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This Is LiTTle oLd Me...
Look into my eyes... ok now go play wit urself... lol

View maximized...I Deleted alot of old pics ill put new ones on when i can... muah enjoy...

Me GeTTiNg ReAdY to Go to BeD....

Doing the sexy pose OH BABY

It's me in a bunny costume,
for Easter... it was
a favor and a dare...
lol... TaLk AbOuT A pLaYbOy
I DiD iT FoR Da KiDs... Im Sooo SwEEt.


im still pissed at u briana and tara cuz you didnt take me to go buy starbucks myyyyy favvvvoorrrittteee.... lol

Damn look how crazy we are at school... omg that guy was soooo cute i juss couldnt take my eyes off him... i wanted to...opps i mean nevermind... lol

omg LOL... i had to put this picture... its not wat u think... ok fine it is, but i was joking around... remember Briana (i got the magic stick) lol u know i love u girl... damn that thing was big hahaha

magic stick is addictive huh... u like it toooo

Me And Briana a few years
back at disneyworld... omg i
had a whos that girl
in the back... she kinda scares
me... and why is her mouth
open lol... who knows...