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What went wrong with Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Here is what we felt didn’t belong in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. We worked hard in our script to take out these parts and add in more of what we had gone to see, the Autobots and Decepticons. You can read more about our script Transformers 3: Awakening and why we feel it's the ideal script for the third Transformers movie.

Warning! Spoilers ahead!

1. Leo Spitz – This character was a total wimp. (Others I know have less kinder names for him.) From his over the top stupid screaming, to his potty mouth, to walking around with his pants and underwear around his ankles, tazering his private area, to landing on Mikaela, this character was totally out of place in the movie. Every time he screamed his mouth was so big Ravage could run through it. His constant need to talk about his own private parts or someone else’s really brought down any intelligence the writers tried to give him. Add to the fact that he turns chicken when he finds out everything he had been posting was real or when anything gets intense and you have a character that doesn't belong in the group with Sam.

2. Robots having human body functions and “sexually” looking parts – At first this idea was funny in the first movie (Transformers 2007), because it only happened once, and it happened to one of the annoying characters in the movie. Robots looking like they’re constantly passing gas and displaying what looks like male sex parts wore off with the second joke. The Transformers did not have any of these tasteless jokes anywhere in the comic books, first movie, or the Generation One cartoons.

3. The dogs – While the idea of two animals going at it can bring a few chuckles, this joke was not needed in the movie. Mojo was already getting too much screen time (when the movie should have focused more on the Transformers) and now they added in screen time with Mojo and another dog in heat!

Typically this joke is scene when a wildlife person or an innocent trip to the zoo goes to watch the animals or talk about them, and the animals do what they feel is natural to do right at that moment. What makes it funny is that its totally unexpected. The wildlife person is talking about the animal and going about the presentation when the animals in the background get busy. The wildlife person keeps talking, unaware of what’s going on until it’s pointed out to them.

Mojo and his friend’s antics were nothing more that a cheap version of a scene from Mike Judge’s cartoon Beavis and Butthead.

4. Sam’s parents – Now I can understand that most parents end up embarrassing their older kids, Ron and Judy seemed to go all out in humiliating Sam. Usually the joke would be showing a naked baby picture or talking about childhood antics. Instead Judy eats very heavily pot-laced brownies* and starts a mad scene of her antics. If pot-laced brownies were that easily available on a college campus, a lot more students would have been seen eating and acting like they ate them.

The actress who played this character was reported to have been nominated for a razzie. Even though this is a movie I was excited to see, her acting was that bad. The joke of Sam’s parents embarrassing him at every turn has gone very stale.

* If that happened on the campuses I attended, not only would the students be arrested, they could face loss of credits and expulsion from campus.

5. Wheelie – Here’s the worst thing to do with an Autobot. Take him from a capable battle-ready soldier and turn him into an annoying, pint-sized, potty mouthed character. Why did this character have the ability to read the language of the Primes, yet no other Autobot or Decepticon could read it? His constant need to attach himself to Mikaela’s leg is an imitation of an untrained dog was definitely not a characteristic shown in any of the Transformers universe.

6. Alice the pretender – The main idea of the pretender is not to bring attention and to stay part of crowd. Instead this pretender is barely wearing enough clothes to cover her backside, attracting a lot of attention, especially from the drooling Leo Spitz. I think this went from being a Decepticon to a guy’s fantasy of his own girl robot. Then top it off with her underwear exposed and a tail coming out from just the right point to draw more attention to it!

In the first movie, Sam had to be rescued from Barricade. This led to a car chase, a rescue by Bumblebee then a battle between Bumblebee and Barricade. Enter Alice the pretender. Instead of being rescued by his guardian, Sam is saved by Leo’s bumbling antics and Mikaela’s timely skills of hot-wiring a car. Sam’s guardian isn’t the one to destroy Alice. Instead she’s simply run over and smashed into a pole by Mikaela driving a car!

7. Giving the “twins” teeth. None of the Autobots and Decepticons eat human food, yet both Skids and Mudflap have prominent teeth! Add to that one golden tooth, and a constant need to focus on these two, and the whole movie is skewed to be around them, not the other Autobots! If fans keep tally, Skids and Mudflap have more screen time than Ratchet, Ironhide, and Jolt! The “twins” most noted to Transformers fans are Sunstreaker and Sideswipe. To replace them with two characters aimed at little kids specifically for the movie was a big let down.

Some may point out that Megatron had teeth as well. This was used to bring out his evil personality through his pointed teeth and evil smiles. Megatron’s lines were essential in the plot, and he needed more then his red optics to show his intent.

8. Simmon’s flashing his underwear – While this was a little bit funny in the first movie, note that he was wearing a pair of boxer shorts. In Revenge of the Fallen, he’s wearing the least amount of material that is required for a PG13 rating. Simmons is one of those characters that became essential to moving the plot along, but honestly, does this guy have to take his pants off in every movie?

9. All the plot holes
Autobots that appear and disappear.
Autobots created specifically for the movie, with the exception of Jolt, get more screen time then fan favorite Autobots like Ratchet.
The sudden appearance of an annoying government agent that some how managed to get enough power to take over the NEST group and order around the Autobots.
Leo Spitz taking over every scene with the humans and manages to be in all the essential scenes.
Leo Spitz and his friends can rig student dorm room assignments yet can’t get their video clips posted first.
The Allspark shard can’t revive Jazz or Optimus Prime, yet it can revive Jetfire.
Sam ending up at a college where all the girls have the same body type as Mikaela.
Judy getting her hands on pot-laced brownies yet no one else is eating them. Ron knowing what the plant on the bag looks like but Judy does not.
Wheelie finding out where Mikaela and Sam are yet none of the other Decpticons can find them.
No one but Wheelie can understand the language of the Primes and find Jetfire.
Minibots Skids and Mudflap, Autobots created specifically for the movie, end up taking on the largest Decepticon.
A scantily dressed pretender can find Sam on his college campus but no other Decepticon can.
Total – 12 plot holes

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Transformers, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Barricade, Wheelie, Mudflap, Skids, Ratchet, Megatron, Alice the Pretender, Jetfire, etc. are owned by Hasbro and Paramount.