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I played the piano at church retreat. It was a church in country side. melos       <--melos

 Picnic to Neon Villege where there're no eletric support at all. When I get there first, it was too hard to get used to be in 'ancient life' but, as the time goes by, I liked that life style. I can only use candle at night, no heater, but there were a lot of bugs bugging me >0<; Lake behind the house was really cold. We played volley ball in the lake, and we climbed mountain. We caught some fishes, and they were really tasty! @.@ I'm at second from the left.

                                                   Church in Dallas
                                                 We had a special
                                                 service preached
                                                 by pastor Han.
                                                 From the left to
                                                 right, Pastor Han,
                                                 senior Pastor Cho
                                                 my father, pastor Cho's son, my brother, my mother, and me. Thsi picture is taken right after the servic.

Bonus- this picture is taken by 2000. I'm the rider, and there's my friend behind me.

 A three-days
trip to ranch
in Texas. It
was a good
and also fun!
This picture
shown on right,
is the bar in the ranch that has no one to sell beers.

                                                         Wow! trip to
                                                         Kang-Hwa Is.
                                                         estuary, we
                                                         had really
                                                         good times
                                                         with natures.
                                                         We played
                                                         soccer on the
                                                         estuary, and
ran a lot but I don't know why we ran like that; some girls put muds on their face saying it's good to skin, while guys put muds on others' faces. It was just good time!


Thanks for visit my home page !
                                                                                                                               by Pyeong.






This site is made by Hwa Pyeong Kim.

And this site is about the people that I know.

I hope you may enjoy with my site.

Thank you. ^^*

Schedule for May (Lakers)

5/02 Sunday @ San Antonio Conf. Semifinals
5/05 Wednesday @ San Antonio Conf. Semifinals
5/09 Sunday San Antonio Conf. Semifinals
5/11 Tuesday San Antonio Conf. Semifinals
5/13 Thursday @ San Antonio Conf. Semifinals
5/14 Friday my birthday
5/15 Saturday San Antonio Conf. Semifinals

   This site has been made on date of 12, May. Congratuations!

We had a great time with Mr. Yu

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Links2 :        Lakers Official Site