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Reverend Mother Rose Johnson

Things our world needs more of:

Some of my favorite web-sites:

non-electric catalog
alteranative to the humongous home
National Association of the Self Employed
Church of All Worlds
beautiful, well crafted tipis.
everything from how to make a rabbit skin blanket to knapping stone tools to making your own musical instruments.
where to get supplies for above.
the Global Justice Movement


I'm so pleased that you have reached my web-site. I'm a member of the Church of All Worlds, and have been ordained by the Universal Life Church.

I hope that I may serve you in some way. If not, I would welcome the opportunity to correspond with you.

I am willing to work with you to create the service, ceremony or celebration of your choice. I am willing to accommadate any of the following:

Committment. Unspecified length of time, specified length of time, 'as long as love shall last', Heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, couple, triad, polyamory.

Handfasting. Same as above.

Marriage. Same as above.

Committment of Hearth and Fire. Same as above.

Parentage celebrations. Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, etc., etc....

Fosterage. Adoption.

Severing the Knot. Scattering the Stones.

Birth celebration. Baptism/dedication. Coming of age celebrations. Croning/elderhood.

Wakes, memmorials, funerals.

Blessings of family, loved ones, friends, pets, livestock, homes, transportation, new undertakings, ventures and adventures.

If you can dream it, I would enjoy helping you bring it to fruition. Costs are dependent upon difficulty and length of time required to perfect the action to your satisfaction!

Never Thirst!

Reverend Mother Rose
