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What In Me Is Dark, Illumine

"Tolstoi made shoes," he might say. This was a fact, of course: the greatest of Russian writers and idealists had, in an effort to do work that mattered, made shoes for a little while. May I say that I, too, could make shoes if I had to. -Bluebeard

Currently Working On:
"Rhiannon Goes Elsewhere." One of the few novels that came from an actual nightmare I once had, it seems to be going slower than normal... possibly because I'm trying to write more seriously, more imaginitively, more frighteningly, as opposed to making fun of things and being extremely cynical like I normally do. Also did what was probably the twentieth edit of "Comeback Jack" which brings us up to 375 pages, 75,350 words, and seven times I've sprayed my tea all over the screen as I was writing. There's an image.

Official Biography:
Felicity Danielle Dippery was born at a very, very young age to two surprised and delighted (though not for long) parents in Redding, California, on November 20, 1985. She first started writing as soon as she could pick up a pen, though the preliminary scribbles didn't mean very much to anyone but herself. She was what we laughingly call "educated" at Junction City Elementary (where she was part of the G.A.T.E. program), followed by homeschool, followed by Junction City again, followed by more homeschool, followed by Woodland, Tennessee, Elementary for a year, followed by more homeschool once safely back in her homestate. She graduated high school at fifteen, got some college credits via a writing course, and now works for her parents (as a secretary, dog-walker, landscaper, and babysitter) which allows her to concentrate on her writing.

"Writing comes easy. All you have to do is stare at a blank piece of paper until your forehead bleeds." -Douglas Adams

Miscellaneous information: I'm not sure why I've been writing my bio in third person; I suppose because it seems more professional that way.

I'm semi-ambidextrous, primarily left-handed.

I finished my first actual book at thirteen, "Whatever Happened to Toni Hall" now locked away till I feel self-confident enough to cope with it.

At age twelve my nickname was "Dash" after a character on a TV show ("Eerie, Indiana"). Now, once again tired by the burden of so many syllables, I'm trying to get "Felix" to catch on. My mother doesn't like it. "Reminds me of the cat," she says.

A lot of my influences are British (Douglas Adams, Rik Mayall, Monty Python, etc.). I was introduced to Python at the very young age of three. That, coupled with the fact that I my brother dropped me on my head when I was a baby, may help explain a few things.

The quote used for the heading of this page is from Milton's "Paradise Lost" which contains some of the more beautiful phrases in the English language.

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Biggest Influences On My Writing

  • Douglas Adams
  • Edith Wharton
  • Terry Pratchett
  • Peter S. Beagle
  • Dorothy L. Sayers
  • Rik Mayall
  • Neil Gaiman

Excerpts from Novels and Short Stories

Almost Always
Soldier's Brannigan
Comeback Jack
Everyday Meatloaf
World's Greatest Disappearing Act
Rhiannon Goes Elsewhere
Without Alice
Not Mad, Just Crazy
More Links and Unprofessional Homepage
Translated From the English: A Short Story
Dan River Anthology 2004 : Click here to order!
Running Into Nothing: A Blog of Obfuscations and Ramblings
