to him. She was willing, and he could control his urges. Darien’s hand went down Neona’s cheek and grazed her neck. Her skin is so soft. Darien bent down and kissed her neck, putting his hand on her back. Neona took a sharp intake of air and Darien could feel her heart pounding. Just a little drink… Darien felt his fangs extend and felt Neona gasp as they pierced her skin. As Darien felt the hot blood on his tongue, he immediately was broken of the spell. But the Thirst and his urges caused him to hang on. She was in his arms, in his control. Suddenly, he felt Neona squirm and in surprise, Darien let go. Neona recoiled away from him and grasped her neck with both of her hands. She looked up at Darien, horrified. Her eyes darted downward and wavered from left to right. Neona then turn and ran. Darien cursed to himself; he had let her go. But another thing was bothering him, who put such a powerful spell over him?
“Natana!” He called in alarm. Where had she run off to now?

A lone woman stood on a hilltop and grinned. She watched the three figures slowly leave the carriage. First to go was the bodyguard, an unplanned blessing; next to go was the girl. That had taken a lot of the woman’s power, but it would be worth it in time. She felt a twinge of remorse; she knew all of these people very well, depending on who she was at the time. The woman ran a nervous hand through her hair. Although she hadn’t been mortal for a long time now, she still had human tendencies. Like laughing and being nervous.
“Weakness.” A voice hissed sharply. The woman’s hand went immediately to her side. She must have done something wrong for the Queen to speak.
“I have given you such power and you get nervous over a little spell?” The voice stated just as sharply as before.
“I’m sorry Mistress.” The woman murmured. The Queen sounded angry, and when she was angry the woman was severely punished.
“If you can not handle this, then I shall.” The voice said, her tone changing to a cold, bitter one. The woman went instantly rigid.
“No please!” She exclaimed. But it was too late; in seconds the Queen overcame the woman. The only difference in her appearance were her eyes, which changed from an earthy brown to an ethereal blue.
“And so it begins.” The woman said her voice sounding almost like the Queen’s.

Neona pushed past the branches of the outreaching trees. Her neck had stopped bleeding but the cuts on her limbs and face bled new. Her dress was torn to shreds on the bottom from the underbrush. But Neona just kept running. She had seen such a horrible face when Darien had bit her. It was a female one but it was twisted and laughing. It had scared Neona and caused her to panic. And after she had pulled away she heard a voice in her head, Run. She had wanted to stay but again she saw the face and she darted away from Darien as quickly as she could. Neona felt pained as she kept running farther and farther from Darien yet something kept her going.
Soon, Neona pushed into a large clearing. A small river passed through it but the rest was open and shady. Neona walked to the edge of the river and sank onto her knees. She looked at her reflection and found that she had been crying. Quickly, Neona scooped up some water and washed her face. The frigid water felt refreshing against her skin and instantly she felt rejuvenated. Neona stood again and stared up at the trees. They seemed to go on forever.
“I love that about them too.” A voice stated pleasantly. Neona turned around and found a woman sitting on a rock next to the river. She had long; straight brown hair and honey colored eyes. Her skin was a light tanned color and everything about her radiated comfort.
“Who are you?” Neona asked as she stepped toward the mysterious woman. She noticed that the woman was dressed in green robes and was bare foot. Such was odd for a woman who seemed to live in the woods.
“I am Erinsa.” The woman answered simply. Neona’s eyes widen and again she fell to her knees. She bent her head down and shut her eyes.
“Forgive me Goddess, I did not know!” Neona exclaimed. She heard the Goddess laugh and felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Stand child, I shall not harm you.” Erinsa murmured. Neona looked up hesitantly at the Goddess before standing. She looked down at her own dress and was embarrassed to be caught such a way by a Goddess.
“Neona, I have seen mortals with less clothes than you and in worse shape. I am not Dae who requires mortals to look a certain way.” Erinsa said. Neona nodded and looked back at her.
“Why are you here Erinsa?” She inquired.
“To keep you from some evils that seem to be following you.” Erinsa replied. Her hand reached up and pushed away the wilted collar of Neona’s dress. In that gesture, two small scars were shown. These scars were the mark the unknown vampire had left on her five years ago. Neona looked down ashamed and felt a tightness in her chest. She did not want to cry in front of a Goddess. But Erinsa saw Neona’s pained look and gathered the mortal into her arms. As Neona started sobbing, Erinsa tried to comfort her.
“In the beginning, after the animals were created, Dae came to me with a request,” The Goddess started. “She asked me to make a mold of a being that looked like us. So, I gathered my best materials and shaped this being.” Erinsa held Neona at arm’s length and looked at her. Neona had tried to stop crying but the tears went streaming silently down her face.
“And I created woman,” Erinsa stated. “You are my creation and I couldn’t be happier with how you’ve turned out.
“You shall have a long and hard journey but you shall rise to where you are supposed to be. Just be wary before handing your heart over.” Neona nodded and the Goddess let go off her.
“I shall be watching over you.” Erinsa reassured her. She then wiped away the tears and stepped away from Neona.
“Goodbye Neona.” She said and disappeared. This trick seemed familiar and Neona instantly remembered Natana. Could she be a Goddess?
“Neona!” A voice called sharply. Neona turned and found Darien running into the clearing.
“My Lord…” Neona said weakly. Her eyes then rolled up into her head and she started falling. Darien darted forward and caught her before she fell. Both of his hands were on her back to support her. He stared down into her face and felt scared, what had happened to her?
“A Goddess was here.” Natana muttered. Darien scooped Neona up and held her in his arms. He then proceeded to turn and face Natana.
“A Goddess?” Darien asked skeptically. Natana nodded and looked around.
“Erinsa was here. In fact, she just left.” She replied. Darien looked back at Neona in his arms and sighed. Now he was really worried. Suddenly, Neona’s eyes fluttered open and she moaned lightly.
“Darien, what happened?” She questioned.
“I don’t know darling.” Darien answered.
“Can we go home now?” Neona asked and put her head on his chest and closed her eyes. Darien kissed her forehead and smiled.
“Of course love.” He replied. Darien looked back up at Natana.
“Let’s go.” He said and started walking. Natana waited till he passed her before turning around and following closely behind her master. Two Goddesses in one night, something was definitely up.

Torin jumped off Luna’s back and looked around the village. The Town Square was empty but, again, it was near midnight. Torin saw how the buildings had aged and it felt odd to him. He still pictured the village the way it was before. Then again, Neona had been living there in his memory of Deepwater. Torin grabbed Luna’s reigns and started walking further into the village. Through the windows, he saw the faces of old women and young children. When he happened to catch their gaze, the faces quickly disappeared and the curtains fell back into place. Torin gave them no thought as he kept walking. On his left he passed an empty house. The windows were darkened and a foreboding chill hugged the house. No one would live in it ever again and no one would tear it down. It was a cursed house, which was probably inhabited by a lower Demon or two. That was Neona’s old home.
Taking a small detour, Torin led Luna straight toward the house. Luna didn’t even flinch; she was used to the dark side of creatures. Torin stopped in front of the door and let go off the reigns. He then pulled on the latch and, finding it unlocked, opened the door.
The door swung open, upsetting the dust on the floor. Torin stepped into the house, causing more dust to swirl into the air. He walked through the entrance room and into a hallway. There were two doors on the left and two doors on the right. Torin opened the first door on the left and just stood in the doorway. It was Neona’s old room. A dress was lying on top of the bed along with a book. Torin walked over and sat on the bed. He picked up the moth eaten dress and held it in his hands. It was a simple green, cotton dress that Neona wore every so often. Torin laid the dress in his lap and picked up the book; it was her old diary. Torin opened the book and flipped through the pages. He came to the last entry and found it to be dated a few days after he had left Deepwater. The handwriting was messy, suggesting that Neona had written it in a hurry.
“‘I have just received the best news!’,” Torin read aloud. “‘I was out in the field tonight when a man came up to me. For a moment I thought it was Torin coming back. But as I jumped up to greet him, I found the man not to be Torin at all, but a vampire. I was so scared but I asked him who he was and he replied that he was Lord Darien. It seems he wants me to join him and has promised to change me if I do! Just think, if I am a vampire, Torin would be able to,’” Torin stopped reading, he knew what Neona had written next. If she was a vampire, I’d be able to love her, Torin thought. He tossed the book aside and set the dress down beside it.
As Torin stood up, he noticed Neona’s dresser. He walked over to it and picked up the vanity mirror. He was shocked to find it shattered. He looked down at the dresser top and found a broken spot where Neona had slammed down the mirror. Bloody pieces of mirror lay strewn across the top of the dresser. Torin laid down the mirror and received a flash from his memory. There were scars on Neona’s wrists, marks he hadn’t noticed before.
Torin stepped backward, away from the dresser. He heard a crunch and quickly whirled around. He looked down and found something shinning on the ground. He bent down to get a closer look and gasped. He carefully picked up the little glass rose and held it in his hand. The blossom was cracked and Torin had broken off the leaf when he stepped on it. But Torin still remembered the rose. He had given it to Neona when she turned thirteen; it had been his mother’s. Torin pocketed the rose as he stood. He then heard the faint sound of someone walking down the hallway. He needed to leave, quickly. But in the doorway, Torin found a scrawny woman standing there. Her eyes were vacant and her mouth was gaping. Her black hair was short and frazzled. Torin knew that the woman was a weak vampire, one who wouldn’t last if she didn’t feed. Torin quickly unsheathed Dae and sliced through the woman’s neck. He watched the headless body crumple and looked at the head on the ground. All he could do was leave; the body would turn to ash in the morning.
Flicking his wrist, Torin cleaned off the blade and sheathed his sword. He then stepped over the woman and walked out of the house. He remembered when he could walk into the house and is greeted by warm hearts and friendly faces. Torin shut the door behind him and stared at the road momentarily. He then turned and walked by the side of the house. He came to a small wooden fence and opened the little gate. He stepped inside and heard the gate close. In front of him were four wooden crosses. One was smaller than the other three. Torin knelt in front of them and read the inscriptions. One was for Matthew and had his birth and death date inscribed. The next was for Kisha and noted that she had been kidnapped by a vampire and never found. The third was Luke’s and had his birth and death day written. The last was for Neona, whose inscription matched her mother’s.
Torin stood and turned away from the graves. These villagers had left Neona for dead; and they were right, the Neona they knew was dead.

The last house Torin stopped at was very different from Neona’s. The two front windows were lit and children’s laughter seeped through the door. Torin smiled, Melinda and Anthony had finally had had their own children. Slowly, Torin walked toward the door, slowly gathering his courage. He knocked hesitantly on the door and heard a voice hushing the children.
“Coming!” A cheery voice called. Torin recognized the voice and smiled widely. As the door open, the woman who answered gasped.
“Torin!” She exclaimed.
“Good evening mother.” Torin said in a strained calm. He had the sudden urge to gather the frail woman in his arms and embrace her.
“Anthony, Torin is here!” Melinda called but still stared at the vampiel. Torin heard the heavy footfalls of his adoptive father and grinned when he was the man he had listened to and adored.
“Well, what do we have here?” Anthony asked. Two children’s heads popped out from beside Melinda’s legs. The woman looked down at her children and scowled.
“Neona Matrice! Adrian Michael! Get back to your rooms.” Melinda scolded. Immediately, the children disappeared and Torin heard them scurry upstairs. Melinda turned back to him and smiled.
“Well Melinda, aren’t you going to invite the boy inside?” Anthony asked gruffly. A blush set itself on Melinda’s face.
“I’m so sorry!” She exclaimed apologetically. “Come in Torin.” Melinda and Anthony stood aside and Torin nodded his head in a respectful greeting as he entered.
“So how old are they?” Torin asked politely. He was still in shock that Melinda had named one after Neona.
“They’re twins, they’re four years old now.” Melinda said as she bustled down the hall and into the kitchen.
“Would you like some tea Torin?” She called from the kitchen.
“Of course mother.” Torin replied.
“It’s odd hearing that from a grown man like you.” Anthony said. Torin turned toward his father and grinned.
“I’m only thirty-two.” He jibed. Anthony scowled but laughed all the same.
“Well, we did get you when we were still young.” He sighed.
“Tea is almost ready!” Melinda’s voice rang down the hallway. Anthony started walking toward the kitchen.
“Well, come and tell us about what you’ve been up to son.” He said before he entered the kitchen. Torin’s grin melted down into a soft smile; he had missed his family.

Neona opened her eyes and was greeted by a stifling darkness. Her heart sped up in joy; she was in the coffin. She felt her arms drawn up against her chest and felt Darien’s soft shirt underneath. Neona maneuvered her fingers and grasped some of the shirt. She felt Darien shift under her and she let go of the shirt.
“Darien?” She called softly.
“Are you awake dear?” He asked in return.
“Yes my Lord.” Neona answered.
“Good, good.” Darien murmured. Neona felt his arm start to stroke hers. She so longed to be in his embrace outside of the coffin. But she enjoyed sleeping with him, even in such cramped space.
“Darling?” Darien spoke up.
“Yes my Lord?” Neona yawned.
“Who were you with in the clearing?” He inquired. Neona felt her breath catch in her throat.
“The clearing my Lord?” She questioned.
“Yes my dear,” Darien replied, becoming annoyed. Neona’s thoughts were a jumble and he couldn’t find a clear strand. “Where you fainted last night.” Neona paused and tried to get her thoughts in order; the clearing, the mysterious woman.
“Erinsa.” Neona stated simply.

Outside of the carriage, Natana perked up. She had heard mention of her sister and seethed. They were starting to interfere. Natana had been told that one of her fellow Goddesses would protect this pathetic mortal, she just didn’t know which one. Natana closed her eyes and pictured her family. The last time they were together was in Usanay when Natana returned with Santan-aku. Even her mother, Taniekla, had taken on a human form to welcome her. She remembered her sisters; Erinsa, the Earth Goddess; Waimya, the Water Goddess; and Dae, the Light Goddess. Their children were also in attendance. There was Dae’s Betay, the Goddess of Birth and Children; Erinsa’s Wektay, the Goddess of Wood and Harvest; Waimya’s Weltana, the Goddess of Wind and Travel; and finally, Natana’s Sakuri, the Goddess of Death, Angels, and Immortality. And if the Goddesses congregated, Feilana was close by. She was the only Goddess to be created from an earth bound substance and was patron Goddess of Fire and Mischief.
Natana opened her eyes and grinned, one of those Goddesses was protecting Neona. By a simple guess, Natana figured it was Erinsa and chuckled to herself. Erinsa was the youngest of the Four Sister Goddesses and the easiest to manipulate. So she had nothing to worry about.

Neona stepped out of the carriage and stretched her arms. The sun had risen awhile ago and now rested high above the town. Neona had taken advantage of the time and donned her old peasant garbs, or “the rags” as Darien so called them. With a smile, Neona walked briskly into the woods surrounding them. She had remembered Darien mentioning to Natana about a village close by. Now she was going to explore this new place.
“My Lady, where are you off to so early?” A voice called. Neona froze and felt a chill crawl up her spine. She hated being alone with Natana for any length of time.
“I just wanted to explore the new village.” Neona answered as she turned. Natana leaned against a tree trunk with her arms crossed over her chest and smiled smugly.
“You are running around in rags my Lady.” She remarked. Neona looked down at the pale blue dress she was wearing.
“Please don’t tell Darien, he’ll be angry with me.” She pleaded meekly. Neona looked up and found Natana in front of her and glaring at her.
“You shall refer to him as ‘Lord Darien’ or ‘Master Darien’ in my presence. Is that clear mortal?’ Natana seethed. Neona nodded immediately; she was quite scared of the Demon.
“Now return to the carriage and I shall dress you properly before you venture out into the village.” Natana ordered. Neona walked hurriedly past her, keeping her head down, as she returned to the carriage. She tried hard not to fall back into a childish habit of crying whenever she didn’t get her way.
When she was younger, she only wanted simple things, all of which were easily supplied. And if Darien was so rich, would he not be able to have the simple things and more?

Torin stood outside Melinda’s door saying his good-byes. As the door shut, Torin turned and walked toward Luna. He had stayed the night and well into the afternoon; now was time to go back to searching for Darien.
Untying Luna, Torin remembered instances from his childhood. He pledged his undying love to Neona under the same tree she had fallen out of and broken her arm a year earlier. And now, as Torin looked back longingly at the old, withered tree, he was overcome by a feeling of loss. He may never regain the relationship he once had with Neona.

Posted by moon2/selene0 at 1:44 AM EDT
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Monday, 23 August 2004

A World Between
The World Between


An autumn wind blew restlessly outside a small farm cottage in France. The house belonged to the late Jaquesta Laquard and his wife Marie. Marie was a tall, slender woman of seventeen and pregnant with her first child. That night, her sister Jaclyn was staying with her because of stomach pains. Jaclyn was worried that with the death of Marie’s husband, she would have complications with the baby. Jaquesta had been found lying on the floor of his home. Everyone passed it off as bad blood, but Marie knew better. She knew that the thing that had taken her first love had taken her husband. But Marie had not loved her husband, she had cried at the memory the incident brought back. The loss of her husband was not a loss at all.

“Get the mid wife!” Marie shouted at her sister. Marie was nine and a half months pregnant. Her husband was dead and she was now in the care of her sister Jaclyn.
“I’m going. I don’t want to leave you though.” Jaclyn pleaded but obediently grabbed her coat.
“Go, it is finally time.” Marie replied weakly.
“But Marie,” Jaclyn begged. She grasped the door latch anyway.
“Go! Now!” Marie yelled through the pain. Through her tears, Marie saw her sister leave the little cottage. What she didn’t see was how Jaclyn stopped in the open doorway and found a man standing there. Nor did she see the man crack Jaclyn’s neck. All she could see was the pain that throbbed around her vision.
As Marie fell into semi-unconsciousness, she remembered the first time she stepped into the cottage. She was newly married to Jaquesta, a farmer, and had lived in her father’s house till the cottage had been built. Marie cried even harder when she remembered finding her husband dead on the floor two years later. He had been drained of most of his blood. That painful memory of that boy so long ago… Now her tears were blinding, and she didn’t even see the strange man walk into the bedroom.
The man had light brown hair, almost blond and his eyes were the color of a storm-troubled sea. This man stopped and looked at the pathetic heap that was Marie. His cold eyes softened, but remembering his purpose, they became hard again.
“Jaquesta? Is that you?” Marie called pitifully as she felt a presence in the room. The man came to the edge of the bed and stopped.
“Marie, it’s me, Thomas.” The man explained.
“Thomas? You mean that boy that disappeared so long ago?” Marie asked.
“Yes. And do you know what became of me? I became a vampire. When I came back for you, I found you married and pregnant.” Thomas hurriedly explained as he sat down next to Marie and stroked her tear-streaked face.
“I am deeply sorry Thomas, I thought you were dead.” Marie apologized. She had only understood about half of what was said.
“It is alright. You see, I took care of everything,” Thomas dabbed Marie’s forehead with a handkerchief. “I never wanted to lose you, and when I saw who I lost you too I was enraged. And the way you were living miserably, it broke my heart. I killed your husband. I had to Marie.” Marie had to let this new information sink in. She had just now realized Thomas was not only the man in her room, but a vampire.
“You killed Jaquesta?” Marie shrieked. “Now you are here to kill me and little Luke who hasn’t even been born yet!” Thomas put his hand on Marie’s face; she felt the coolness of it and loved it.
“No, no! I am here to keep you with me forever. Here,” Thomas held out a dark red vial. The vial was glass but the liquid was a deep, crimson red. “Drink this. It shall ease the pain.”
“What is it?” Marie asked shakily but still took the vial.
“‘This is my blood, shed for you.’” Thomas replied, quoting the Bible. Marie opened the vial and drank the liquid. It tasted like a copper penny melting on her tongue. The potion burned Marie’s throat as it traveled through her.
“What did you give me?” Marie screamed.
“Shush darling, it shall pass.” Thomas explained. After he had said that, the pain stopped and a wonderful feeling passed through Marie.
“The baby is coming.” She murmured.
“I will be here.” Thomas said gently.


