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Causes/Effects/Solutions of College tuition Costs
Causes/Effects/Solutions of College tuition Costs
This site offers an understanding as to why college tuition prices continue to rise each year. This site offers solutions as well, for those who are interested in learning more about the issue and what is avialbale to them.
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National Government
National Government 
Each year the United States spends more money than it brings in - this is called a National Deficit. This deficit is caused by excessive spending and borrowing from other countries. This aspect of the issue then causes Budget Cuts. However in some cases due to the rising tuition costs and budget cuts, the government is often seen as the cause of this problem. According to author Susanna Loeb, the public does not see all funding given by the federal government. She argues that each year large sums of money are given to schools through programs such as Title 1. “The federal role in education finance is commonly seen as compensatory…Without incorporating tax policies into our assessment of federal contributions to schools we will vastly underestimate the federal role and vastly overestimate the progressive nature of federal aid to schools. As an example, the deductibility of state and local taxes from the federal income tax is a federal contribution to schools” (Loeb 85). Loeb, Susanna. "Federal contributions to high-income school districts: the use of tax deductions for funding K-12 education ." Economics of Education Review 23.1 Feburary (2004): 85-94. Academic Premier, October 14, 2004. .