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Top Three Books This Week

My Webzinefor Girls aged between 12 and 16 from all around the world. feel free to contribute articles about whatever intersts you or is going on right now, (no unsuitable content, graphical or obcene, Thank you). I also need a good serial. Mine are terrible. If I don't get one soon, I'LL have to contribute one, and that won't be good at all.

Caroline My email is:
Films about Britain: America makes a few of these - not very frequently, but when they are made, WOW! they are so bad and innacurate! Luckier still, they are mostly just backdrops for other stories, but a few, such as Winning London are REALLY REALLY bad. I mean, does anyone really believe that everyone either talks like the Queen or all that Cockney rubbish? Me 'apples and pears??? I most certainly never have said "Cheerio". I most certainly do NOT live in a country house, have tea parties and play polo on the weekends. Some people do, but the other 80% of the population do not. Now, a really GOOD film is "Bend It Like Beckham". The way Jess' sister speaks is the way a lot of girls speak in England, and her culture and neighbourhood looks the same as most of the England I know in various forms. Unless you go to London, that is the England you might see, and I for one am proud of it. Enjoy the films about Britain for the face value, and dare I venture to say....the plot? Probably neither, but I beg of you, don't watch them to get an idea of what England is like. Go for a BRITISh film instead, made by a Brit.
December 14th
Dear Daddy Long-Legs,
I dreamed the funniest dream last night. I thought I went into a bookstore and the clerk brought me a new book named "The Life and Letters of Judy Abbott". I could see it perfectly plainly- red cloth binding with a picture of the John Grier home on the cover, and my portrait for a frontispiece with "Very truly yours, Judy Abbott" written below. But just as I was turning to the end to read the inscription on mt tombstone, I woke up! It was very annoying! I almost found out whom I'm going top marry and when I'm going to die.
From "Daddy Long-Legs" by Jean Webster

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