Marie Boquard was born a poor girl into a family of three. Her mother, Janet, was a dairymaid while her father, David, was a farmer. Marie had an older sister, Jaclyn, of three years who helped out wherever needed. Marie was born black-haired into a family of blondes. Her mother passed it off by saying her hair would naturally change color. But at the age of seven, the only things that changed color were her eyes. Marie was born with emerald eyes, just like her mother, but on the day of her seventh birthday, they turned purple.
Marie had awoken early and glanced over at her sister’s sleeping form. Quietly, she rose from her straw stuffed mattress on the floor and changed into a plain blue frock. She slipped her shoes on and Marie stepped lightly down to the kitchen. She heard her mother baking there, which she usually did during the afternoon. Marie sat down at the table and watched her mother. Janet lifted the loaves from the hearth and placed them on a plate next to her. She then stood with the plate and placed it on the table behind her. She did all of this without looking at Marie. When she did, Janet froze.
“Marie? What happened?” Janet asked frightened.
“What do you mean Mama?” Marie grew uncomfortable by her mother’s behavior.
“Marie, your eyes, they are, purple.” Janet replied. Before Marie could say anything, she heard her father walking toward the kitchen. Janet’s eyes went from confusion to utter fear.
“Your father…” was all Janet could say.

That night Marie’s parents had finally started to speak with one another, but David just yelled.
“First it was her hair Janet, now her eyes?” David said.
“David! You do not accuse me of unfaithfulness do you?” Janet asked.
“I am only stating what I see.” David argued. Jaclyn stood from the table.
“Perhaps she’s a witch.” Jaclyn muttered. Janet gasped, as David turned red with anger.
“What did you say?” David demanded. Jaclyn shook her head.
“Nothing of importance Father. Merely a suggestion.” Jaclyn answered.
“How dare you say that of your sister,” Janet said. “Where in Heaven’s name did you learn that word you uttered?”
“The other children. Samuel’s grandmother was burned last week for her purple eyes. Tis a sure sign of the Devil he said.” Jaclyn answered.
“That word shall never again come into this house.” David said. Janet shook with fear as she headed toward Marie.
“Marie, my dear, are you alright?” She bent down to see Marie eye to eye.
“Mother, I had a dream last night.” Marie said, looking into the depths of her mother’s eyes. She was searching her soul, trying to find an answer she so desperately needed in her mother’s very being.
“Go on child. What was your dream?” David asked as he too stood near Marie. Jaclyn peered over her mother’s shoulder with mounting anticipation. Marie looked into the eyes of her family; none of them had an answer, the answer.
“I was older, a mother. I lived in a beautiful cottage. I was a widow, but I remarried. He was strange though, my new husband. We were about only at night. And I had a son, who was taken from me one night.” Marie explained.
“What does it mean?” Janet asked, not to anyone specific.
“I think that is what shall happen to me.” Marie sobbed. The bitter tears ran down her face. She knew the horrible fate that awaited them all, but she could never tell.

Years passed and the dream was forgotten. When Marie was about fourteen, she met Thomas. She came running into the house one day, her cheeks flushed with excitement.
“Marie, my darling! Are you sick?” Janet asked alarmed. Jaclyn continued to hum as she rolled the bread dough.
“No Mother, just in love!” Marie sighed as she clutched a bouquet of wildflowers. Janet smiled as she went back to her sewing.
“And who is this boy?” David’s rough voice rang from the doorway.
“A boy named Thomas Delray.” Marie answered as she sat down next to her mother.
“He shall come to supper tonight so we can meet him.” David said as he laid down his tools next to the doorway. Marie looked up ecstatically.
“I shall go tell him!” Marie exclaimed as she bounded out the door.
“Jaclyn, put another loaf in to bake.” Janet sighed as she watched her youngest. Jaclyn smiled as she did what she was told.

That night, a tall boy of fifteen sat down and gave grace at the Boquard’s table. Janet and David were pleased with this boy that so dearly held Marie’s affections. He had gone to school but now helped his father with the farm. Thomas was polite and did nothing to Marie that would so offended her parents. At the end of supper, Thomas remarked graciously on Janet’s cooking and thanked David.
“Sir? Would it be improper if I kissed your daughter goodnight?” Thomas asked before leaving.
“I do not see a reason you should not.” David replied. Thomas smiled as Marie blushed. He kissed her softly on the cheek but did not linger for fear of her father. After smiling at Marie and thanking David again for the invitation, Thomas left.
“He is a very nice, well mannered boy.” Janet said as she and her daughters cleared the table. Marie smiled as she picked up the plates.
“Yes, perfect for our daughter.” David said as he sat in his chair next to the fire. Marie inwardly shouted in joy.

Thomas courted Marie for a year. That was when he disappeared. It had happened suddenly and unexpectedly. Neither Marie nor Thomas’ father knew where he was and automatically thought he was with the other. So when supper was set on the table, the night of Thomas’ disappearance, the Boquard’s received an unexpected visitor.
“Monsieur? Monsieur Boquard? Are you home?” A voice called nervously from outside the door. David stood and went to receive the caller. When he opened the door, he found a large, burly man standing there.
“Monsieur Delray? What is it? We are in the middle of our supper.” David said.
“Excuse me, I did not mean to interrupt. But, by any chance, has your daughter seen Thomas?” Monsieur Delray asked. David looked at his daughter and moved from the doorway. Marie stood and walked to the door.
“No Monsieur Delray, I have not seen my beloved all day. I thought he was with you in the fields.” Marie said, her voice growing with fear.
“Oh no,” Monsieur Delray said quietly. He then shook his head and looked up at Marie. “Sorry to disturb you all. Good evening.” And with that, Thomas’ father turned and left the farm. Marie sat back down at the table but did not move. Those bitter tears from so long ago came running down her face again.

Around the town, rumors of a vampire spread quickly. Thomas’ mother had become quite ill while most of the farm animals were slaughtered earlier in the year. Now Thomas himself had disappeared. There was, or had been, a vampire in the town.

After Thomas’ disappearance, Marie became sullen and depressed. Jaclyn was already married and had moved out when her parents discussed marriage for Marie.
“There is a farmer who would. He is poor but he is the only one that would marry her.” Janet told her husband one evening. Marie had turned fifteen.
“She is so depressed now. I didn’t think she would ever get married.” David sighed.
“She has not uttered more than five words since he disappeared.” Janet sighed.
“Well, he is willing to take her.” David said. Marie sat down on her bed but did not shed a single tear. And that was how Marie met and married Jaquesta.


After an hour of labor, Luke was finally born. Destiny had surely left its mark upon that family. If Thomas had left Marie in her life with Jaquesta, she and her son would not have survived the night. But as Thomas had said, the liquid he gave Marie was, in a sense, his blood. It was vampire’s blood. The blood had worked itself through Marie and saved Luke’s life. When he was born, Luke cried, as any healthy baby would scream. But he was a vampiel, half human, half vampire. Marie was a full vampire by the end of that night.

As Luke grew, Thomas tutored his stepson as his own. Although Luke had the wisdom and strength abnormal to man, in the vampire realm, he was weak. And this was a problem Thomas worried about. He knew many vampires would become enraged at the news of a vampiel and they would surely try to harm Luke. But a closer problem started to arise; many villagers wondered what happened to the Delray’s during the day.
“Marie, I do not think it is safe for Luke to stay here.” Thomas said to his wife one evening. Luke was seven.
“Thomas, where would we go?” Marie asked. Thomas sat down in his chair next to the hearth as he watched Luke play.
“To the Americas. France has land over there.” Thomas said, beckoning Marie closer.
“No, there are Indians. And there will most likely be vampires over there as well.” Marie said sternly as she tousled Luke’s hair. Luke looked up at his mother and smiled before going back to play.
“Not true. You know as well as I do that the vampires that want to harm us are aristocrats. They would never go over there until it’s ‘civilized’ Marie.” Thomas said.
“So what about us? Many of the villagers say it is a swampland, a place for plantations, not little farmers like us.” Marie argued.
“Well, I have a friend already over there, a rich plantation owner. If you will not go, can I at least send Luke?” Thomas tried.
“What is his name? Is he mortal or a vampire?” Marie asked looking at her son.
“His name is Nickolas. He is a very powerful vampire.” Thomas answered. Marie sighed as she watched Luke roll his marbles across the floor. Luke looked up at his mother again. Marie looked into his innocent ice blue eyes. He had his father’s features, Jaquesta’s, light-blue eyes and hay-golden hair.
“What shall keep our son safe from Nickolas?” Marie asked.
“Marie, this is the same vampire who created me. I would trust him with you.” Thomas replied. Before Marie could respond, a sharp knock interrupted her. Thomas gazed nervously at Marie before heading toward the door. When he opened it, a tall man in an emerald green cloak stepped in. Thomas shot a perplexed glance toward Marie who was obviously perturbed at the entrance of the man.
“Thomas! It has surely been too long.” The hooded man took off his cloak, revealing a man in his twenties. His dark brown hair was damp from the rain outside. As the man looked at Thomas, his green eyes sparkled with long past memories.
“Nickolas? What are you doing in France?” Thomas asked, taking his friend’s cloak. Marie sighed as she picked up Luke and sat in Thomas’ chair.
“I would love to say visiting but I’m here as a merchant this time.” Nickolas explained.
“I am so happy you decided to visit here. Nickolas, I want you to meet my wife Marie. And that is my stepson Luke.” Thomas introduced. Marie nodded her head in greeting and shifted her attention to Luke who gazed silently at Nickolas.
“Cursed to stay seven forever eh?” Nickolas said to Thomas but looked at Luke.
“No, he is a vampiel.” Thomas answered. Nickolas turned toward him.
“A what?” Nickolas questioned.
“It means that I am half human and half vampire.” Luke suddenly spoke up.
“Ah, the boy speaks.” Nickolas again turned to Luke.
“Quite well actually. For a boy of seven that is.” Marie looked up at Nickolas.
“Of course. Vampires are always intelligent,” Nickolas said before turning to Thomas. “Thomas, you know of the other reason to why I stopped here. Have you thought of my offer?”
“We were just discussing that.” Thomas said, returning Nickolas’ gaze.
“I want to go with him Father.” Luke said squirming out of his mother’s grasp.
“You do?” Marie asked shocked.
“The boys in the village make fun of me and the men who come to my window at night scare me.” Luke explained. Nickolas laughed.
“At my plantation, there are too many windows. These men shall have a hard time finding you.” He said.
“When do you leave?” Thomas asked.
“Tonight.” Nickolas replied. Before anyone could argue, a loud banging shook the doorway. Luke crawled into his mother’s lap.
“The men! They are after me again!” Luke cried into his mother’s blouse. Marie shot a frightened look to Thomas.
“Take him Nickolas. Go!” Thomas ordered. Nickolas swept Luke up and carried him in his arms. Before they went out the back way, Marie ran up to Nickolas.
“Here, let him have this necklace. So he shall remember who he is.” Marie was crying now. The banging on the door became more of a trying to break it down.
“We are here for the child! If you let us kill him, no harm shall come to you Thomas!” A voice roared from outside.
“You lie! I shall never forsake my son!” Thomas roared back. Suddenly he turned to Nickolas. “Go, now! I love you Luke, now be gone!”
“Father! Mother! Come with me!” Luke cried as he tried to squirm free.
“Sleep child.” Nickolas said as his hand passed over Luke’s eyes. Soon, Luke was fast asleep.
As Nickolas left the cottage, Luke’s hand grasped the heart-shaped charm on his necklace. Nickolas looked down at his fledgling’s son. This was a living, breathing child in his arms.
“Lord how you test me.” Nickolas sighed as he dashed to his carriage.


Thomas was born into a very small family. His father, Antoine Delray, owned a small farm near the town center. His mother, Belle, was a tailor who made the finest clothing from her own wool and dye. Thomas was an only child and got the best from his parents. He got a basic education, but left school to help his father on their farm. He made pocket money by making deliveries to Belle’s customers.
As Thomas got older, his muscles got bigger, he himself got taller, and his hair was turning blonder by the day. He was born with ocean blue eyes and brown hair dusted with blond. Now his eye color was a mixture of blue, green and gray, and his brown hair fought daily with the overpowering blond. And it was his outward appearance that caused him to be late returning home after making the day’s deliveries. Every time Thomas made a delivery for his mother, every girl around his age and younger followed him. Except Marie. Marie had not interested Thomas for she was always off picking wildflowers, an act he found silly and childish. But when Thomas turned fifteen, his attitude toward Marie changed. He noticed her soft purple eyes and long black hair that tossed about in the wind. She was different from the other girls and Thomas knew he was in love. When he was returning home from his last delivery, Thomas worked up enough courage to slip away from the crowd and talk to Marie. He found her sitting in a field among the beautiful wildflowers.
“Marie Boquard?” Thomas said. Marie looked up from her bouquet. Her blue dress was splayed around her from where she was sitting. Her black hair was neatly tied back with a matching blue ribbon.
“Yes?” Marie asked. Thomas kneeled in front of her.
“I am Thomas Delray.” Thomas started.
“I know. Your mother is the tailor?” Marie questioned.
“Yes,” Thomas answered with a smile. She knew who he was at least. “Marie, I was wondering. Why do you pick flowers all day?” Marie looked at the arrangement she was holding.
“Because, you see, well,” Marie started. Thomas saw her blush. She turned to him and looked him in the eye. “You see Thomas, all day, every time you go somewhere, all those girls follow you. I think they’re stupid to do such foolish things.” Thomas’ cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
“Oh.” Thomas said and looked down at the grass below him.
“Oh, I didn’t mean it that way Thomas!” Marie exclaimed. Thomas looked up at Marie confused. “You see, when they do that I come up here to pick flowers for you but I never get a chance to talk to you. Not with that flock of girls chasing you!” Marie laughed as she again blushed.
“I thought you didn’t like me!” Thomas laughed. Marie giggled.
“Oh Thomas, I was so scared that you didn’t like me!” This sent both of them into fits of laughter. After they calmed down, they started talking before Marie had to go home. Thomas stayed in the field watching her run until he couldn’t see her anymore. As she disappeared, Thomas laid back and watched the clouds float overhead.
That was how Marie found him when she invited him to dinner. He accepted and had mixed feelings of excitement and fear. But the dinner went smoothly enough, he even got to kiss Marie by the end of it. After that night, Thomas knew Marie was the one. He knew he wanted to marry her.
As Thomas walked home that night, his mood changed immediately. To get to his own home, Thomas had to walk through a mess of feathers, hide, and blood. He even thought he saw the carcass of one of their cows. His head was spinning by the time he got to the doorway. Slowly he opened the door and peered in. His parents were nowhere in sight.
“Papa? Mother?” Thomas called out. No one answered. Thomas walked into the house and shut the door behind him. He walked through the house till he got to his parents’ room. The door was cracked open enough to let Thomas peer in. His father was standing over his parents’ bed. A soft voice came from a body his father shadowed.
“Antoine? Water please.” Thomas knew that voice belonged to his mother. Yet it was weak and weary.
“Of course my dear. You know, Thomas should be here soon.” Antoine said as he moved from the bed. When he did, Thomas gasped. It was his mother lying in bed, but he skin was paled and sunken.
“I think he’s already here.” Belle said. Antoine turned towards the door. Thomas stood straight and waited. When his father opened the door, they both stood silent.
“Your mother, she is ill.” Antoine said.
“With what?” Thomas asked.
“Blood poisoning.” Antoine explained simply. This silenced them both again. Behind Antoine, Belle coughed. Thomas saw fear flicker in his father’s eyes. Quickly and quietly, Antoine shut the door and left Thomas in the hallway. And that was the first time Thomas had ever cried since childhood.
As Belle recovered, Thomas courted Marie. This courtship lasted for a year and their love started to unfold into a never-ending spring. Early one morning, Thomas woke up to get an early start on his chores. He was going to propose that afternoon so he needed the work done as soon as possible. Thomas headed outside as quietly as he was able so he would not disturb his parents. His mother had gotten a touch of blood poisoning again yesterday. When Thomas walked outside, the sun had not risen. Because it was still dark, he didn’t see the man who crept up behind him. Nor did he sense the cold fingers that slipped him into unconsciousness.

When Thomas woke up, he was chained and weak. His prison was a damp, dark room made of stone. A chill had set and Thomas shivered. He felt feverish and knew he was ill. He looked down at his hands and saw they were the color of his mother’s skin when she was sick.
“Where am I?” Thomas moaned. A dark shadow stood before him.
“You are in the basement of my castle in Italy.” The dark shadow replied.
“I was in France this morning.” Thomas murmured.
“No, you were in France last week.” The shadow corrected.
“Who, who are you?” Thomas demanded.
“I?” The shadow took a step into the light that poured from a single hole that seemed to come from nowhere. The shadow was a tall man with brown hair and green eyes. “I am Nickolas, master of all Vampires!” The shadow laughed. Thomas shook his head wearily.
“What do you want with me?” he asked.
“You.” Nickolas answered simply.
“I don’t understand.”
“I have been watching you Thomas. You are a very interesting person. You and that woman you love so much, Marie?” Nickolas walked towards Thomas.
“Marie...” Thomas murmured. His thoughts drifted to Marie’s smiling face.
“Marie! God, what did you do to her!” Thomas yelled with his remaining strength. Nickolas merely smirked.
“Nothing my boy, nothing at all. You see, like I said, I’ve been watching you. You love this woman right? I mean you were going to propose?” Nickolas questioned.
“Of course I love Marie. With all of my heart.” Thomas answered.
“Do you want to spend eternity with her?” Nickolas stopped walking and stood before Thomas. Thomas looked closer at Nickolas, the so-called ‘master of the Vampires’. His brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail that touched the nape of his neck. His green eyes looked menacing but at the same time, warm and loving. And his flawless skin looked like marble. He looked like an Angel with an evil air about him.
“Yes, yes I do.” Thomas responded. Nickolas smiled at his answer.
“I can make it so you both spend a very long and happy life together.” Nickolas stated as he knelt before Thomas’ weak and broken body. Thomas stared at him.
“How?” He asked.
“Easy,” Nickolas said as he stood. “You may want to keep this.” He tossed something to Thomas before he turned and left. Thomas looked down and saw the ring he was going to give Marie.
“You are the Devil!” He yelled after Nickolas. All that replied was Nickolas’ cold, metallic laughter ringing through the stone hallways.


Thirteen years passed, and Luke grew up on a huge plantation with Nickolas. Since Nickolas and Luke could both walk about during the daylight hours, the plantation worked smoothly and legitimately. None of the slaves suspected that the new pale-faced boy and their ghost like master were anything but normal. As far as they knew, their master was a man with sensitive skin who liked to take his meals elsewhere. And the boy was a sickly boy who ate with the master. No one was the wiser. And Luke grew up that way, having everyone take him as different, but not that different.
In school, Luke was always advanced and completed college when he was thirteen. Now he set his sights to learn Nickolas’ trade as a plantation owner and merchant. So every evening, Luke would join Nickolas, whom he considered an Uncle, to make an inspection of the plantation and talk to the foreman. But Sundays were a break for slave and master no matter what. And on each Sunday, Luke made it a tradition to join Nickolas in his study and talk with him.
Luke stood in the doorway on one such Sunday and watched Nickolas read. It always amazed him how many books Nickolas had acquired over the years.
“Uncle?” Luke asked suddenly.
“Yes Luke?” Nickolas asked looking up from his book.
“How did you become a vampire?”
“So you want to know the story of creation?” Luke nodded. “Come in and take a seat.” Nickolas said, motioning to the chair in front of him. Luke entered and sat down in the chair.
“Uncle, I know how man was created but what about,” Luke drifted off, searching for the ending.
“Us? The creation of Vampires?” Nickolas asked. Luke nodded again. “Well, there are two ways, I know both since I created both means of transformation.”
“How?” Luke questioned.
“Being the master of all Vampires I had to.”
“Master of all Vampires?” Nickolas saw and heard Luke’s confusion.
“Lucifer and Lillith are my parents.” Nickolas explained.
“Who is Lillith?” Luke questioned.
“I’ll explain,” Nickolas sighed. “Lucifer, as you should know, was God’s favorite Angel. Lucifer saw the creation of the Heavens and Earth and felt the joy God did. Lucifer also went to Earth and played with the animals after their creation. But he was hurt when God created Adam, the first man; and Lillith, the first woman. Many Angels noticed that Adam and Lillith looked like them. And they had been molded to look like God. Adam and Lillith both stood upright and had hands that grasped things. Some of the Angels were furious, and Lucifer went to talk to God. God simply explained that although He loved Adam and Lillith, Lucifer was still his favorite Angel. Lucifer was only partially satisfied with His answer and decided to try and get rid of the humans. Lucifer went down and told Lillith that drinking animal’s blood pleases God. So Lillith started to drink animal’s blood. This frightened Adam and he asked God to get rid of Lillith. God did so and banished Lillith from Eden. Lucifer was pleased and went back to Heaven to watch the on goings in Eden. One day he saw Eve and he again grew angry and questioned God. He gave Lucifer the same explanation, which did not sit well with the enraged Angel. So to Eden Lucifer again descended. Lucifer had realized that woman was tempted easier so he turned into a snake as Eve approached the Forbidden Tree in the garden. In tempting Eve, Lucifer banished both Adam and Eve. But as his punishment, Lucifer was striped of his wings. As he fell from Heaven, new wings formed from his blood and skin. Lucifer was then told that he would be given a kingdom to rule over as he pleased. But to get subjects, he would have to tempt the humans from Earth and if they fell to him, they would join him after death.”
While God created Lucifer’s realm, he went roaming the Earth. After a few years, he found Adam and Eve’s camp. And there was Lillith, wild and only having her hair to cover herself, talking to Cain and poisoning him with evil thoughts. After Lillith walked away, Lucifer confronted her. She was startled to see the familiar Angel who had gotten her thrown out of Eden. Before she could start blaming Lucifer for her troubles, he told her of another kingdom where she could be Queen. She agreed and went with Lucifer to rule over Hell.” Nickolas stopped and looked at Luke.
“Uncle, what about you? What about the Vampires?” Luke asked. Nickolas smiled and nodded.
“As Lucifer’s realm became larger, he had idea’s for a war. A war that would have him as the ruler of Heaven, Earth, and Hell. Being paranoid, Lucifer and Lillith had a son to take over Hell if Lucifer died.” Nickolas answered.
“And you? You are that son?” Luke questioned.
“Yes. I am their son. And I was trained like a Demon. But many things made me different from the Demons I was supposed to lead. Firstly, I didn’t have wings, and secondly, I had a thirst for blood. My mother tried to help me learn what I was, there was no name for a Demon like myself, and sent me to Earth to learn. About the time of the Roman Empire, I created the Fountain of Youth. And instead of it making you younger, it made you immortal. And instead of it being water that flowed, it was my blood. But I kept the Fountain hidden in my castle in Italy. But it wasn’t until the sixteen hundreds that I planned on making my first fledgling.” Nickolas said.
“Thomas.” Luke stated.
“Yes, your step-father was the first human I fell in love with. Now, a vampire’s love is nothing like a human. We love beauty. We are superficial on a deeper level. We love the beauty of the soul, of the essence. I loved Thomas’ being, not so much him. And that was why I brought him to my castle in Italy and changed him. And by that time, we had a name, Vampiro. The damned creatures. The living dead. And Thomas became the first fledgling.” Nickolas replied.
“Did he drink from the Fountain?” Luke asked.
“Unfortunately I was foolish and did not let him. There is a certain bonding that happens when you give a transfusion, I wanted that bond and denied Thomas the better possibility.” Nickolas answered.
“Uncle? Do you think they died that night?” Luke questioned.
“I don’t know,” Both men were quieted by this grave remark. “Now, cheer up. It’s time to take our dinner.”
“That’s another thing Uncle. How can I become a real vampire? Is it even possible?” Luke asked.
“Well, there is one way.” Nickolas said uneasily.
“What is it?” Luke asked with equal uneasiness.
“You have to eat the heart of another vampire.” Nickolas answered.
“I have to do what?” Luke explained.
“The heart is where some of the vampire blood stays. It leaves traces of itself on other blood cells. You must eat a full vampires heart to receive enough of the chemical that leaves traces on the blood.” Nickolas explained.
“Oh.” Luke said as he toyed with his necklace. The Celtic cross surrounded by vines felt cool to the touch as it swung on its chain.
“Luke, I would gladly give my heart for you.” Nickolas said as he stood. Luke looked up at him.
“No Uncle. Not you.” Luke said firmly.
“Do you want to become a creature of the night?” Nickoals asked.
“Yes, but not at your expense.” Luke retorted as he too stood.
“You’re going to get older. You might live forever, I don’t know, but you will get older. Your mind and body will age. You will become weak and feeble, easy for the killing. I can offer you immortality. Forever twenty, think of it Luke.”
“Uncle, you are my only hope here.” Luke muttered as his gaze fell to the floor.
“Luke, once you have my strength, you will be your own hope.” Nickolas retorted.
“But Uncle,” Luke pleaded.
“Come with me.” Nickolas ordered. Luke watched him walk out the door before he followed him. Walking down the hallway, Luke caught snips of Nickolas’ emotions. He was feeling distraught but excited. He had no idea what was going to happen and this intrigued him. Luke smiled at his own ability to read his Uncle’s emotions. Now they entered a room where Nickolas kept his swords. Luke remembered learning to fence in his childhood. From a little box on a desk, Nickolas pulled out a dagger. The blade was made of ivory and the blade had Celtic writing inscribed. Nickolas turned and handed the dagger to Luke.
“Now I want you to cut,” Nickolas began.
“No, I’m not going to kill you Uncle.” Luke interrupted. Nickolas sighed heavily.
“This is going to be a long evening,” Nickolas muttered. He then straightened up and held the dagger down to his side. “If you do not, I’m going to slice myself open and with my last dying breath, feed you my own heart.” Nickolas threatened. Luke made a face of disgust.
“That is disgusting Uncle.” Luke spat. Nickolas merely laughed.
“I’ll do it too,” he again offered the dagger to Luke, who wanted to procrastinate and did not take it. “Now, I want you to make the cut as small as possible, my blood will only have a little time to heal the wound.” Nickolas explained. Luke nodded.
“Are you ready?” Nickolas asked.
“I think so.” Luke took the dagger and looked at it with a sense of dread.
“I’m going to lay down so this is easier. I want you to do this quickly.” Nickolas said. Luke nodded again and Nickolas smiled.
“You shall make a fine vampire.” He said before he lay down and closed his eyes. Luke tried to fight back the overpowering tears; how could he kill his Uncle? Luke bent down next to Nickolas. He set aside the dagger to open his shirt. Luke looked at Nickolas’ graven face while he picked up the dagger. Quickly, he shut his eyes; he had to get this over with. Quickly he made four slits in Nickolas’ skin, who cringed but didn’t awaken. Peeling back the skin, Luke felt he would vomit. Taking in a deep breath, he noticed the vampire blood going to work. Luke would have to hurry before the wound healed. He took his shaky hand and slid it into Nickolas’ body. Again, a wave of nausea passed through Luke. Holding his breath, Luke found the beating heart. Biting his lip, Luke pulled the heart out of Nickolas’ body. Suddenly, Nickolas’ eyes flew open and he tried to gasp for air. Luke jumped up surprised by Nickolas’ sudden movement and looked down at the now still body of his Uncle. The vampire blood made the last heal and Luke was left alone holding Nickolas’ heart. Fighting back the nausea that was now flooding him, Luke bit into the heart. The vampiric blood surged into his mouth and burned the back of his throat. Luke ate the rest of the heart while his stomach churned and twisted. Once he had finished, a new stamina awoke his senses. He could see things in a different way; in fact, everything seemed different.
Luke looked down at his bloodstained hand and reached into his pocket for a handkerchief. As he cleaned his hand, Luke looked down at Nickolas. No remorse or sorrow passed through him. This brought up a past conversation with Nickolas.
“Uncle, how do you feel after you kill?” Luke had asked. He was ten at the time.
“Do you mean do I feel remorse?” Nickolas questioned to which Luke nodded. “No, no vampire does. If they did they would go insane.”
Luke now understood why he did not feel bad for killing Nickolas. But suddenly he felt a strong emotion of surprise fill the room, which was immediately replaced by immense hate. Then the emotion was gone. Luke looked towards the window to try and see the thing from which the emotions had radiated. He saw nothing but the stars suspended lazily in the dark, vast Heavens. Although he knew dawn was not soon arriving, Luke still closed the once heavy curtains. He then took one last look at Nickolas before exiting the room. Tomorrow he would deal with he body. As Luke stood in the hallway, he locked the door and told the nearest servant that no one was to enter that room. The servant nodded his agreement and Luke left. He decided to walk back to the study where the evening had started. Luke sat down in Nickoals’ favorite leather chair upon entering the study. Luke remembered the many times he had sat before Nickolas, who sat in this very chair, and studied with him. Usually, they studied religion, and yet Luke had been surprised when Nickolas had handed him a Bible.
“We sin every night. I want you to know what you’re missing out on.” Nickoals had said. Luke had been confused by his Uncle’s actions. How could the son of Satan be such a devoted Christian? Luke smiled now at this memory. He turned to the table next to him and picked up the solitary book lying there. It was a Bible, one of Nickolas’ Latin versions. Luke smiled at the irony and set the book back. He then stood and left the study without a second glance. As Luke made his way up the stairs to his room, he tried to think of a plan to explain Nickolas’ sudden ‘disappearance’. But as he entered his room, Luke had no such ideas. He just closed the curtains and made ready for bed. And as Luke slid into his bed and fell asleep, the sun started to rise.

Posted by moon2/selene0 at 8:36 PM EDT
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Friday, 20 August 2004

Serenity Chapter 1
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Story
A man sat next to his wife talking softly as they listened to the summer evening. The window behind them was open and the summer breeze swept into the room. The man smiled when his two daughters he just put to bed stood in their open doorway.
“Yes girls?” The man asked.
“Papa, you forgot our story!” The eldest whined. The man stood up.
“And what story do you want?” The man asked.
“Serenity!” The youngest squeaked. The man smiled.
“Well crawl back into bed and I’ll be in there in a moment.” The man replied. The girls squealed in delight as they turned and ran back into their room. The man smiled and turned to his wife.
“I’ll be right with you.” He said. His wife smiled.
“Take your time.” She murmured. The man turned and walked into his daughters room. The window was open and the candles beside their beds flickered. The man took a seat between his daughters’ beds.
“What part of the story do you want?” The man asked. He had read the entire story to them many times before.
“The last part.” The youngest said.
“Are you sure Sara?” The man asked as he searched for the book.
“Yes Papa.” Sara answered. The man found the book and felt the cold leather.
“And you Kaya? Do you want to hear that part?” The man asked his eldest daughter.
“Of course Papa.” Kaya answered. The man smiled as he opened the book. The last part of the book was the shortest but it was the most depressing. It was when the vampire hunter Serenity dissapeared. The man found his place and looked at his daughters.
“Ready?” The man asked. His daughters nodded excitedly.
“ ‘Serenity walked down a path in the woods late on evening. She wore her usual dark uniform. Her white blouse offset her black pants. Serenity’s black cloak fluttered behind her in the breeze. Her black leather boots crunched the dead leaves underfoot. In one of her black leather clad hands, Serenity held her most prized possesion, her bow. A stronge breeze blew and her cloak whipped behind her. Something silver glinted at Serenity’s side. It was her her gun strapped in its sheath. A worn leather band crossed her chest that held her quiver with her many silver arrows. Serenity stepped into a clearing and stopped. She looked around and saw nothing. Suddenly, a figure crossed her view.
“‘Nickolas.’ Serenity spat. The vampire stepped up closer to Serenity. Serenity reached back and grabbed an arrow which she cocked in her bow.
“‘Hello Serenity.’ Nickolas said. Serenity did not reply. Instead she just aimed her bow at Nickolas. Nickolas laughed as he stepped up to Serenity and pushed the bow away. Serenity knew that her love for him was overpowering her again. Nickolas reached into his pocket and pulled out a chain. Serenity flinched as Nickolas reached up and slipped the chain over her head.
“‘My gift to you my Serenity.’ Nickolas whispered. The necklace had a black ring and a silver key hanging from it. Serenity took in a sharp intake of air and Nickolas chuckled. All of a sudden, he went to her neck. Surprised by Nickolas’ attack, Serenity stumbled backward. Nickolas laughed as Serenity seethed with anger. She had dropped her bow as she had stumbled. Nickolas stopped laughing and tried his attack again. Serenity reached for her gun but was too late. Nickolas pushed her backward and she dissapeared. That was the last time anyone had seen or heard from Serenity, the greatest vampire hunter ever.” The man finished. He closed the book and looked at his daughters.
“Thank you Papa.” The girls said in unison.
“You’re welcome girls.” The man stood up and set the book down on his chair.
“Now you must go to sleep.” The man kissed his girls and snuffed out the candles. The girls smiled and setteled into their beds. The man smiled and walked toward the doorway. He stood there a moment and looked at his daughters. Sara was already asleep and Kaya was begining to drift off. The man backed out of the room and shut the door. Then he turned and faced his wife.
“Are they asleep?” His wife asked.
“Yes. Now they are.” The man said as he walked over to his seat.
“They love the story of Serenity don’t they?” The woman asked. The man nodded as he sat down.
“Didn’t you?” The man asked. The woman smiled and looked out the window. The man tensed up as he heard a shuffiling in his daughters room. His wife turned and faced the doorway as they listened. There was a thud followed by a muffeled scream. The man looked at his wife before he jumped up. Both he and his wife bounded toward the door. The man pulled open the door and looked inside. Both of his daughter’s beds were empty.
“Vampires.” The man hissed.

Chapter I
Serenity shifted the brown paper bag onto her hip as she searched her pockets for her keys. She sighed as she found them and unlocked her apartment door. As Serenity grabbed her keys and stepped into her apartment, she shut the door with her foot. The dining room was empty as Serenity walked through it to get to the kitchen. She stepped over to the island and set down the grocery bag. She pocketed her keys before unpacking the grocery bag. Serenity was half way done when she felt another presence behind her. As a reflex, Serenity tensed up and whirled around. Her roomate, Diana, stood in the open walkway. Serenity relaxed.
“Oh, hi Diana.” Serenity said. Diana stayed quiet.
“You know Di, you could have opened the door for me.” Serenity said as she turned back to the groceries.
“You have a visitor Serenity.” Diana said in a low tone. Serenity turned around. For the five years she had been here, Diana was Serenity’s only friend.
“Who...” Serenity started. Suddenly, Nickolas stepped up beside Diana.
“Nickolas.” Serenity said.
“So you do know each other.” Diana said.
“Unfortunatly.” Serenity spat. Nickolas smiled.
“So what’s the relationship?” Diana asked.
“Friend, enemy,” Serenity started.
“Lover.” Nickolas finished. Serenity glared at Nickolas. Diana rolled her eyes.
“I didn’t know people still used that word.” Diana sighed.
“Diana, would you mind finishing up the grocieries? Nickolas and I have to talk.” Serenity asked. Diana shrugged her shoulders.
“Why not?” Diana replied as she headed toward the island. Serenity walked toward Nickolas.
“Care for a walk?” Serenity asked.
“If you are.” Nickolas answered. Serenity strod past him and walked toward the door. Once she reached the door, Serenity looked back. Nickolas walked up to her.
“Isn’t ironic?” Nickolas scoffed.
“What is?” Serenity asked.
“Look at what you’re wearing.” Nickolas replied. Serenity looked down at herself. She was wearing the same outfit that she had on five years ago.
“Isn’t life funny?” Serenity said as she opened the door and stepped into the hall. Nickolas followed and shut the door behind him.
“You look good after five hundred years.” Nickolas said.
“I can say the same for you. And has it really been that long?” Serenity questioned. Nickolas nodded. Serenity shrugged her shoulders and walked toward the elevator. She pressed for one and waited. Nickolas stood next to her.
“How is Everwood?” Serenity asked.
“Vampire free. I’ve made it a no vampire zone.” Nickolas answered. The elevator dinged and its doors slid open. Serenity stepped in as did Nickolas. The doors slid shut and Serenity pressed for the last floor.
“I wish you had done that for Deepwater.” Serenity hissed. Nickolas made no reply. Serenity looked at her reflection in the metallic mirror. She was wearing the same white blouse, the same black pants, the same boots, and the same gloves. Although today, Serenity had exchanged the black cloak for a black trenchcoat. Serenity saw her brown wavy hair tied back in the familiar black ribbon and the same necklace that she never took off. She had been wearing this outfit, this uniform, when she stumbled out of the minature forest those long years ago.
“So is the uniform of the Crimson Court.” Serenity muttered. Nickolas looked at her.
“What did you say?” Nickolas asked. Serenity returned Nickolas’ gaze.
“Nothing.” Serneity answered. The elevator dinged again and the doors slid open. Serenity and Nickolas stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby. Serenity glanced at Nickolas before she walked toward the glass doors. Nickolas followed closley behind. Serenity reached the doors and stopped.
“Nickolas, why did you come here?” Serenity asked as she turned toward the Vampire.
“Business.” Nickolas replied. Serenity stared at Nickolas for a moment before she turned and opened the doors. She stepped out onto the sidewalk and looked up into the evening sky. The sun had just fallen and the stars were dimly twinkling. Such was a rare sight in New York city. Nickolas stood next to her.
“Which way are we going?” Serenity looked at Nickolas.
“From whence I came.” He answered.
“And that is?” Serenity asked.
“Central Park.” Nickolas replied. Serenity nodded.
“Lead the way.” She said. Nickolas walked past her and Serenity followed. She looked at Nickolas’ outfit which was similar to her own.He wore a white silk, button down shirt and black pants. His brown hair was pulled back and was also tied with a black ribbon. He too had the same black leather boots that Serenity always wore. But Nickolas wasn’t wearing his cloak or gloves and Serenity saw the black ring on his white hand. Serenity remmebered the feeling of his hand when he stroked her face.
“Serenity?” Nickolas asked suddenly. Serenity looked at Nickolas.
“What?” Serenity questioned.
“I missed you.” Nickolas said.
“I’ve had too many nightmares of Deepwater to miss you Nickolas.” Serenity hissed. Nickolas cringed. Deepwater was what turned Serenity against Nickolas in the first place.
As they kept walking, Serenity remembered how she got ‘involved’ with Nickolas. Serenity remembered standing in a field of flowers, watching the sunset. She remembered looking behind her and seeing Nickolas standing there. She was twelve then and didn’t realize what Nickolas really was. Oh, she knew he was a vampire when she first saw him but she didn’t totally understand him. Serenity remembered Nickolas’ smile that made her blush. And that was how the courtship went on for months. Serenity would always go out to that field and wait for Nickolas. And then one night, when Nickolas hadn’t shown up, Serenity was trying to sleep. But the fact that Nickolas hadn’t been there in the field made Serenity distraught. She lay in bed crying until she had heard something outside. She heard the horses, Nickolas’ horses. She remembered the sound of the denomic hooves hitting the cobblestone late that night. She remembered the sound of the carriage. Serenity had stopped crying and risen from her bed. She had gone to the window and looked out. A black carriage sat below her window. Its black horses stood stamping in their wait. And out of the carriage came Nickolas. Serenity had smiled as Nickolas opened the windows of her room and stepped in. Serenity had run into his open arms and embraced him. She heard her parents shuffiling downstairs. Nickolas asked her if she wanted to go with him. Serenity had nodded. Nickolas picked Serenity up and jumped from the window. He had hit the ground gracefully and his velvet cloak setteled as Nickolas stood up straight. He carried Serenity into the carriage and set her down. She remembered seeing the coffin for the first time. It was made of a fine wood and painted black. It was polished and had gold fittings. The inside was made of a blood red satin material. That was where she slept that night, with Nickolas.
“Serenity?” Nickolas asked again. Serenity shook her head and stopped walking. She looked up and saw that they had reached Central Park.
“We’re here.” Serenity said. Nickolas nodded.
“There’s an empty bench. Let’s sit and talk.” Nickolas suggested.
“Sure.” Serenity replied. Nickolas and Serenity entered the park and sat on the bench.
“Nickolas, why are you here? On what business?” Serenity asked. Nickolas sighed and leaned back on the bench.
“I need your help.” Nickolas said. Serenity looked at Nickolas perplexed.
“You need my help?” Serenity asked; Nickolas nodded and sighed again.
“Yes. You see, two girls were kiddnapped from their beds a few weeks ago.” Nickolas said.
“What town?” Serenity asked. Nickolas winced.
“Everwood.” Nickolas answered. Serenity tensed up. After she had left Nickolas, Serenity traveled to Everwood. Everwood was a town that rarely saw vampires, but when they did it was bad. So Serenity became its sworn protector. That was how Serenity became a vampire hunter. Everwood was her second home.
“Who?” Serenity demanded.
“A group of Heartless. Not my vampires. As I told you, my vampires are forbidden to go near Everwood or its townsfolk.” Nickolas said. Serenity stood up angry.
“Nickolas, you are the eldest! All vampires are yours!” Serenity screeched. Nickolas looked at the ground. Serenity sighed and sat back down. Vampires origionally were made as Nobles, the highest part of the vampiric society. But a few vampires wanted to turn their mortal lovers to the Night. As the Noble blood line lessened, a new group of vampires were created, the Heartless. Now, the Nobles and the Heartless were similar but very different. The Nobles looked more human and had a reflection. They could also feel compassion and love. The Heartless were a little different. The Heartless looked more dead than human but they could pass as human if they tried. And the Heartless didn’t have a reflection and because they had no heart, they could not feel compassion or love, only hatred. But the Heartless still made more vampires, and as their bloodline became weaker, the Corpses were created. The Corpses were just dead humans reanimated. They had no feeling whatsoever and smelled horrible. And because of their, state of being, they could not create more vampires. So the vampiric society was seperated into three parts.
“Serenity, the only vampires that will obey my rule is the Crimson Court. You know that.” Nickolas explained. Serenity knew about the Crimson Court. They were the last clan of Noble vampires and their numbers were dwindling.
“I know Nickolas but you know how I feel about Everwood.” Serenity said.
“I know.” Nickolas said. He looked back up at Serenity.
“So what’s so special about these two girls?” Serenity asked.
“They are reincarnated Mages. They have a great potental.” Nickolas answered.
“Well, couldn’t they destroy their captures?” Serenity questioned.
“No, they are still learning the basics of the Art.” Nickolas explained.
“Why do you want to save them? And why did you want me?” Serenity asked.
“As I told you, these girls have a great potential. They could do great things. And I want you because I don’t want a Vampire War on my hands. I know this is selfish, but I don’t want the few remaining vampires of the Crimson Court dead.” Nickolas said. Serenity looked at the small forest near them.
“What are their names these girls?” Serentiy wondered.
“The eldest is Kaya and the youngest is Sara.” Nickolas answered.
“And they were just taken from their beds?” Serenity asked.
“After their father told them their favorite story about Serenity.” Nickolas said. Serenity smiled.
“Would you know if they’ve been changed?” Serenity asked.
“Yes. And I know that they are still alive and mortal.” Nickolas replied. Serenity looked up at the sky.
“The sun will be coming up soon.” Serenity said.
“I know. That’s why we must get to the portal.” Nickolas said. Serenity looked at him.
“Is this the same portal I came through?” Serenity asked.
“Yes.” Nickolas said.
“Why did you do it Nickolas? Why did you push me through?” Serenity questioned.
“I had to. After you destroyed most of the Crimson Court, many vampires wanted you dead. I couldn’t let you die.” Nickolas said. Serenity nodded and stood up.
“So you pushed me through to protect me?” Serenity asked. Nickolas also stood up.
“Yes. I do love you, you know.” Nickolas said.
“I do know.” Serenity replied. Nickolas smiled.
“Shall we go?” Nickolas asked.
“Be my guest.” Serenity said. Nickolas turned and headed toward the tiny forest. Serenity remembered falling to the ground after Nickolas had pushed her. When she got up she was standing in the same clearing but Nickolas and Everwood was gone. Now, she was going back home. Excitement pulsed through Serenity’s body momentarialy. Serenity looked up and saw the forest in front of her. She stopped walking and turned to Nickolas. Nickolas stood in front of Serenity.
“Serenity, you’ve been here for five years, but in there,” Nickolas gestured toward the trees. “You’ve been gone for five hundred.”
“Your point?” Serenity asked.
“People might not, accept you in Everwood like they used to.” Nickolas explained.
“I’m used to dissapointment.” Serenity said. Nickolas nodded.
“Well, let’s go back to Everwood.” Nickolas said as he walked into the forest. Serenity hesitated before following. Soon, they were standing in an all to familiar clearing.
“How do we get back?” Serenity asked. Nickolas looked around.
“Do you feel the energy pulsing around you?” Nickolas asked. Serenity shook her head.
“No, I don’t.” Serenity answered. Nickolas looked at Serenity.
“Look at your necklace.” Nickolas said. Serenity looked down and saw her key floating.
“What’s it doing?” Serenity asked.
“It’s being pulled by the portal’s energy.” Nickolas explained. Suddenly, Nickolas took Serenity’s hand and followed where the key was pointing. Before Serenity could respond, she felt the same pull of energy she felt when she first stumbled through the portal. Serenity pulled her hand free from Nickolas’ grasp.
“We’re in Everwood Serenity.” Nickolas whispered. Serenity looked around. These woods, these sounds, these smells, it was Everwood! Serenity laughed to herself when she saw Nickolas’ carriage.
“Serenity, we must get inside. The sun will soon be up.” Nickolas said.
“Of course Nickolas.” Serenity said. Nickolas walked past her and opened the door of the carriage.
“Coming?” Nickolas asked.
“Yes.” Serenity smiled as she walked into the carriage. It looked the same. The coffin was even in the same place. Nickolas stepped into the carriage and closed the door.
“You haven’t changed much in five hundred years.” Serenity joked.
“Thanks.” Nickolas answered as he lifted the lid of the coffin. Serenity turned to Nickolas.
“Do you, I mean, would you mind if I slept in there with you?” Serenity asked suddenly feeling selfconsius. Nickolas thought about the request.
“No, of course I don’t mind.” Nickolas sat in the coffin and waited for Serenity. Serenity looked out the window before sitting in the coffin with Nickolas.
“Well, good morning.” Serenity said.
“Same to you.” Nickolas said. He then laid down with Serenity and pulled the lid into place. Serenity looked at Nickolas before she let sleep envelope her.

Serenity opened her eyes and looked around. She was standing on a hill hiding. She had followed Nickolas from his castle in Aravon. She had her bow strung and held the shaft of an arrow in ready. From her spot she saw Nickolas congregating with twenty or more vampires. Serenity looked around, the town looked familiar. It was her home town of Deepwater. She saw lights in a house flicker as its inhabitants awoke. A man stepped outside with only a simple grey cloak. It was midsummer but the night brought a chilly breeze. The man yelled something to the group of vampires which made them laugh. The man’s face flushed with anger.
“You took my daughter Serenity eight years ago! I want her back!” The man yelled. This sent a roar among the vampires which Nickolas hushed with a sweep of his hand.
“Old man, your daughter is mine now.” Nickolas said calmly. Serenity glared at her lover. She belonged to no one and the way Nickolas was talking to her father made her very angry. Suddenly, the man cursed the vampires which made the group turn.
“I would hold your tounge mortal!” One vampire yelled. Serenity’s father yelled yet another curse and in a blink of an eye the vampires were upon him. Serenity was frozen with shock as she watched with horror the downfall of her town. As she saw her mother fall, Serenity ran down the hill.
“Do not burn the houses, one house I favor.” Nickolas ordered. Serenity snuck up on the group. They had slaughtered the entire village. The bodies of men, women, and children littered the roads. The animals were going crazy in their pens. Serenity was crying blinding tears now.
“I damn you all to hell!” She yelled. Nickolas turned and saw Serenity standing there with her bow ready.
“Don’t Serenity.” Nickolas pleaded. Serenity didn’t reply, instead she let the arrow fly. It hit right into a vampire’s chest. The vampire screamed in pain but fell to the ground dead. The other vampires looked at their fallen comrade before advancing on Serenity. Before Nickolas could intervene, Serenity had cocked another arrow and released it. Before long, Serenity was cut and bleeding but no vampire was standing. Except for Nickolas. Serenity aimed her bow at Nickolas.
“Serenity don’t do this.” Nickolas said.
“Nickolas, I loved you and yet you just killed my family.” Serenity cried. Tears were streaming down her face.
“I love you Serenity.” Nickolas said. Serenity lowered her bow and looked at her beloved. Serenity crumpled to the ground. Instead of being embraced by Nickolas as she thought, Serenity looked up to see Nickolas fleeing. Serenity screamed as she threw down her bow. She got up from the ground and looked at her shaking hand. The Crimson Court ring was there on her hand. Serenity ripped the ring from her finger and threw it onto the ground.
“I will find you Nickolas.” Serenity hissed.

“Serenity?” Nickolas whispered. Serenity’s eyes shot open and was welcomed by darkness.
“Serenity?” Nickolas asked again.
“Yes?” Serenity said.
“Are you all right?” Nickolas questioned.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just had a nightmare.” Serenity answered. She’d been having the same nightmare for nine years.
“Oh. Ready to get out?” Nickolas asked.
“Sure.” Serenity said. Nickolas lifted the lid with his hands and pushed it off. Serenity and Nickolas sat up and looked around the carriage. Nickolas wrapped his arms around Serenity’s middle.
“I waited five hundred years for this.” Nickolas murmured into Serenity’s ear.
“Yeah, and one night’s enough for me.” Serenity said as she pulled herself out of the coffin. Nickolas chuckled as he stepped out of the coffin and fitted the lid back on. Serenity walked over to the little table next to the window. A little ivory brush laid in the center. Serenity picked it up and ran her hand over the horse hair bristles.
“I remember when you gave this to me on my thirteenth birthday.” Serenity said. Nickolas stepped up behind Serenity.
“You used to love it when I brushed your hair.” Nickolas laughed.
“You loved me then.” Serenity said.
“I still do.” Nickolas replied. Serenity set the brush back down and stepped away from Nickolas.
“I have something for you.” Nickolas said.
“What?” Serenity asked. Nickolas smiled as he headed out of the carriage. Serenity followed and saw that they were beside a small stream. They had traveled during the day. Serenity looked up and saw Nickolas rummaging through a trunk on top of the carriage. He found what he was looking for and jumped down from the carriage. Nickolas was holding two black bundles. He handed one to Serenity which she unfolded. She held a black silk blouse. Serenity looked up at Nickolas and smiled. Nickolas smiled back and handed her the larger bundle. This too Serenity unfolded and found that she was holding Nickolas’ black velvet cloak. Serenity looked tearfully into Nickolas’ blue eyes.
“Thank you Nickolas.” Serenity said.
“Would you like to put them on?” Nickolas asked. Serenity nodded and headed toward the carriage. She opened the door and stepped inside. Serenity put the shirt and cloak on the table and took off her gloves and trenchcoat. Serenity then unbuttoned her shirt. She took off her white blouse and put it on the table with the other articles of clothing. Serenity put on the black silk blouse and buttoned it up. The material felt cool against her skin. She reached up and untied the ribbon in her hair. She set down the ribbon on the table and picked up the brush. She brushed her hair and watched it curl at the bottom. Serenity smiled as she laid the brush down and retied her hair. A loose strand fell in her face. She picked up the cloak and slipped it over her shoulders. The heavy material fell lightly across her back. Serenity took off her necklace and removed the black ring from the chain. She put the ring on her right hand and slipped the necklace back over her head. Serenity searched for her gloves and pulled them out of her trenchcoat pocket. Serenity clasped her gloves in her hand and stepped out of the carriage. Nickolas stared at Serenity.
“You’re wearing the ring?” Nickolas asked surprised.
“I’ve run away from my past long enough. You’re a member of the Crimson Court for the rest of your life.” Serenity said. Nickolas smiled.
“I have one more thing for you.” Nickolas said.
“Really?” Serenity said suspiciously. Nickolas chuckled.
“Do you want it?” Nickolas asked. Serenity nodded. As Nickolas headed off into the woods, Serenity put on her gloves. The leather was worn and soft on her hands. Nickolas emerged holding what looked like a long stick to Serenity.
“Nickolas, is that my...?” Serenity started. Nickolas stepped in front of her.
“Bow? Yes it is.” Nickolas handed Serenity her bow. Serenity looked from her bow to Nickolas.
“Where are the arrows?” Serenity asked. Nickolas smiled.
“Right here.” Nickolas handed over the quiver. Serenity counted fifteen arrows.
“Thank you Nickolas.” Serenity said. Nickolas caught her in an embrace. Serenity tensed up but soon relaxed. Nickolas took that moment and went for Serenity’s neck. Serenity knew Nickolas was too close to get him with her bow. As Nickolas’ teeth started to puncture Serenity’s neck, Serenity grabbed her gun and pointed at Nickolas’ chest. Nickolas pulled back and Serenity saw his red eyes. Nickolas really was going to try and bring her to the Night.
“I didn’t think you still had that gun.” Nickolas muttered.
“I didn’t think you would bite the one you loved.” Serenity hissed. Serenity dropped her bow and reached up and touched her neck. She felt droplets of blood there.
“I’m sorry, your blood has a strong call.” Nickolas apologized. Serenity put back her gun. Nickolas bit his finger and quickly dabbed at Serenity’s neck. She tensed up and pulled back. She touched her wound again and found that it had healed.
“Thanks.” Serenity muttered. Nickolas smiled.
“We must stay on our feet.” Nickolas joked. Serenity picked up her bow and slipped the quiver over her shoulder.
“That’s not funny Nickolas.” Serenity spat. Nickolas coughed. Serenity walked toward the woods.
“Where are you going?” Nickolas asked. Serenity kept walking.
“I have to eat at least once today.” Serenity dashed off into the woods.

Nickolas petted the horses as he watched Serenity run off. He remembered nine years ago when Serenity had watched the slaughter of Deepwater. After Nickolas had left, he watched Serenity from a safe distance. She stood up and threw the Crimson Court ring and picked up her bow. After she said something, Serenity walked away. Nickolas had come back to the spot and picked up the ring. He pocketed the ring and watched Serenity leave. Nickolas wouldn’t let her go, so he followed her all the way to Everwood. When he did make it back to Aravon and his castle, he ordered that Everwood and its people would be left alone. And when a few stupid Heartless stumbled into everwood, Nickolas would always be there watching. He saw Serenity’s pain and hatred toward vampires flourish and watched her skill grow. He was proud when he saw Serenity learn the basics of the Art. And then when Nickolas had been visiting his castle, he overheard the plot to kill Serenity. A few vampires from the Crimson Court had teamed up with a group of Heartless to destroy Serenity. This was four years after the attack on Deepwater. So Nickolas had lured Serenity into the woods and pushed her through the portal. Now he was back in Everwood with Serenity but had no idea how long this would last. Nickolas pulled out a crystal vial from a leather pouch he carried with him. The vial held a dark crimson red liquid. This was the Dark Blood that he would again ask Serenity to take. He knew she would most likely refuse, but he had to try. Nickolas put the vial back and tended to his horses.
After he had brushed and fed his horses, Nickolas looked out into the forest. He had many friends and enemies in these woods but Nickolas didn’t worry, they were only two days away from Aravon. They would be resting at his castle in three days tops. Nickolas turned toward the stream and walked to the bank. He stood there for awhile and watched the water run over the rocks. There was a movement in the water and Nickolas thought he saw a face.
“Waimya?” Nickolas called. A body appeared out of the water. It was a woman who seemed to be made of water.
“Nickolas.” Waimya said. Nickolas smiled as he watched Waimya’s body become more solid. Her skin was a pale blue and she was clothed in a sea green dress. Waimya’s hair was a dark blue as were her lips and eyes.
“I knew I sensed a water demon.” Nickolas said.
“And I knew I saw a vampire.” Waimya replied. They both laughed as they embraced.
“My sister Weltana has found your, sweetheart.” Waimya told Nickolas as she stepped onto the bank.
“Oh really?” Nickoals asked.
“Don’t worry, Weltana knows Serenity practices the Art.” Waimya replied.
“Weltana is just a Wind demon right?” Nickolas questioned.
“Don’t talk so lightly about it. Weltana can do some damage.” Waimya answered.
“I see.” Nickolas said as he looked toward the forest. Hopefully Serenity would be returning soon.

Serenity stepped behind a bush and looked into the clearing. She saw nothing, not even a pheasent. Serenity sighed, she knew that if she needed to, a small amount of Nickolas’ blood would sustain her. But she hoped it would not come to that. Serenity looked up into the leaves around her. The moon shed its light that fell dappled across Serenity’s face. A breeze rustled the bush she hid behind. Serenity again looked into the clearing and saw nothing. Serenity sat down against a nearby tree and stared out into the woods. She grew weary as the night went on and Serenity soon drifted off.
She opened her eyes slowly and looked around. She was lying in a field of flowers. But this wasn’t the field she had met Nickolas, this was a garden that was in the center courtyard at Nickolas’ castle. Serenity looked down at her outfit. She was dressed in black pants and a white shirt. She was fifteen and had been living with Nickolas for three years. The sun had set and Serenity lay in the garden waiting. Suddenly, she heard his footsteps. She looked up and saw Nickolas smiling over her.
“I have a gift for you Serenity.” Nickolas said. Serenity smiled and sat up.
“What is it Nickolas? Please don’t let it be another doll.” Serenity said. Nickolas laughed.
“Of course not dearest.” Nickolas said.
“What is it then?” Serenity asked excitedly. Nickolas pulled out a leather bound book from behind his back.
“A book of basic spells of the Art.” Nickolas said. Serenity took the book and ran her hand over it. The leather was soft and old. Serenity stood up and embraced Nickolas.
“Thank you so much Nickolas.” Serenity said.
“You’re welcome my love.” Nickolas said as he kissed the top of her head. Serenity stepped back and looked at Nickolas.
“Nickolas, do you really love me?” Serenity asked.
“Of course.” Nickolas answered. Serenity looked down at the ground and shifted uncomfertably.
“What is it Serenity?” Nickolas questioned. Serenity looked up at Nickolas.
“Well, I want to know why. I overheard some vampires saying that you loved me because I was a beautiful mortal, and that you’d get rid of me when I turned grey.” Serenity explained. Nickolas didn’t answer. Serenity ran into Nickoals’ arms and buried her head in his chest.
“Oh Nickolas I love you. Please don’t get rid of me!” Serenity sobbed. Nickolas stroked her hair.
“Of course not Serenity. I was attracted to your beauty but I love you for so much more than that.” Nickolas said. Serenity stopped crying and looked up at Nickolas.
“Thank you Nickolas. I don’t want to ever leave you.” Serenity said.
A rustling woke Serenity up from her slumber. A woman stood in front of her. The woman was dressed in a light gray dress. Her skin was a marble white. But her hair, lips, and eyes was a darker grey color.
“Weltana, you startled me.” Serenity said as she stood up. The Wind demon smiled.
“Well hello Serenity. I haven’t seen you in awhile.” Weltana said.
“I know, it truely has been too long.” Serenity replied. Weltana smiled.
“Is Nickolas near?” Weltana asked. Serenity laughed.
“Does the rooster crow to the dawn? If I’m anywhere you can bet Nickolas is a breath away.” Serenity said.
“Except for these past five hundred years.” Weltana said. It suddenly hit Serenity about the fact that Nickolas was always near her. Serenity had always taken an odd comfort in that fact. And she did feel quite alone when she was away from Everwood. She had indeed missed Nickolas. Serenity shook her head and turned her attention to Weltana.
“Tis the truth. I have missed his presence.” Serenity replied. Weltana seemed surprised by this answer.
“You truely mean that?” Weltana asked. Serenity looked in the direction toward the carriage.
“Yeah, I guess I do.” Serenity sighed. Weltana took that into consideration.
“You’re still mortal right?” Weltana asked. Serenity turned back to Weltana.
“Yes, of course!” Serenity laughed. Weltana smiled.
“So, why did Nickolas bring you back?” Weltana asked. “No offense.” Serenity smiled.
“To find two missing girls,” Serenity answered. “Two mages.” Weltana nodded and looked up into the sky.
“Sun’s coming up,” Weltana looked back at Serenity. “Are you going to head back?”
“Yeah. Do you want to come?” Serenity asked. Weltana glanced back into the clearing.
“Nickolas could use a daytime protector.” Weltana answered. Serenity smiled.
“Well, let’s go.” Serenity said. Serenity walked back toward the carriage with Weltana following her. Serenity remembered standing in the garden practicing the Art and trying to sumon Weltana. It only worked when Weltana herself helped out. Now, two old friends have been reunited after five hundred long years.
The carriage came into sight and Serenity saw Nickolas talking with Waimya. Serenity smiled and walked up to Nickolas. Nickolas stopped talking and looked at her.
“Did you find anything?” Nickolas asked. Serenity shook her head.
“No. The forest seems to be empty. I did not hear one bird or animal.” Serenity answered.
“Are you hungry?” Nickolas questioned.
“Not really. More thirsty than hungry.” Serenity replied. Nickolas took this opportunity. Serenity could not refuse something she didn’t know was being offered.
“Would you like some wine?” Nickolas asked. He felt bad about trying to trick Serenity but he had to have her on the Night. Serenity looked at Nickolas.
“Sure. Why not?” Serenity laughed. Weltana smiled to her sister. Nickolas went into the carriage and found the leather covered bottle. Nickolas quickly uncorked it and took out the vial. He opened the crystal and poured its contents into a wine glass found near the bottle. Nickolas then poured some wine over top of it. Serenity would go the same way he did. Nickolas heard someone enter the carriage so he set the glass down and recorcked the wine bottle. Serenity came up to Nickolas.
“A favorite wine of mine when I was mortal.” Nickolas said as he handed the glass to Serenity. She happily took the glass. Normally, Serenity would not have taken the offer from Nickolas but she was in a happy disposition in seeing Weltana and Waimya again. Serenity drank the wine and set the glass down. She coughed a little and rubbed her throat.
“Was it spiced?” Serenity asked.
“No, why?” Nickolas replied.
“Well, it burns,” Serenity coughed again. Nickolas looked at Serenity.
“Nickolas, what was in that wine?” Serenity asked. Nickoals said nothing.
“Nickolas. What did you put in that wine?” Serenity demanded. Nickolas again made no reply. Serenity was about to say something but she doubled over in pain.
“You’re going to die Serenity.” Nickolas finally said. Serenity grabbed the edge of the table as she sank to the floor. Nickolas knelt in front of her.
“You know me Serenity. Every single time you let your guard down I attack. This time I got you.” Nickolas said. Serenity looked into Nickolas’ face.
“I hate you.” Serenity hissed. Nickolas smiled and stood up. Serenity groaned in pain. She had left her bow outside with Weltana and Waimya.
“If you really hated me, I’d be dead by now Serenity. Admit it, you still love me.” Nickolas said. Serenity groaned again and looked at the floor. Her grip on the table weaken and she fell forward onto the floor. Nickolas walked past her and stopped at the door.
“You’ll be fine in a few moments Serenity.” Nickolas said as he walked outside. Serenity heard him but made no effort to reply. Nickolas stepped outside and looked up at the sky. Dawn was coming.
“What did you do to her?” Waimya asked. Nickolas turned to the water demon.
“I turned her.” Nickoals answered.
“Not willingly I presume.” Weltana replied.
“Of course not. Serenity has refused many times.” Nickolas said. He sensed something coming towards him. Nickolas reached up and caught the arrow before it hit him.
“I guess you’re feeling better Serenity.” Nickolas said.
“Damn you Nickolas.” Serenity moaned weakly. Nickolas turned and snapped the shaft in his hand.
“I see you’re still weak.” Serenity dropped her bow and fell onto the ground. Nickolas dropped the pieces of arrow and walked toward Serenity’s fallen form. Nickolas knelt before her again. Suddenly, Serenity rose and thrust a dagger toward Nickolas. He caught her wrist and twisted. Serenity gasped and dropped the dagger.
“This is why I love you. Your strong will.” Nickolas laughed. Serenity groaned.
“How could you?” Serenity demanded. Nickolas released his grip. Serenity rubbed her wrist. Nickolas didn’t answer for suddenly, the blood took hold and Serenity convulsed forward. Nickolas grabbed the unconsious Serenity and stood up. Nickolas carried her into the carriage.
“Weltana, would you open the coffin?” Nickolas called. Weltana walked into the carriage.
“Will she be okay?” Weltana asked. Serenity’s skin becam quite pale.
“She’ll be fine,” Nickolas answered. “Would you open the lid? I am too weak.” Weltana nodded and opened the lid. Nickolas had used a lot of his mental power keeping the animals away from Serenity’s clearing and getting her to remember her fifteenth birthday.
“Anything else?” Weltana asked. Nickolas stepped into the coffin.
“Would you and your sister watch the carriage while we travel?” Nickolas asked. Weltana nodded and left the carriage. Nickolas laid down with Serenity and closed the coffin.
“I hope tommarow will fair better.” Nickolas said.

Serenity woke up with a painful thirst. She looked down and saw Nickolas’ sleeping form. She heard Weltana and Waimya through the coffin. So he really had done it this time, Serenity thought. She used her new found power to open the coffin without the use of her arms. At the sound of the moving lid, Nickolas woke up.
“Serenity?” Nickolas asked. Serenity stepped out of the coffin and said nothing. Nickolas also stood.
“I can understand why you’re mad at me but,” Nickolas started. Serenity turned around. Her once green eyes were now red.
“If you really understood then you wouldn’t have turned me. I hunt vampires for God’s sake!” Serenity yelled. Nickolas stepped out of the coffin and replaced the lid.
“You’re thirsty so you’re irratable. You’ll be fine in a few moments.” Nickolas said. Serenity scoffed and walked outside. She looked and saw the carriage was standing on top of a hill. A town lay out at the bottom.
“Waimya? What town is this?” Serenity called not taking her eyes off of the town. Waimya stood beside Serenity and looked out at the town.
“I think it’s the town of Clearwater.” Waimya answered. Weltana stood next to her sister.
“Isn’t this the town of that old hag who has a mortality potion?” Weltana asked.
“That woman who claimed she could change the immortals into mortals?” Waimya questioned.
“That’s the one.” Serenity said. Waimya looked at Weltana.
“I think we said to much.” Waimya said. Weltana nodded.
“Tell Nickolas I’ll be back.” Serenity said before she ran down the hill toward the town.
“No, wait Serenity!” Weltana called in vain. Serenity was already close to the town.
“Nickolas is not going to be happy.” Weltana said to her sister.
“No he won’t.” Waimya sighed.

Serenity entered the town and caught up with a local.
“Where is the woman who bottled mortality?” Serenity asked excitedly. The man looked at her.
“Do I know you?” The man asked. Serenity smiled.
“My name is Serenity. I am the protecter of Everwood. I came out of Deepwater.” Serenity answered. The man laughed.
“Finally, the vampire hunter has returned!” The man said. “My name is Thomas.”
“Tis a pleasure. But I need to find this old woman.” Serenity pleaded. Thomas nodded.
“She lives in the house at the end of this road.” Thomas answered. Serenity thanked him and ran down the road. She soon came to the house Thomas had said. Serenity rapped on the oak door and waited. A wrinkly old woman answered.
“Yes?” she asked.
“My name is Serenity. I need your mortality potion.” Serenity asked.
“Serenity? Of Everwood?” The old woman asked. Serenity nodded.
“Well, come in then!” The woman exclaimed. She stepped aside and let Serenity in. The woman closed the door after her and walked over to her desk. It was covered with parchments, candle stubs, and quills. The woman shuffld through the mess.
“So you want my mortality elixor?” The woman asked. Serenity walked over to the desk, away from the fire which made her weak.
“Yes ma’am.” Serenity said. The woman continued to rustle the papers on her desk in search of something.
“Let me guess, you’re the lover of a vampire?” The old woman guessed.
“Yes, yes I am.” Serenity answered. The woman nodded. She then pulled out a small glass vial and a piece of parchment.
“I’ve found the spell but I need the blood of the vampire first.” The woman handed Serenity the small vial.
“This small amount will do it?” Serenity asked.
“Yes, but I need you to get the blood first so,” The woman stopped for Serenity picked up a knife from the woman’s desk and cut her hand. She squeezed the nessecary amount into the vial. When Serenity had enough, the wound healed and she handed the vial to the woman.
“You’re the vampire?” The woman questioned. Serenity smiled.
“Just turned.” Serenity answered. The woman sighed and looked at the parchment.
“Go wait outside, I only do this in private.” The woman said. Serenity nodded and stepped outside. She saw Weltana standing on top of the hill. Waimya and Nickolas soon joined her.
“What are you doing?” Nickolas’ voice rang clearly through her mind.
“Becoming mortal.” Serenity answered the same way. She saw Nickolas look up into the sky and then back down at Serenity.
“Why?” Nickolas asked.
“You made me what I hate.” Serenity replied. She saw Nickolas mutter something to Waimya who went back to the carriage.
“This town, these people, they know you don’t they?” Serenity asked.
“I once lived here. I tried to escape my life.” Nickolas answered. Serenity nodded. Waimya returned and handed Nickolas his cloak.
“Do not come for me.” Serenity said. Nickolas put on his cloak and lifted the hood.
“Are you aware that you let your bow up here? And I took your gun last night. I can do as I please.” Nickolas answered. Serenity checked her belt and saw the Nickolas spoke the truth. She cursed silently to herself.
As Nickolas made his way down the hill, the old woman opened the door. She stepped out side and held the vial in her tiny hand. The liquid inside shimmered a silver color before it turned clear. Serenity took the vial.
“Must I drink it in a certian amount of time?” Serenity asked.
“I don’t think it expires but I suggest you get it over with.” The old woman answered.
“How much do you want?” Serenity asked.
“Nothing. Just take it.” The old woman said before she went back into her house. Serenity turned to see that Nickols had entered the town already. She pocketed the vial and went out to meet him.
They met in the town center. Nickolas’ face was shrouded by his cloak’s hood so he would not be reconized.
“Did you get it?” Nickolas asked. Serenity held out the vial which Nickolas tried to grabbed. Serenity snacthed it away before he got it.
“I put a spell over it. Only I can touch it.” Serenity said. Nickolas cursed under his breath.
“Ready to go back?” Serenity asked. Nickolas looked into Serenity’s face.
“Why haven’t you drank it?” Nickolas asked. Serenity looked up at Waimya and Weltana who stood up on the hill waiting.
“As much as I hate being a vampire, I think it’ll help me out sooner or later. But don’t get any ideas, I’m changing back at the end of our journey and I am going to kill you.” Serenity said. She walked past him and went towards the hill. Nickolas hesitated before following her. Maybe I have a chance of keeping her like this, Nickolas thought.

Serenity stood next to the horses and looked forward. Aravon’s boarders were coming up. They were a two days ride from Nickolas’ castle. Serenity looked down at herself. She knew that if she went back to the Crimson Court like this, they’d kill her. Serenity looked toward Nickolas.
“Nickolas?” Serenity called. Nickolas turned and walked toward Serenity.
“Yes?” Nickolas asked. Serenity walked away from the horses.
“Nickolas, you know the vampires will attack me if they know it is me.” Serenity said.
“And?” Nickolas asked. Serenity looked up toward the luggage on the top of the carriage.
“Do you have any gowns in there?” Serenity looked at Nickolas. He smiled and climbed up unto the top of the carriage. He found a bag and brought it down.
“I don’t want you to take this the wrong way but, this was your mother’s.” Nickolas handed the bag to Serenity. So he raided my house after he killed my parents, Serenity thought as she took the bag. Inside was a blue evening gown. There were matching slippers on the bottom of the bag.
“Thank you Nickolas.” Serenity said before she dashed into the carriage. She shut the door and set the bag down. She stripped off her clothes and added them to her other pile. Serenity then took out the dress and put it on. The material was satin and slid across her skin. She guessed her parents were well off when they were alive. Serenity put on the slippers and untied her hair. She brushed it into beautiful curls that set perfectly with her pale face. Serenity put all of her other clothes into the bag and set it on the floor beside her boots and trenchcoat. She grabbed the cloak and threw it over her shoulders. She stepped out of the carriage and heard Waimya and Weltana gasp. Serenity walked up to Nickolas.
“Just call me Tanya.” Serenity said. Nickolas chuckled.
“You want to go by your mother’s name?” Nickolas asked.
“I don’t want anyone in the Crimson Court to reconize me.” Serenity explained.
“You certainly look different. Less like a human and more like a vampire.” Nickolas replied. Serenity frowned.
“Don’t say that.” Serenity muttered. Weltana stepped up.
“You do make a beautiful Immortal Serenity, I mean Tanya.” Weltana giggled. Waimya laughed too.
“Weltana is right Serenity, you do look stunning.” Waimya said. Serenity smiled.
“Is there a lake nearby?” Serenity asked Waimya. She could always sense water.
“Yes, just east of here. Tis a short walk.” Waimya answered. Serenity turned to Nickolas.
“Would I have a reflection?” Serenity questioned.
“What do you think?” Nickolas said. Serenity looked at Nickolas before turning and walking toward the lake.
Serenity stood at the edge of the lake and looked out onto it. The lake was clear and the top looked like glass. A bird flew over it, creating ripples. The moon shone brightly and its reflection was caught by the lake. The stars twinkled lazily but it made the water sparkle. In the lake’s water, Serenity saw Nickolas step up behind her. Nickolas wrapped his arms around her and looked into the water. Serenity saw their reflections shimmer. She leaned her head back and let it rest on his shoulder. She really had missed his touch, his presence, when she was gone. Serenity did love him.
“I love you too Serenity.” Nickolas whispered into her ear. Serenity closed her eyes and sighed. A breeze tossed Serenity’s hair and made her dress billow against her legs. Serenity just stood there in Nickolas’ embrace, happy.
“The sun is rising dearest.” Nickolas said. Serenity opened her eyes and saw the skies becoming lighter.
“Let’s go.” Serenity said. Nickolas released his grasp on Serenity and she walked back. Nickolas followed behind her. They soon reached the carriage and saw Waimya and Weltana waiting.
“Come on! Aravon is waiting!” Waimya called. Serenity smiled and walked into the carriage. Nickolas walked in and moved the lid. He laid down and Serenity followed. As Serenity laid down, the carriage started moving and Nickolas replaced the lid. Tommarow evening, they would be in Aravon, and a day closer to the Crimson Court.

Serenity awoke to Nickolas moving the lid.
“Dusk all ready?” Serenity asked. Nickolas laughed and nudged Serenity out of the coffin. She stood up and got out of the coffin. Nickols followed suit and replaced the lid.
“Nickolas, I’m going to offer you something that if you refuse I’ll ask again at the end of the journey.” Serenity said.
“What is it Serenity?” Nickolas asked. Serenity sighed and looked out of the window. Nickolas’ castle loomed in the horizon.
“Would you become mortal with me?” Serenity turned to Nickolas. Nickolas glanced around the carriage. Would he give all this up for me, Serenity thought.
“Serenity, I love my immortality as much as you love your mortality. I will not change.” Nickolas answered.
“Nickolas, the rule of nature is that nothing lasts forever.” Serenity said.
“What about love? Our love? Is that not forever? Do you want that to die too?” Nickolas demanded. “Despite what you may think Serenity, you’re the only mortal I have ever loved.” Serenity turned away from Nickolas.
“Love isn’t physical.” Serenity muttered.
“What the hell does physical have to do with it? I died in my mistress’ so called love, but I want to live in our love, forever, with you.” Nickolas explained.
“Nothing lasts forever!” Serenity exclaimed.
“So our love won’t last forever? Tell me Serenity, if and when you die, will your spirit not still love me? Or will you just stop loving me in death?” Nickolas demanded. Serenity whirled around and looked at her vampire master.
“I shall always love you. Both in life and death, but death I shall welcome.” Serenity said.
“Tell me that when your body is weak and feebled and your hair is grey. Tell me that when you see your children are birthing their own. You won’t want to leave that.” Nickolas said.
“I will if they are our children Nickolas!” Serenity pleaded. Nickolas looked away.
“We could have had children when you were mortal. I offered that to you.” Nickolas said.
“I don’t want to be off subject here, but I must point out, I refused because that would make our children vampiels. And if they’re anything like me, they would hate that.” Serenity explained. “ But I want to go back to the offer of mortality.”
“I will not change.” Nickolas said.
“You mean you won’t change for me.” Serenity replied.
“Do not twist my words, for I can say the same for you. Would you change for me?” Nickolas asked of his love. Serenity stayed silent.
“I thought so,” Nickolas hissed. “My but aren’t you the hipocrate. You expect me to change for you yet you wouldn’t change for me.” A rapping on the door interuppted their argument.
“Can we finish this later?” Nickolas asked.
“Consider it finished.” Serenity said. Nickolas walked toward the door. He opened the door and found Weltana standing there.
“What is it Weltana?” Nickolas asked slightly annoyed.
“Excuse me Nickolas but Waimya and I want to know if you want to continue toward your castle. We could get there a short time before dawn.” Weltana asked.
“No, I would rather wait.” Nickolas answered.
“But Nickolas,” Weltana started.
“No Weltana, I want to wait and get there tommarow evening.” Nickolas said. Weltana nodded.
“Yes Nickolas.” Weltana turned and tended to the horses. Nickolas sighed and turned aroung. Serenity was sitting at the table, brushing her hair.
“Excited about going back to your castle?” Serenity asked.
“Estatic.” Nickolas replioed sarcastically. Serenity smiled and Nickolas sat down across from her. After a few strokes, Serenity stopped brushing her hair and set the brush down. She looked up at Nickolas.
“I’m sorry if I had upset you Nickolas.” Serenity said.
“It’s quite alright. Now you know how I feel on the subject.” Nickolas explained. Serenity smiled.
“Why do we love each other so?” Serenity asked jokingly.
“Because no one else is stupid enough to argue with us.” Nickolas said. Serenity laughed. Nickolas listened to her clear laughter and missed the days when Serenity still trusted him.
“Nickolas, why were you out on that field seventeen years ago?” Serenity asked. Nickolas ran his hand through his hair.
“God, have we known each other for that long?” Nickolas asked.
“Well, it’s more like five hundred and twelve years ago but just answer the question.” Serenity said. Nickolas smiled.
“I was looking for a place to die.” Nickolas answered.
“What?” Serenity asked in surprise. Nickolas nodded.
“I didn’t want to be a vampire anymore, so I was going to wait for the sun. But when I saw you in that field, I wanted to live for you.” Nickolas explained. Serenity was taken back by Nickolas’ answer. She had expected something else.
“Oh, and do you want to hear something interesting?” Nickolas asked. Serenity smiled.
“What is it?” Serenity asked.
“Did you know that while you were gone, I hadn’t drank any blood?” Nickolas questioned.
“I did not know that. That is interesting.” Serenity remarked. Nickolas turned and walked toward the door.
“You know Serenity, I would give everything up for you. But this mortality thing, I would become mortal but death has always scared me. Plus, I haven’t been mortal for centuries.” Nickolas said before he left the carriage. Serenity stood up from her seat. She realized that she would give everything up for Nickolas too. A chill pulsed in Serenity’s heart. She would not give up her duties, and she could not forgive Nickolas for what he did.

Nickolas looked at his castle in the distance. He remembered when he first saw it. He was a young man, an adventurer, a mortal. He was in search of the Fountian of Youth and Nickolas had heard that the owner of the castle knew its location. The owner was a Madame Elizabeth. Nickolas entered the castle with only the slightest feeling of trepidation. He saw the manor was decorated lavishly and wonderfully. A breeze blew in the ancient house, warning the young man. But Nickolas, confidant in his practices of the Art and his own strength behind the blade, kept strong. He reached the staircase and felt a chill pass through him. Suddenly, a woman stood at the top of the stairs. She was simply dressed in red and had her black hair done up. She was a sickly pale.
“Are you Madame Elizabeth?” Nickolas asked in a srong voice.
“Yes.” Elizabeth answered as she started down the stairs. With each step, a coldness pulsed in Nickolas’ heart.
“Madame Elizabeth my name is Nic,” Nickolas started.
“I know who you are Nickolas Delray.” Elizabeth interrupted. Nickolas swallowed hard.
“I also know that you are in search of the Fountain of Youth.” Elizabeth said.
“How, how did you know that?” Nickolas asked. Fear had clasped its icy fingers around Nickolas’ very soul.
“Do you know what a vampire is Nickolas Delray?” Elizabeth questioned. She stepped down in front of him. Nickolas shook his head.
“A vampire is a being that used to be alive but is now dead. But, a vampire still walks among us, at night anyways. And do you, Nickolas Delray, know how these beings walk around even though they’re dead?” Elizabeth asked. Nickolas shook his head again. Elizabeth smiled and leaned her face very close to Nickolas’.
“The thing that lets them live after they’re dead is what flows from the Fountian of Youth. And do you know what that is?” Elizabeth questioned. Nickolas swallowed again.
“Wa, wa, water?” Nickolas stuttered. Elizabeth smiled again and removed her face from Nickolas’.
“No my dear Nickolas, the correct answer is blood.” Elizabeth answered.
“Blood?” Nickolas whispered. Fear had now taken over Nickolas’ body and he could scarecly breath, let alone move.
“Yes Nickolas, blood,” Elizabeth said. “And did you know, that the blood lets these beings, these vampires, live forever?”
“No.” Nickolas answered.
“Now living forever can be quite lonely, so I’ve decided to let you have the honor of becoming a vampire Nickolas Delray.” Elizabeth offered. Nickolas found his latent strength and backed away from Elizabeth.
“No, I won’t.” Nickolas said.
“Nickolas, I love you, I want you with me.” Elizabeth pleaded. Nickolas continued to back away.
“No! I will not bend to you.” Nickolas yelled. But she did, she had kept him locked in the castle and offered the same wine he had offered Serenity.
“Serenity...” Nickolas whispered.
“You called?” Serenity said. Nickolas shook his head and looked at Serenity. She smiled at him and then looked at the castle.
“You killed her once you got stronger didn’t you?” Serenity asked, not looking at Nickolas.
“Who?” Nickolas asked. Serenity turned to him.
“Madame Elizabeth.” Serenity replied.
“Yes I did. I hated her for what she did to me, for what she made me. I sliced off her head as she slept.” Nickolas explained. Serenity ran towards Nickolas and embraced him.
“I love you Nickolas.” Serenity whispered.
“I love you Serenity.” Nickolas said. Serenity looked up at him and smiled. Nickoals bent down his head and kissed Serenity lightly on her lips. Serenity blushed and pulled away. Nickolas smiled and watched her go into the castle. He knew the sun was rising so he followed her in. I went through so much and I ended up with Serenity, how perfect, Nickolas thought as he entered the carriage. Serenity stood by the opened coffin.
“Tired yet?” Serenity asked. Nickolas chuckled.
“Yes, I’m beat.” Nickolas stepped into the coffin and caught Serenity in another embrace. He missed the warmth of her mortal body, but he still loved her. Serenity looked at Nickolas and smiled. Nickolas returned the gesture and laid down. Serenity got in and closed the lid.
“We reach the castle tommarow.” Serenity said.
“I know.” Nickolas said as he drifted off into sleep.

Serenity woke up and nudged Nickolas. Nickolas didn’t respond. Serenity nudged him again; Nickolas again didn’t respond.
“Nickolas?” Serenity whispered.
“Shh! If we’re still asleep, we don’t have to go in.” Nickoals said.
“Nickolas!” Serenity exclaimed. Nickolas chuckled.
“Alright, alright.” Nickolas pushed on the lid and slid it open. Serenity got out and streched. Nickolas got out and sealed the coffin.
“Tonight, I’ll be sleeping in a bed!” Serenity said excitedly.
“What, the traditional coffin doesn’t suit you?” Nickolas joked. Serenity swated his shoulder.
“For traveling, it’s okay, but every night? No way!” Serenity replied.
“Nickolas! Vampires douth aproacheth!” Waimya called. Nickolas kissed Serenity and walked out of the carriage. Serenity followed.
“Lord Nickolas! How are you?” A vampire asked.
“Just fine Mark.” Nickolas said. He offered his hand to Serenity, who was emerging from the carriage. Mark gasped. When Serenity stepped onto the ground, Nickolas lowered his arm.
“Mark, I would like you to meet Tanya. I found her on my journey through Aravon.” Nickoals said. Serenity offered her hand, which Mark took and kissed in greeting.
“The pleasure is mine. She is beautiful my Lord.” Mark exclaimed. Nickolas smiled.
“Thank you.” Serenity said.
“Did you happen to find Serenity on your travels?” Mark asked.
“I thought I did but it ended up being someone else.” Nickolas answered. Mark nodded. Weltana looked at Waimya and giggled. Waimya had a hard time surpressing her laughter.
“You brought Demons Master?” Mark asked. Nickoals nodded.
“I brought Weltana the Wind Demon and Waimya the Water Demon to aid us in our search for the two girls.” Nickolas explained.
“Of course Master,” Mark said. “Now, I know the journey was long, would you like to come inside? We have been waiting for your return.”
“That would be perfect.” Nickolas said.
“Would you like Serenity’s old room to be fixed up for Lady Tanya?” Mark asked. Nickoals looked at Serenity and then back at Mark.
“No, she will be staying with me.” Nickolas answered. Mark nodded and gestured toward the castle.
“Shall we?” Mark asked.
“Lead the way.” Nickolas replied. Mark turned and walked back to the castle. Serenity took Nickolas’ arm and walked with him. As they passed over the bridge, Nickolas told two vampires standing there to tend to the carriage. Serenity looked over the edge and into the deep, swirling water.
“Are you alright Tanya?” Nickolas asked. Serenity looked up at Nickolas.
“A little nervous but other than that, I’m just fine.” Serenity answered.
“That’s good.” Nickolas said. He kissed her cheek.
“You’ll be fine.” Nickolas reassured her. Nickolas and Serenity continued walking. As they neared the looming oak doors, Serenity felt a chill pass through her.
“Uh, Nickolas?” Serenity asked.
“What?” Nickolas replied.
“How many vampires were left?” Serenity questioned. Nickolas thought for a moment.
“About fifty.” Nickolas answered. Serenity nodded and tried to swallow the knot in her throat.
“Are you okay?” Nickolas asked.
“Well, I’m about to enter a castle, unarmed, with fifty vampires inside who hate me.” Serenity responded.
“Come on Tanya! I have your bow and arrows and Waimya has your gun and dagger. Plus, you don’t look like Serenity, you look like Tanya. And, your a vampire now remember?” Weltana whispered. Serenity smiled.
“Thanks Weltana.” Serenity whispered back. Nickolas and Serenity stopped in front of the oak doors.
“My Lord and Lady, welcome to Castle Delray.” Mark said as the doors opened. Serenity was hit by a flood of memories when she lived here. Nickolas nudged Serenity into the castle. Serenity looked around the standing room with pure wonder and excitement.
“What do you think my Lady?” Nickolas asked. Serenity gapped at the beauty. So much had changed.
“Tis a beautiful sight Nickolas.” Serenity exclaimed. Nickolas smiled.
“Ready to see where you shall be sleeping?” Nickolas asked. Serenity meerly nodded before Nickolas whisked her up the stairs. They were soon standing in front of a door on a long corridor.
“Ready?” Nickolas asked as he held the handle. Serenity nodded again. Nickolas opened the door and Serenty gasped.
“Well, it certainly is, blue.” Serenity said. The floor was a blue marble and the walls were made of stained glass windows. Each window was covered by a velvet curtain. No sunlight could penatrate such material. The bed was an cherry wood, four poster bed with a blue canopy. The dresser was cherry wood as was most of the furniture. Nickolas stepped away from Serenity and into the room.
“What do you think?” Nickolas asked, spreading his arms wide. Serenity stepped into the room and looked around.
“Nickolas, you have no decorating sense whatsoever.” Serenity answered. Nickolas’ arms fell to his sides.
“Well, your bedroom at your apartment didn’t look so great either.” Nickolas retorted. Serenity looked at Nickolas.
“Nickolas, it was all black. I didn’t know you even saw my room.” Serenity said.
“How did you think I got in? The front door?” Nickolas said. Serenity laughed.
“Nickolas, you always have been one for strange enterences.” Serenity joked. She walked over to the bed and sat down.
“How’s the bed? I haven’t been here in months.” Nickolas asked. Serenity laid down as Nickolas came over and sat down on the bed.
“It’s fine.” Serenity sighed. Nickolas laid down close to Serenity and closed his eyes.
“I’m so happy you’re here.” Nickolas said. Serenity smiled.
“So am I.” Serenity replied.

Posted by moon2/selene0 at 11:36 AM EDT
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Thursday, 19 August 2004

I will never finish this........
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Prisoner 85369
Topic: Story
Nathaniel walked down a dark, dank hallway of a freezing Russian prison. He paused momentarily at a gate as the guards looked over his identification. Nathaniel knew he had been cleared when a buzzing sound emitted from the booth and the guard escorting him opened the door. Nathaniel continued walking till he came to another checkpoint. The prisoner he had come to see was being held in the deepest cell for protection issues. What the Englishman didn’t know was who were the ones being protected?
“Prisoner 85369 is considered very dangerous and you are advised to keep distance between you and the prisoner at all times.” The guard said in Russian. Nathaniel nodded and followed the man down a darker and damper hallway. When they stopped, Nathaniel stood before an old, rotted door with rusty hinges. He wondered how a door in that condition could seal in such a dangerous prisoner.
“When you go in I will lock the door behind you.” The guard said as he unlocked the door. Nathaniel yet again nodded, knowing that his Russian wasn’t good enough to converse with. The guard opened the door and stood to the side. Nathaniel peered into the dark cell and tried to focus on a shadowed figure sitting on the floor.
“Are you going in?” The guard asked. Nathaniel gave no reply but walked into the cell. He heard the door creak behind him and the lock click shut. Standing in the cell, Nathaniel heard the faint sound of someone breathing. It was raspy and slow, like a sleeping person. But there was another, fainter sound that caught Nathaniel’s attention. The figure was muttering in an ancient language with a few Russian words thrown in. Whatever the prisoner was muttering about, the Russian words had to suffice for the lack of a better one in the other language.
“Prisoner 85369, just a number now eh?” Nathaniel said, in English. The figure gave no sign of hearing Nathaniel but he didn’t care. He knew he was heard, and he knew he was annoying.
“Eighty-five thousand, three hundred and sixty-nine. Close to the number of people you killed isn’t it?” Nathaniel remarked, exaggerating.
“Two thousand, five hundred and ninety-five thank you.” The figure retorted, also in English. But the voice was also raspy and had a slight accent. Nathaniel squatted before the prisoner, wondering how far he should stay away.
“What are you doing rotting in Russian prison?” He questioned. He heard the iron clasps clink as the prisoner shifted and leaned forward.
“Being here is saving my life,” Was the reply.
“How so?” Nathaniel inquired. The clasps again clinked as the prisoner moved.
“You know why.”
“Glinth, why are you hiding in here?” Nathaniel asked. In the darkness, Glinth smiled. He had spoken her name; he had invited the Demon into his life.
“You have made many mistakes since you entered here Mr. Porter.” She whispered. Nathaniel smiled; he knew the background on Glinth and the so-called ‘Demons’ like her.
“Glinth, you exposed your clan to the world and the only thing protecting you from them,” Nathaniel said as he rose and turned toward the door. “Are these damned charms above the doorway.” Nathaniel walked up to the door and ripped off the strange charm above it. He turned and walked forward with the charm exposed in his outstretched hand. Playing along, Glinth shrunk away when Nathaniel approached her with it. Yes, its spell stung her as it should, but Glinth had found what Nathaniel had with him. She also knew his plan and had concocted one of her own.
“Mr. Porter, if you want to know something you will first have to destroy that charm and give me what is in your inside pocket.” Glinth said.
“Of course.” Nathaniel replied as he dropped the charm from his hand. As it shattered on the stone floor, he smiled. Now her clan could come and get the traitor. Glinth too smiled as she saw the ancient writing glow brightly on the separated pieces before fading away.
“Now the drink.” Glinth demanded.
“Not until you’ve answered some questions.” Nathaniel said.
“The drink Mr. Porter.” Glinth said in an annoyed manner. She needed him to think he could manipulate her awhile longer.
“Patience Glinth.” Glinth sneered at the way the Englishman said her name. Back in her family, her name was Glyth, but after moving out of her home country, it was changed to Glinth.
“What do you want Mr. Porter?” Glinth inquired. Nathaniel said nothing but knelt before the prisoner. His eyes had adjusted to the lack of light and could now make out the Demon’s face. It was yellowed and sunken and scarred with oozing cuts. Nathaniel reached out and stroked her face.
“I heard you were nicknamed Quean back in your clan.” He said as he pulled his hand away. Suddenly, Glinth struck out her hand and grabbed onto Nathaniel’s jacket and pulled him close. He immediately froze, regretting not listening to the guards. But he was slightly relieved to find Glinth pulling out the thermos from his inside pocket. After she had the thermos, she thrust Nathaniel away from him, causing him to land on his back on the damp stone.
Glinth smiled at her prize and unscrewed the top. She dropped it to the ground and pulled from the ice a small packet. She then dropped the thermos, scattering ice across the floor. She put the packet in her mouth and tore it open. With her tongue, she pushed the plastic to the side of her mouth and swallowed the contents of the packet. It was human blood. Finishing the contents, Glinth spat out the plastic she had torn off and dropped the packet. She could feel her cuts begin to heal but knew her face was still sunken and yellow.
“You have the patience of a six year old dear Glinth.” Nathaniel retorted as he stood and brushed himself off.
“And you are as smart as one Mr. Porter.” Glinth said as she stood. Her iron clasps strained against the bar connect them t the ground. In one motion, Glinth snapped the iron clasps as she raised her arms.
“I have served two of the three hundred years I was sentenced. I have been growing stronger everyday,” Glinth said as she walked toward Nathaniel. “And now you dare free me from my chamber? You truly are a stupid one Mr. Porter.” Nathaniel turned and bolted to the door where he started to bang furiously and shout for the guard. But, of course, he never had a chance.

When the guard opened the door, he grimaced. He found the Englishman’s body on the floor. He looked up and nearly vomited when he saw the prisoner holding the man’s severed head.
“It’s about time.” Glinth said in perfect Russian. The guard just stared at her, smirking.
“You can’t leave the room.” He replied. Glinth just smiled.
“Oh, I believe I can.” She said. She then raised her other hand and jammed one of the broken shards of the charm through the guard’s forehead. She watched in glee as blood poured out around the shard. She let go and saw the guard fall; he was, in fact, dead.
“And now to kill the bastards who put me in here.” Glinth muttered, now in English again. She stepped over the guard and into the hallway. She paused and looked around her; she was out of that damned cell. Glinth couldn’t help but laugh wildly as she walked down the hallway, still, of course, holding Nathaniel’s head in her hand.

It didn’t take long for Glinth to settle back into life. She had picked Italy as her place to get back into life, no need to visit her homeland now. Smiling, Glinth re-read the article on her escape; the Russians were not pleased by her method. The rest of the European world was outraged by her escape. Tension between countries was mounting at an amazing speed; people had to have someone to blame. Glinth laid down the paper and stared at the table in front of her. A bleached skull stood there, smiling at her.
“But it was your fault wasn’t it Nathaniel?” She mocked. The skull of course gave no reply but Glinth continued speaking to it.
“You had to call me Quean didn’t you? If you hadn’t done that, you’d still have your head connected to the rest of you.” She hissed angrily as she stood from the bed and walked towards the table.
“You planned on leaving me weak and vulnerable so my clan would get me but look,” Glinth slammed down the newspaper, rattling the skull. “They’re all dead already!” This caused Glinth to start laughing hysterically; her entire clan, the one she used to rule, was found massacred at the coven house many years ago. The coven house was then burned the next evening. Whoever had done that had done Glinth a favor, but made her his enemy as well.

Posted by moon2/selene0 at 9:32 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 18 August 2004

Nanette peered out of the swelling darkness. Her bluish skin reflected the light of the dim street lamp high above her. Her eyes were flooded by tears that began to fall down her smooth face. She was lost, she was alone, and she was scared. She thought that this alley looked familiar, but so did the past fifteen she had dashed down. Nanette hadn’t slept since she left the Manor. And that was over three days ago. Why oh why did she go through that damn door?
Stepping into the alley, Nanette pulled her ratty coat closer to her skin. She missed home. She missed Mother. She missed her Sisters. Nanette quickly sprinted to the end of the alley, quite a feat for her blood. She nearly burst into tears when she found the empty wall at the end. There was no door here either; she would never get home. Nanette sank to the ground and held her knees into her chest. She laid her head down and tried not to cry. She heard a slight fluttering and snapped her head back up. Above her crouched a shadow on the roof. The wind had caught the Shadow’s coat and caused it to flap open. What caused Nanette to gasp was that the Shadow’s silver eyes gleamed almost madly in the dark. Nanette whimpered and tried to curl up into a nonexistent ball. She closed her eyes and again buried her head into her knees. She should have listened to Mother.
A dull thump caused Nanette to cringe. The Shadow had jumped down from the roof. The crunch of boots on dirt caused Nanette to whimper louder. The Shadow was going to kill her.
“Nanette! Thank God I’ve finally found you!” Nanette looked up in surprise. The Shadow had been looking for her? The Shadow stepped into the light and Nanette burst into tears.
“Nanette!” The woman bent down and held the sobbing girl in her arms. “Nan, it’s only me. I’m taking you home now.” Nanette stood, with help from the woman. She stood there, crying into the woman’s shoulder.
“Nan, everything is going to be okay.” The woman whispered. Nanette fought through choking hiccups and looked into the woman’s face. Her skin was pale and smooth, and familiar. Her eyes went from silver to the normal blue. The face was happy and comforting.
“You aren’t going to punish me for leaving the Manor?” Nanette asked. Her voice broke and died at the end of the sentence. The woman’s eyes began to tear up and she stroked Nanette’s face.
“No Nanette, you won’t be punished. I just want to take you home. Out of this forsaken land.” She said. Nanette nodded and stepped out of the woman’s embrace, but still clinged to her hand.
“I tried to find the door, but it wasn’t anywhere.” Nanette started to explain. The woman smiled and shushed her.
“The door is down this ally, you just weren’t looking hard enough.” The woman pushed back a few trashcans, upsetting one and winced as it clattered to the ground. She loathed everything about this city, the noise, the filth, the sickness, and the people. She never understood why any of her Children left the Manor.
After moving through more garbage, the woman unearthed a broken door. Its only lock was apart of the doorknob and the glass above it was shattered. Nanette peered through curiously and saw into a dark and empty room. It was definitely not the Manor. The woman fished through a pocket in her coat and pulled out a key. She put it in the lock and turned it once to the left. She paused after she heard the click and then turned the key to the left again. She pulled on the door and Nanette gasped. She was in the upper hallway of the Manor.
Nanette let go of the woman’s hand and dashed inside. The woman followed and closed the door after her. She put the key back in her pocket and turned to lock the door. When she turned back, Nanette was still standing in the hallway.
“What are you still doing standing there Nanette? Your Sisters were very worried.” The woman remarked. Nanette embraced the woman quickly.
“Thank you Mother.” The woman smiled as she watched Nanette dash off down the hallway. She would have to go down to the pool later and check on her.
“Mother!” A shrill voice sounded. The woman winced but turned toward the voice. It was Betay, one of her Granddaughters.
“Yes Betay?” The woman replied as the pink haired woman came running up to her.
“Mother Taniekla! The Truce Ball is tonight! I didn’t know where you had gone to!” Betay shrieked. Betay, although the most organized out of Taniekla’s Granddaughters, was the loudest.
“I went to Earth to find Nanette.” Taniekla answered.
“Nanette? The Fish child?” Betay inquired.
“They’re Mermaids Betay.” Taniekla corrected with a smile. Betay waved the remark away.
“I have been to Earth too many times after you.” She said in excuse.
That was a true statement. Any time Taniekla went back to Earth, her Daughters or Granddaughters would have to update her on the ongoing in their world. They were Goddesses and had permission to leave their world and the Manor. Taniekla never wanted her Children out in Earth.
“Well Betay, I’m here now and will be ready for this evening.” Taniekla said. Betay nodded and turned to leave. She remembered something and turned back around.
“Did, you look for Him again?” Betay asked. A white-hot pain shot throughout Taniekla’s body. She hadn’t looked for Him in a long time.
“No Betay, I think He moved on.” Taniekla answered painfully. Betay nodded, slower this time, and left. Taniekla sighed, almost hurtfully, and walked toward the staircase, opposite of where Betay went. She just wanted to go to the pool and maybe join Nanette and her Sisters. Taniekla just hoped she wouldn’t be bothered. But then again, she had four Daughters and five Granddaughters and an interruption was inevitable.
“So much pain out of a wish that should have cured everything.” She muttered as she reached the staircase and made her way down to the second level. “Too late.”


The pool water shimmered under the sunlight that poured through the glass ceiling. Nanette and her Sisters were splashing about, playing gently with one another. They had fallen quickly into routine; accepting their found Sister and moving back into familiarity.
Taniekla stood at the pool’s edge and watched her Children, the Sisters. All Mermaids inside the Manor were female and called themselves ‘The Sisters’. They were the group that accepted the Apprentices from Earth and were too shy to go outside the Manor walls. Nine of the Sisters were born in Everwood; three were Apprentices that stayed in the Manor.
Nanette was the youngest but had been born in Everwood, so had her sisters Evelyn, Josephine, Kristina, Holly, Veronica, Melanie, Alexandra, and Rebekka. They were Mermaids with blue tail fins, representing their clan. Two of the Apprentices, Jessica and Sandra, had blue tails as well, since they decided to stay with the Sisters. The third Apprentice, Caterina, had a silver tail, which would change into her clan’s color when she found one.
“Mother!” Melanie spoke up. All of the Mermaids swam over to her and Taniekla sat down. As she put her legs into the water, her clothes vanished and were replaced by a swimsuit. Thus were the perks of being a Goddess, she was able to change anything at will.
“Hello my darlings.” Taniekla cooed. The Sisters smiled and circled around her.
“Nanette told us of how you found her.” Veronica said. She loved hearing stories and was always eager to share them.
“Yes, it was very interesting.” Taniekla replied.
“Mother, you spoke of a ‘God’. Is he like you?” Nanette questioned. Taniekla sighed and slid into the water. She felt the scales growing on her legs and feet. Taniekla, as a Goddess, could also change herself.
“The ‘God’ that I mentioned is something I picked up on Earth.” Taniekla did not enjoy talking about her experiences while on Earth. Her Children did not know she was born a Mortal.
“Does he have your powers?” Alexandra inquired. Jessica, Sandra, and Caterina all snickered. They were born on Earth and had been saved by Taniekla. She had brought them here and put them in the places where they wanted to go.
“You are silly my Sisters.” Jessica laughed. All of the Mermaids turned to her. While on Earth, Jessica had been Christian. Now, as all of the people in this world, she was a devote Utopian.
“You know of this ‘God’ Sister Jessie?” Nanette asked.
“I was a Christian while on Earth.” Jessica admitted.
“What is a ‘Christian’?” Holly questioned. Jessica looked at Taniekla, begging with her eyes for help.
“My Children, on Earth, the people had many religions. I was not the one who created their world and they invented their own Creator.” Taniekla stated.
“Did this Creator walk among her children?” Rebekka asked.
“Well for one thing,” Sandra said. “All of the Creators were men. And no, they never once walked among their creations. Not even to help while they were dying.” Sandra was a bitter Muslim girl who lost her parents in Iraq while on Earth.
“That’s so sad!” Nanette wailed. The Sisters fell on each other and embraced. Taniekla swam over to the edge and hoisted herself out. She looked down at her emerald scales before she began shaking them off. She would let the Sisters sort the religion topic out amongst them.
“Mother Taniekla.” A cold voice called. Taniekla sighed and stood after the last scales had fallen. As she turned, her swimsuit changed into her normal attire, black pants, and a white button down shirt.
“Yes Natana?” Taniekla asked. Natana stood before her in her normal black clothes. How varied her Daughters were!
“Mother Taniekla, Weltana needs to speak with you.” Natana said coolly. Taniekla knew her second Daughter well; Natana hated being a messenger unless it was something big.
“What about?” Taniekla questioned. Natana smiled.
“About Him.” She answered.


Taniekla burst into the conference room, startling her Daughters. She then hurriedly walked to the front of the table and sat in her chair. She watched as her Daughters followed suit.
First to sit was her eldest Daughter, Dae. Dae was the first created out of Taniekla’s own energy. She was the Goddess of the Sun and various other human things. She had tanned skin and clear, light blue eyes that were sometimes shadowed by her golden hair that fell long.
Next to Dae was the second Daughter, Natana. When Natana was created, she resembled Taniekla the most out of her sisters. She had pale, smooth skin and short black hair. Her eyes were also black. She was the Goddess of the Moon and the Darker things in their world.
At the opposite end of the table sat Waimya, the third created Daughter. She resembled the Sisters for she had a pale blue color that covered her body. Her hair was a sea green and her eyes were dark blues. She was the Goddess of the Water.
The last Daughter was the youngest, Erinsa. She had a dark skin tone that set beautifully with her honey colored eyes. Her hair was curly and brown and fell to her waist. She was the Goddess of the Earth.
These were Taniekla’s Daughters, her advisors, and her guardians. She trusted them with whatever business she gave them. That’s why this meeting was big.
“What do you know?” Taniekla asked immediately. The Daughters looked at one another before Dae spoke up.
“We may have found Him Mother.” She said warily.
“But?” Taniekla questioned.
“But,” Dae paused and looked down at Waimya. “But He has found another.” Taniekla’s heart stopped at that very moment. She had always figured that her beloved had moved on, she had seen her family do it. But she never wanted to believe that.
“Who?” Taniekla whispered. No one replied. Taniekla closed her eyes and slammed her fist on the table.
“Who?” She demanded louder. She could feel the fear that took over her Daughters.
“We do not know yet Mother. Weltana gave us this information just recently.” Natana answered. Taniekla opened her eyes, tears streaming down her face.
“Where is He?” She asked.

Taniekla stepped hurriedly through the door and closed it. She heard the door click twice as it locked, there was no turning back now. She was in the bowels of the city; apart of the humanity she so desperately wanted to leave behind. She just didn’t want to leave Him behind.
Taking to the streets, Taniekla quickly hailed a cab. She had found her old clothes in the back part of her closet and worn them. They were old and gave Taniekla an unsettling feeling.
“Where you headed?” The cab driver asked in a ragged voice. Taniekla smoothed her coat down with her hands and looked toward the driver.
“Third house in the Garden District.” She said. The driver grunted in reply and they moved forward. Taniekla looked out of the window and noticed that it had started to rain. Just as it did the first night she had been in the city. Now she was back, looking for yet another shadow.
It took a little less than five minutes before the cab came to a stop in front of a townhouse. Taniekla stepped out of the cab and paid the driver. She then paused as the cab drove off, just staring up at the house. The rain was still falling and within minutes, Taniekla was soaked.
“Are you really here?” She whispered. Suddenly, the door opened to the house Taniekla was watching. A woman stepped out and locked the door behind her. She stood at the top of the stairs and hugged her arms to her chest to retain some heat. She was waiting. Taniekla moved behind a telephone pole and watched the woman. Was this the new woman? Taniekla saw the woman perk up and wave. Taniekla turned and saw a man standing in the street behind her. He looked like… someone else. The man walked up to the woman and caught her up in an embrace. This was not Him. This new man did resemble Taniekla’s beloved but he looked too young.
“Damn.” Taniekla turned and leaned her back against the pole. She felt herself sinking as she became invisible. She missed Him so much. Where was He? Taniekla stood and began walking back to the ally, ignoring the urge to fly.
“I miss you my love,” Taniekla sighed. “My only.”

Flashes. That’s all Taniekla got anymore when she dreamed. Snips of memories that seemed to happen so long ago. Pictures of her. Pictures of her and Him. Pictures of her and Him together and happy. But then it changed. She remembered the Void and how it consumed her mind those first few months. She remembered thinking she was going mad. She remembered that she was. She remembered going back to their old apartment. She remembered Him being gone. She remembered her own funeral. She was dead, consumed by the Void.
Sitting up straight, Taniekla woke up in a cold sweat. She didn’t remember falling asleep and tried to think of how she managed to do so. She was a Goddess and sleeping was no longer a necessity. Taniekla struggled to rid herself of the traces of sleep. She looked out the window and saw the moon beginning to rise. She heard the guests downstairs. Taniekla put her face into her hands and groaned, the Truce Ball.
“Mother?” Taniekla looked up and towards the door. Her favorite Granddaughter, Sakuri, stood there. Sakuri was the daughter of Natana.
“Yes Sakuri?” Taniekla asked. Sakuri closed the door before walking to the bed.
“Aunt Dae wanted me to help you dress.” She said as she sat next to her Grandmother.
“Why are you really here?” Taniekla questioned. Sakuri looked down into her lap with a small smile on her face.
“What is it like,” She asked and looked up at Taniekla. “To lose a mortal whom you love?” Taniekla presently turned away and smiled faintly. Sakuri had fallen in love with a mortal and blessed him with immortality so as not to lose him to old age and death. Dae, being the only one able to do that, was so angry with Sakuri that she turned her now immortal lover into a Vampire.
“It’s like having everything and then just waking up and finding it gone. And never being able to get it back.” Taniekla replied. She felt Sakuri’s hand rest on her own.
“Mother, who is this man who tortures you in this perfect world?” Sakuri inquired. Taniekla closed her eyes and remembered Him.
She saw Him catch her in his arms as they examined their new and empty apartment. How she had run into the empty bedroom and laughed. How He stood in the doorway with a strange look. How she had asked Him what was on his mind. How He then proposed to her. How she had accepted.
“Dom…” Taniekla sighed and opened her eyes. Sakuri smiled and stood.
“Don’t bother Mother,” She said with her back to Taniekla. “I know everything about Dominic Porter.” Taniekla snapped her head up and stared at her Granddaughter.
“I even know about you,” Sakuri went on. “Celina.”


Celina stepped into her living room and threw her purse on the couch. With a sigh she walked around the corner table and collapsed next to her purse. A small tabby jumped up and landed in Celina’s lap. Smiling, Celina petted the kitten till it lay down and went to sleep.
“Lina? Are you home now?” Celina heard a man call from the bedroom.
“Yeah Dom, I just got in.” She replied. She heard Dominic walk down the hallway and toward her. He kissed her forehead, which caused her to look up at him.
Dominic was trying to fix his tie as he was going to work. She smiled as she watched him fumble with it.
“Come here Dominic.” Celina said and sat up, upsetting the kitten in her lap. Dominic came around and stood before her giving her the same pathetic look he always did when she had to fix his tie. Celina stood, causing the kitten to leap off.
“How was work Lina?” Dominic asked as she worked on his tie.
“Same as it always is.” Celina shrugged. She knew the exchange that was to follow.
“We need the money.”
“I know.”
“For the wedding.”
“I know.”
“Because your dad won’t pay.”
“I know.”
“Because he hates me.”
“I know Dominic.” Celina sighed and looked up into the smiling face of her fiancée. Dominic took her hands into his own and held them against his chest.
“I love you.” He whispered.
“I know.” Celina joked. Dominic laughed lightly before bending down and kissing her.
“I love you too.” Celina said after he had pulled away. They stood there a moment before the alarm went off. The one signaling that Dominic had to go to work.
“I have to go.” He said as he went past Celina and toward the door.
“Drive safely!” Celina called as Dominic rushed through the door. As the door closed, a chill crept around Celina’s spine. She ignored it as she turned off the alarm. She ignored it still as she took a shower and changed. She kept ignoring it as she worked her shift at a second job. She kept ignoring it till she forgot about it.

“Celina!” Celina looked around and found her boss standing at the bar. Two police officers were with her.
“Yeah Michelle?” She asked as she reached the bar.
“These men are here to see you.” Michelle said as she jerked a thumb at the two police officers and left.
“What can I do for you gentlemen this evening?” Celina inquired.
“Are you Celina Montague?” One of the officers asked. Celina inwardly winced as they mispronounced her name; hadn’t everyone heard of Shakespeare?
“Yes.” She answered and leaned against the bar.
“Do you know a Dominic Porter?” The same officer asked. Celina slipped and had to steady herself.
“I’m his fiancée.” She replied.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but Mr. Porter has been in an accident.” The second officer said. This time, Celina fell to the floor.

Somehow, she wasn’t able to cry. Celina sat by Dominic’s hospital bed and hadn’t shed a tear. She was still in shock. Dominic hadn’t been speeding or anything. He was at a stoplight. Someone barreled into him from behind causing him to be forced into the intersection. That was where the truck had hit him, luckily, from the passenger side.
“Unfortunate isn’t it?” A voice asked from behind. Celina turned, expecting to see a nurse or family member of Dominic’s. Instead, a woman Celina didn’t recognize and who wasn’t a nurse was standing in the doorway.
“Who are you?” Celina asked. The woman smiled and walked into the room.
“People call me Vacuus Custos.” She replied. Celina had to think a moment before translating the Latin.
“ ‘Void Keeper’?” She questioned. The woman nodded and stood beside Celina.
“I can grant wishes if you so believe.” Vacuus said Celina looked down at Dominic and sighed. What if this woman could grant wishes?
“I shall give you a demonstration.” Vacuus said with a grin. Celina watched as the woman bent over Dominic and whispered a few words. A cut on his face started healing till there wasn’t a mark there. When she leaned back, Celina looked at her in disbelief.
“You can grant wishes.” She murmured.
“You only get one,” Vacuus stated. “So make it a good one.” Celina looked down beside her and at her book-bag. Inside it was a manuscript she had been working on. Hurriedly she pulled it out and thrust it at Vacuus.
“I want to be Taniekla! I want to be the one I wrote about!” Celina exclaimed. She would create the perfect world. She would take Dominic there and they could live forever. They would be happy.
“ ‘Taniekla’?” Vacuus repeated as she thumbed through the pages.
“Yes, the Supreme Goddess. The one who created a universe.” Celina whispered in response, as she looked a Dominic’s sleeping form. He was going to be okay, and when he recovered, they could leave.
“This woman?” Vacuus asked and shoved a piece of paper under Celina’s nose. It was the description of the Goddess.
“Yes, I want to be her.”
“Which means you’ll also want a void to create your world?” Vacuus inquired as she took back the page.
“You are the Void Keeper are you not?” Celina retorted with a grin.
“Look here child,” Vacuus said sternly. “I was created the same time the Sun was born so don’t get an attitude now.” Celina smiled and closed her eyes.
“You’re right, I apologize Vacuus.” She said. Celina heard Vacuus shift and she looked up in time to see the woman walking out the door.
“Wait!” Celina called after her. She jumped up from the chair and chased after the woman. She needed this one thing, so that she could be eternally happy.


“You will not tell your sisters. You will tell no one.” Taniekla seethed as she stood. Sakuri turned and suddenly realized the trouble she was in. Taniekla did not give birth to anyone that lived on the planet, so she didn’t have the stereotypical bond with her Children.
“Mother Taniekla I-“ Sakuri stopped in mid-sentence. Taniekla’s blue eyes flared red.
“Sakuri, who else knows about this?” She demanded. Sakuri cowered near the door.
“No one Mother!” She shrieked. Taniekla was the most powerful being in this world; Sakuri had made a mistake by bringing up her past.
“Then how did you find out?” Taniekla questioned. Sakuri didn’t respond but whimpered as she backed herself against a wall.
“From me.” Taniekla looked up and felt every emotion drain from her body. Sakuri watched as her Grandmother’s face turned a deathly pale color and her irises turning to a gray.
“Vacuus Custos.” Taniekla muttered.
“One of the same.” The woman said as she glided into the room. “Love what you’ve done to the Void.” Taniekla watched the woman gaze about the room. Her brown skin was still the same texture. Her eyes were the same brown they had been before. Her graceful figure had not diminished in the slightest. She was still the same woman she had been six years ago.
“Why did you tell Sakuri about my old life?” Taniekla hissed. Vacuus turned and smiled pleasantly at her.
“My dear, she is your granddaughter is she not?” She asked. Taniekla turned and faced the still whimpering Sakuri.
“Sakuri, go join the others. If Dae asks where I am, tell her I am entertaining a guest and will not be bothered.” Taniekla said. Sakuri stood and nodded furiously.
“And Sakuri,” Taniekla said as her Granddaughter was walking out the door. “You will tell no one of what has happened her.”
“Yes Mother.” Sakuri said as she dashed out of the room, closing the door as she went.
“Scaring your own children?” Vacuus jibed. Taniekla turned back around ad sighed heavily.
“They are not my birth children.” She replied.
“Of course not, that would take a husband.” Vacuus retorted. Taniekla was pained by the remark but took it in stride.
“What do you want of me Vacuus?” She inquired. Vacuus stared straight into her eyes.
“I wanted to know why you haven’t closed the door yet.” She said. Taniekla winced; she hadn’t closed the door since she wanted to still be able to move between worlds.
“Fifteen Nymphs, thirty-one Shadow Demons, twenty Vampires, sixteen Mermaids, and lord knows how many Loup-garou have waltzed through that door!” Vacuus stated.
“And I have caught every single one of them.” Taniekla defended. She had to keep that door open; it was the one thing she couldn’t create yet. And when she finally learned, Dominic may be dead.
“That’s not the point. There have been numerous murders on Earth since you’ve created this realm.” Vacuus sighed. The woman sat on the bed and looked up at Taniekla.
“Vacuus, please, I need that door to stay open!” Taniekla bent before Vacuus, praying that she’d understand. Vacuus just put her head into her hands and sighed.
“You created your perfection and you can’t find another man?” She asked.
“I created this so that Dominic and I could be happy.” Taniekla whispered and looked down at the floor. She felt the strange prickling of tears. She hadn’t cried about Dominic at all. She never let herself get this caught up in emotions. Vacuus sighed and stood up. She put her hand on Taniekla’s trembling shoulder.
“Celina, you’ve tried to erase everything else from your past, why not him as well?” She suggested. Taniekla didn’t reply and just stayed in her position.
“Come. You’re the Supreme Goddess, you must make your appearance.” Vacuus said. Taniekla was suddenly hit by her responsibility. This was her world now; she created it. She created every living being. The least she could do was appear for a dance or two. Standing, Taniekla changed into a ball gown. The thick green material pinched her waist but fell into a dark waterfall. Her satin shoes were a matching green. And for the first time, Taniekla changed back into her human form. Into Celina.
Taniekla stood before a mirror and smiled as she saw her brown curly hair tucked up in a bun. A few curled strands fell down on the back of her neck and around her face. She wore diamond earrings and matching necklace. On her ring finger was her engagement ring. Make up was applied lightly and still left her natural glowing beauty.
“Worthy to be a Goddess Celina.” Vacuus murmured.
“I have to go.” Taniekla excused herself and left the room. She hurried down the corridor, past the Angelic Guards, and stopped at the top of the stairs. She collected herself and picked up her skirt. She walked down the stairs and was on the main second level. The ballroom was on the floor below. Taniekla set out for the second stairway and again stopped at the top. This time, the people in the Main Hall saw her and stopped. Vampires, Mermaids, Nymphs, and Demons alike had gathered for this festival. Hundreds of clans and many more races were awaiting the arrival of the Supreme Goddess. They never knew who she was since she constantly changed her appearance at will. But this time, everyone knew.
“Mother!” A voice called out. Taniekla looked and found her youngest Daughter, Erinsa, standing at the base of the staircase talking with a male Fox-child.
By now, someone had told the guests in the ballroom that Taniekla had arrived. She heard the murmurs about how this skin looked the best.
“Mother Taniekla!” Betay called breathlessly as she climbed the stairs.
“I think she’d need a male escort.” A silky voice said. Taniekla turned and faced Nickolas, the first Vampire she created. Nickolas’ brown hair was pulled back by a silk ribbon and his green eyes shone brilliantly. His skin was pale, implying that he had not fed. A hungry Vampire was not a wanted guest.
“Thank you Nickolas.” Taniekla said as she extended her hand. Nickolas smiled and put his underneath hers in the polite fashion. Betay moved to the side as Nickolas and Taniekla descended.
“You look stunning tonight Your Highness.” Nickolas whispered. Taniekla smiled at this comment. Her Manor was located on the continent of Europia, which she exclusively ruled. So not only was she the Supreme Goddess, she was the Queen of Europia as well.
“Thank you Nickolas.” Taniekla replied. She then stepped lightly off the plush stairs and onto the marble tiled floor. She removed her hand and looked out into the crowd. All of the races were here, all from different clans. Unfortunately, the skeptics did not believe that the Queen of Europia was the same as the Supreme Goddess so therefore, Taniekla had to watch how she addressed the crowd.
“Worshippers of the Supreme Goddess, I thank you for attending this years Truce Ball held in honour of the great Goddess.” Taniekla said. The crowd broke out in applause.
“May you enjoy tonight’s festivities, but remember, no one shall harm another from a rival race or clan. Tonight is a night of peace.” Again, the crowd applauded before turning back and going into the ballroom. When they were secluded enough, Nickolas took Taniekla’s hand again.
“Celina.” Nickolas leaned forward and whispered into her ear. This caused a chill to ripple down her spine. Nickolas was her first creation and was the first to roam the land. He was the only one for months. When he asked for her name, after he had learned to speak, she told him her real name. He called her Celina whenever they were alone ever since.
“Nickolas, what are you doing?” Taniekla asked as she backed away.
“Something wrong on three different levels.” Nickolas replied.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m trying to court not only a Queen and a Goddess, but an engaged woman as well.” At this, Nickolas reached foreword and took Taniekla’s left hand into his own.
“When will you know that I am who you need?” He murmured. Taniekla pulled away again and turned her back.
“Dominic.” She whispered.
“Celina, we’re in this world. He hasn’t been in your life for ten years. Let him deal with his grief. He has moved on, don’t you think you should too?” Nickolas shot. Taniekla wrapped her arms around her chest; every word he said was a bullet that pierced her skin.
“The doorway is causing more problems than good, you’re still alone and miserable, and Dominic is no where to be found.” Nickolas said as he wrapped his arms around Taniekla’s torso. His lips grazed her neck and she could fell the heat from his breath.
“Haven’t I always been good to you?” He asked. Taniekla opened her mouth to respond when she felt a presence. She felt Nickolas’ body go rigged, he felt it too.
“Mother.” A smooth voice said. Taniekla broke from Nickolas’ embrace and turned toward Feilana.
“What do you want Feilana?” She asked.
“I’ve found Him.” Feilana said with a smirk. Feilana was the only one of Taniekla’s Children who resided on Earth. She liked wrecking havoc but was allowed to stay on the conditions that she looked for Dominic.
“Where?” Taniekla asked.
“Taniekla!” Nickolas said in disbelief.
“At your grave.” Feilana answered. Taniekla turned and started running up the stairs.
“Celina!” Nickolas called after her. “You walk out that door, you’ll be bringing in more pain!” Taniekla ignored him and ran up the stairs. Her clothes instantly changed into a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt. Tennis shoes replaced her satin slippers and her hair fell down her back freely.
“Dominic.” She whispered and ran on.


There he was, kneeling at her grave. He held a bouquet of roses. He held them a moment before laying them at her grave. He was talking and Taniekla had to strain to hear him.
“I still haven’t given up on you Celina.” He said. Taniekla felt a warmth bubble up from her chest. He still loved her. He didn’t have another. Now if only she could she his face…
“Celina!” A voice whispered sharply. Taniekla turned and glared at Nickolas.
“What are you doing out of the Manor?” She demanded.
“Vacuus is closing the door,” Nickolas said. “Permanently.” Fear caught Taniekla’s heart and caused it to stop. She felt the world moving and suddenly, she was in Nickolas’ arms.
“You stay with him or you come back with me.” Nickolas whispered. Taniekla shook her head and stood. Her clothes changed into a simple back-less white dress. She felt her bones crack and the skin open.
“I have to stop her.” She muttered and flew off as soon as her wings had extended. Nickolas smiled and his eyes flickered. He turned to Dominic who was still kneeling at the grave.
“Vacuus?” Nickolas called. As Dominic stood, his hair became longer and when he turned, Nickolas caught Vacuus’ gaze. She turned fully back into herself and walked over to Nickolas.
“Poor girl, about to be trapped in her own world.” Vacuus said and willed herself into the air. From there, she followed Taniekla. Nickolas’ took his time and walked back to the door. He still hadn’t fed.

Taniekla stopped at the door and felt no presence. She reached for the doorknob when she heard a noise. She turned suddenly and saw Vacuus standing behind her.
“Vacuus, what are you doing?” Taniekla asked. She suddenly caught a vision. The trap.
“Dear sweet Celina.” Vacuus said with a smile and advanced. Taniekla backed against the door.
“You have endangered you’re people for the last time.” Vacuus said and bared her teeth. Taniekla shrieked as she threw her arms up and jumped against the door. Presently, the door flew open and Taniekla tumbled inside. When she opened her eyes, Feilana, Vacuus and Nickolas were standing over her.
“Don’t seal the door.” She begged. Vacuus rolled her eyes and sighed.
“Sleep.” She said and passed her hand over Taniekla’s face. Immediately, Taniekla fell into a deep sleep. Vacuus then turned to Nickolas for her final order.
“Take her to her room. I’m sealing the door.”


Five years she waited. Fifteen years since she left. Dominic was forty now. She was thirty-nine. She was alone.
Taniekla studied the ring in her hand. She hadn’t thought of anyone else for the past five years. She spent that time practicing her spells and alone. She hadn’t spoken to anyone or seen anyone. She didn’t know where Vacuus was or what was happening to her Children. She hadn’t eaten since she woke up five years ago. She hadn’t done anything but practice and think of Dominic.
And now, she was ready.

Taniekla opened her door and startled the Guard outside. She walked hurriedly past him and down the corridor. She didn’t feel any other presence, but in the past five years, Taniekla had learned a lot. She could mask not only herself but also her powers and couldn’t be tracked.
Stopping in front of the abandoned door, Taniekla smiled. She was about to rip between time and space that would cause a flux in both worlds. But she would finally have Dominic.
“ ‘’.” Taniekla whispered. She paused and felt the energy fluxing around her.
“ ‘Time and Space, open to me. Create a door through which I can pass’.” Taniekla repeated in English. She was blown back as a blast of energy hit her. After things had calmed down and the Energy had settled, Taniekla opened the door. She walked through, in the same outfit she had gone to the graveyard in, and stepped into the light. The flux had paused time. Concentrating, Taniekla broke the freeze and life resumed. She began walking down the street and caught what she was looking for. She had caught Dominic’s energy.
Blowing past all of the other people, Taniekla raced toward the house. She stopped when she reached her destination. She smiled as she examined the townhouse; Dominic had returned to New Orleans. Taniekla walked briskly up the steps and stopped in front of the door. She paused and concentrated back to the portal, no one had walked through. Smiling again, Taniekla rapped on the door. She waited a few seconds before she heard the footsteps reach the door. As the door opened, Taniekla gasped. Dominic look almost identical to how he had fifteen years ago. His blond hair was slightly darker and his blue eyes had lost a bit of their luster, but his build was still the same.
“Celina?” Dominic asked in shock. Taniekla knew she hadn’t changed a bit since the accident.
“Dominic!” Taniekla cried and fell into his arms. Dominic folded her stiffly into an embrace.
“Is it really you Celina?” He whispered.
“Yes Dom, it’s really me.” She replied. Now Dominic held Celina in his arms tightly.
“God, I’ve missed you so much.” He said.
“Daddy! Mommy needs you.” A high voice called. Dominic pulled away and looked down. Taniekla stared at the five-year-old girl that clung to Dominic’s leg.
“A child?” Taniekla whispered. Dominic looked back at Taniekla with a worried expression.
“Lily, get back inside.” He said. The girl nodded and went back inside. Taniekla stared back at Dominic.
“A child?” She questioned.
“I got married about eight years after you disappeared. I met Theresa a year before.” Dominic answered.
“Dominic, Lily said a woman was here.” A woman said as she stepped behind Dominic. Taniekla glared at the woman. She had long black hair and blue eyes. Her face was thin and pale, the same with the rest of her body. She was carrying a small baby boy in her arms.
“Theresa, this is Celina.” Dominic said.
“The one who died?” Theresa said in disbelief. Taniekla turned and stormed down the stairs.
“Lina! Wait!” Dominic called. Taniekla didn’t stop and kept walking. She felt Dominic pull on her arm. It was then she stopped and turned, hateful tears falling down her face.
“For fifteen years I looked for you! I was with no other man because I loved you!” She screamed. Dominic pulled his hand away and let go of her arm.
“I thought you were dead.” He said.
“You betrayed my memory!” She yelled.
“He moved on Celina, just like I said.” Taniekla turned and faced Nickolas. She cursed the fact she had blessed him with the ability to survive in the sun.
“Nickolas, this is none of your concern.” Taniekla seethed.
“Maybe he should know what else you’ve been doing for fifteen years.” Nickolas retorted.
“Celina?” Dominic asked. Taniekla turned back around.
“Come back with me, to my world. We can be happy.” She pleaded. Dominic looked down at the ground.
“I’m sorry Celina.” He said. Taniekla backed away from him in disgust. He no longer loved her. She pushed past Nickolas and ran toward the door. She had to leave; the pain was overwhelming her.
As she ran she remembered the plans, Dominic and she had made. They were going to be married. They’d finally get the jobs that paid well. They’d start a family and live happily ever after. Now he was, with another woman.
Taniekla burst through the door and ran back toward her room. She collapsed on her bed and started crying. She heard her door open and close and felt a presence walking to her. She stopped crying and sat up. Nickolas sat next to her and wrapped his arms around her.
“Vacuus is resealing the door.” He said.
“Okay.” Taniekla said tersely.
“Celina, you can still get over him.” Nickolas sighed. Taniekla turned away.
“It hurts Nickolas.” She muttered.
“Then let me take it away.” Nickolas responded as he stood. Taniekla looked at him and watched as he extended his hand.
“I just want to keep you home. Out from your forsaken land.” He said. Slowly, Taniekla reached up and took his hand. Nickolas pulled her up and close.
“So begins the rest of our story.” He whispered. Taniekla closed her eyes and smiled. She was no longer Celina. She no longer loved Dominic. That was on the other side of the door. She was Celeste now, the earth bound form of the Supreme Goddess. She was Queen Taniekla of Europia.
Taniekla looked up into Nickolas’ face and kissed him. “And so my old life comes to an end.”

The End

Posted by moon2/selene0 at 5:33 PM EDT
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